Friday, August 9, 2013

Here Comes the Son

 Here Comes the Son
(click for Spotify soundtrack)

10. On the Day That He Was Born

Even though she looked like she was ready to burst for weeks...

...Julius didn't come early.. he came right on time. June 23rd -- his due date. Just in time for the super moon.

9. The Waiting

That being said... he didn't come easy. By our calculations, there was about 300 hours of intense labor leading up to it (Keep in mind, Math is not my strong suit) Anyway, while Lauren was working her way through those labor pains, I, like any good husband.. was right there by her side the entire time....

Except for that quick trip to Sweet Cheeks while she was under heavy medication... I wolfed down a burnt ends sandwich, and washed it down with a Left Hand Stout. Let's just hope he doesnt turn out to be one of those left-handed freaks.

(Sandwich not pictured as it wasnt sitting on the table long enough for me to snap a pic.)

When I returned from my lunch, she was still out cold.. so I passed the time with some netflix.. firing up one of my all-time favorites.. Quantum Leap.... never realized just how amazing an actor Scott Bakula is... I think this pic sums it up nicely..

8. Why Weigh

Despite several people asking/implying/wondering if she was having twins (see above) there was indeed just one baby in that belly... but he was a big one..

7. Homeward Bound

Much to our amazement, after two days they let us bring the little guy home... and unlike Prince William, I had no trouble getting him in that car seat and into our ride. Stupid brits.

We were a little nervous going home obviously, but when I saw this sign at Beth Israel on the way out.. I knew it was going to be all good

6. LL Cool J

Resigned not to let our new addition cramp our style (oh, to be young and ambitious) we decided to keep our plans to go to a wedding reception at Classy Morton's on the Waterfront, when Julius was just 5 days old. (Well, la dee da!)

Not only did he make one fine fashion assessory.. he immediately made all the ladies swoon, and was soon surrounded by three babes...

He's got his old man's touch!

Whoops.. I meant..

5. A slipper, a sand dollar, day at the shore

Next up -- Julius' 1st trip to the beach..

Despite the heat and humidity, he found himself quite comfortable.. unlike Daddy (not pictured for the sake of the children)

4. Nice Evening At Home That I Dread Even More

One thing we decided NOT to do with our newborn (after much deliberations) was bring him to phish tour. Funny, I always made fun of those hippies that I saw in the parking lot with their little babies.. but when the newborn was on the other brah, didnt seem like such a crazy idea. Nonetheless, cooler headies prevailed, and we decided to stay at home for couch tour... Julius was not impressed..

3. Sneakin'

Not to be denied... Mommy & Daddy decided to sneak away for one night at PNC and left Julius with his Grandma down in Joisey. Let's just say, there was something different about our cooler this year, just can't quite put my finger on it

And wouldn you know it...we leave him in NJ for one night.. and he turns into The Situation... it's okay, there's still time to correct the course..

2. On A Side Note

Did you know I was the answer on jeopardy recently? Weird!

1. Forever Loving Jah

And the rest, as they say, is history...

P.S. Full Show Friday.. couldn't resist!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, Julius is lucky to have such a wonderful Dad. Nice job, old man.
