Friday, November 22, 2013

Friday 15

1. Winner Winner

Lots of great links out there this week, but this truly won the internet this week. Could be the best music video of all time, but I guess that's what happens for videos 40 years in the making.. Just carve out some time and follow the link below. Good times

1A. Loser Loser
From the best video of all time.. to the worst. Of course, it's kinda like Kazam, in that it's so bad, it's actually good. Really good.


We've got a tie this week for best GIF.. 

1st) Welcome Back GuvnaH!

2nd) If you got it.. flaunt it.

The Belly Shake

3. Rob Ford Link of the Week

It's going to be truly sad times when this guy's heart explodes from a crack OD, and he's no longer around.. for now, let's just enjoy the ride. 

4. Competition of the Week

I was not aware this was an actual thing, but now that I know, the google alert has been set. 

Dai Macedo Wins 2013 Miss Bum Bum Competition, Despite Controversy 

 Dai Macedo

A 25-year-old model with a 42-inch bottom has been crowned Brazil's new Miss Bum Bum.
Dai Macedo, who represented the central state of Goias in the nationwide search for the woman with the most bodacious butt in all of Brazil, was chosen from among 15 finalists by the contest's grand jury in Sao Paolo this week.
"It's a lot of work, a lot of devotion," Macedo told Agence France-Presse by way of an interpreter. "I denied myself a lot of things. No nightclubs. No sweets. I went to the gym Saturdays and Sundays." 
The sacrifice is well worth it. Miss Bum Bum winners become instant celebrities in Brazil, and receive a fortune in endorsements.

Only in Brazil would this not only be a real thing, but would the winner's become instant superstars. So 3rd world... In America, at least you need a sex tape for that kind of insta-stardom.

5. Newspaper Column of the Week

No introduction needed on this one...

Today In Unfortunate Newspaper Column Placement

Today In Unfortunate Newspaper Column Placement

Catherine Cleary is a restaurant columnist for the Irish Times. This is neither a classified ad nor an invitation.

6. Explanation of the Week

I try to tell this to Lauren all the time, but she doesn't believe me.. sometimes, you just need to let some air in there... yknow, move things around.

William Gibson, Genital "Fluffer," Said He Was Just Airing Penis Out: Cops 

 William Gibson genital fluffer 

Let's hope those orange jumpsuits have a lot of breathing room.
William Gibson, 50, allegedly exposed himself outside a Goodwill store in Jensen Beach, Fla., earlier this month, then claimed he was "airing out" his penis, T.C. Palm reported Friday.
Gibson allegedly first stuck his hand down his pants and smelled his fingers before dropping his drawers. Then, according to a witness statement obtained by T.C. Palm, "All of a sudden [Gibson] just pulled down the front of his underware [sic], to expose his genitals, fluffing them."
A witness called sheriff's deputies, who say Gibson stated he was arrested merely for "airing out" his penis.

I like how he smelled his fingers, yknow, just to see what was up. Musta been pretty rank I guess, and that's why he needed to air em out. Sounds perfectly plausible to me.

 7. Project of the Week

 Really makes ya think, doesn't it.


"My Vagina Says" Project Met With Misogynist Response On Chinese Social Media

“May I ask who is prepared to marry these feminists?” one commenter asked.

College students at China’s Beijing Foreign Studies University didn’t anticipate the explosive reaction they would cause when they decided to post pictures of themselves holding up signs describing what their vaginas would say if they could talk.
To promote an upcoming performance of The Vagina Monologues, the photos were posted on Nov. 7 to a website students use called Renren, according to Foreign Policy.
“We want to talk about our vagina, to rediscover the power within our bodies and spirit,” the students wrote.
The photos apparently made their way to other social networking sites, including Weibo, China’s version of Twitter.
It didn’t take long for male users to begin criticizing the participants’ attractiveness and morals. The project “generated thousands of comments — most evincing an ugly strain of misogyny,” Foreign Policy reported.
“If no one told me they are from BFSU, I would think they are whores,” one wrote.
“What are we teaching in our schools? Are they the future of our country? They are a bunch of sluts. I feel so much pain for how far the Chinese civilization has fallen,” another said.
“May I ask who is prepared to marry these feminists?” someone else asked.
The photo series, which was translated by, follows:

In all seriousness, some of these women put real thought into theirs, and made important statements..

For example:

My vagina says: Don’t disturb unless you are sincere.

My vagina says: Don’t disturb unless you are sincere.


My vagina says: Please don’t use love as an excuse…

My vagina says: Please don’t use love as an excuse…

And then.. you get to the one American woman on the list...


Yup. Sounds about right.


8. Twitter Feed of the Week

You never saw this one coming.... but this week's Twitter champ is... Martha Stewart!

Ok, actually, its the people who are commenting on just how awful her twitter feed is.

 For example:

Best slow cooked onion soup with baguette croutons and gruyere and Comte cheese melted on top. Garden onions
That soup pic looks like a toilet bowl after an attack of intestinal flu.

9. Reunion of the Week

Eddie and Arsenio edition!


10. Genius of the Week

Whoever came up with the idea to have R Kelly do this..


11. Slideshow of the Week

 Celebrities.. when they were young!


Few notes.. 

1st.. wow.. Hellen Mirren was super hot!

Helen Mirren Age 25

25 Celebrities When They Were Young

Sean Connery..was not

Sean Connery Age 23

25 Celebrities When They Were Young



Eminem was a nerd 

Eminem Age 16

25 Celebrities When They Were Young


Steve Carrell was a sexual predator....

Steve Carrell Age 22

25 Celebrities When They Were Young


Dr Dre is actually Grace Jones' brother!

Dr. Dre Age 21

25 Celebrities When They Were Young


George Clooney was a woman!

George Clooney Age 15

25 Celebrities When They Were Young


And Betty White was a whore!

Betty White Age 20

25 Celebrities When They Were Young



12. Cover(s) of the Week

Rift.. bluegrass version

Stayin Alive.. Les Claypool version. 

Audio only, but still awesome nontheless. Its a Jazzy version of Layla from a Clapton/Wynton Marsalis concert (I guess since it's Clapton doing it, its not really a cover.. but who cares. Just shut the fuck up and watch it)

13. Flashback of the Week

In lieu of a Full Show Friday.. I give you.. a 45-minutes Dazed & Confused.. could be long enough for a full show, if we're talking say.. a rap concert.

Flashback | Led Zeppelin's 45-Minute Dazed And Confused

 From 1969 to 1975 "Dazed And Confused" often served as the centerpiece of Led Zeppelin's live performances. Over the years the band extended the song with multiple guitar solos, including one Jimmy Page played with a violin bow, and often teased other material in the middle. Before the legendary rockers retired "Dazed And Confused" in May of 1975, they "took it out" as far as it could go, with one version hitting the 45-minute mark.

The longest "Dazed And Confused" Led Zeppelin played took place at The Forum in Inglewood, CA on March 27, 1975. Now, jam fans know all too well that length and quality don't always go hand-in-hand and there are underwhelming segments within the piece, but there are also plenty of magical moments such as an exceptional trio improv around the 23-minute mark and the flurry of high-intensity riffs from Page that starts at 32-minute mark and lasts for nearly five minutes.
Take a listen to a recording of the longest "Dazed And Confused" in Led Zeppelin history:

14.  Partial Show Friday

OK, it's not quite a Full Show... but if you go Dazed and Confused into this.. makes for a nice lil set.. Happy Birthday Duane!

Happy Birthday Duane Allman | Live At Fillmore East 1970

Duane Allman would have turned 67 today had he lived and after all these years we still think there are few guitarists better than "Skydog." As we've mentioned there's sadly little footage of Duane available for viewing, but the few clips there are show off why he's at the top of many "best guitarists" lists.

 The Allman Brothers Band's September 23, 1970 performance at Bill Graham's Fillmore East was recorded for a PBS special. A 30-minute segment of the amazing footage circulates and includes Graham's intro, "Don't Keep Me Wonderin'," "Dreams," "In Memory Of Elizabeth Reed" and "Whipping Post." About a year ago a cleaned up version of the video was posted to YouTube featuring the best quality of the footage we've ever seen. Check it out:

15. Sad Day In History

Last but not last.. I'd like to take a moment to mourn a very huge loss. Of course, meant so much to so many people through the years, but the legacy will live on... RIP winamp! We had so many happy hours together.. I'll never forget you and all your crazy skins and visualizations! I love you!

Winamp shutting down after over 15 years

The famous media player Winamp will shut down next month, over 15 years after its initial release. Though Winamp eventually lost popularity, in the late '90s and early 2000s it was one of the go-to media players for listening to local music or radio streams. In 2002, Winamp's maker, Nullsoft, was acquired by AOL for over $80 million in stock, where it's remained in development until now. A Mac and an Android version were even released in recent years, though they never found the same fan base that its customizable Windows client did.
No reason is given for Winamp's shutdown, but its popularity has certainly waned: simple, built-in audio solutions like iTunes are now ubiquitous across platforms, making Winamp a far more specialized app. In a retrospective published last year, Ars Technica reported that Winamp had existed for years on life support, but that those involved didn't believe it was dead yet. Now that it's nearly gone, those who want to relive old times should head over to Winamp's site before December 21st, when it'll no longer be available — its famous motto, of course, will always live on somewhere.

Good piece here too on the legacy, and the downfall ... sorry, I gotta go find a kleenex..



Friday, November 15, 2013

Coked up mayors, drunken school presidents, and one diabolical genius


And the Gif of the week goes to... 


More goodies here.. thanks FOD

2. Rob Ford Quote of the Week

Yes, this guy deserves his own weekly segment.. could even give him a daily at this point...

3. Drunken Ramble of the Week

Go Blue! (Apparently, she thought this meant down several bombay saphire's before the game..

She maintains she was not drinking..of course, I think that probably upset Michigan fans more than anything..

4. Slideshow of the Week

I present to you... 29 Extremely Misleading Pictures

Some of these are oldies but goodies, but still, some awesome ones in here.. for example:

5. 2nd best Slideshow of the Week

26 innocent things that will make you feel filthy

9. And these games.

And these games.

Oh, those wacky cat owners...

13. This aquarium ad that’s probably very distracting to drivers.

This aquarium ad that's probably very distracting to drivers.As JB would say... "I check my dipstick... you neeed lubrication, honey.."

6. Clever Marketing Ploy of the Week

He may play dumb.. but Gronk is actually an evil genius.

7. Technological Advancement of the Week

Perhaps.. of all time. Move over sliced bread!

8. Tell-All of the Week

The Cherry Pie chick Tells All! Even shit we don't want to know.. such as:

Dave Navarro, guitarist for Jane’s Addiction and the Red Hot Chili Peppers, was the first guy I felt crazy passion for since Tommy. But the first night I met him was truly freaky.

My friend called to tell me she’s over at Dave’s house after a night at the club and invited me over.
The tattooed rock star opened the door naked with a shotgun wearing a feather boa and sunglasses.
“I’m so glad you came,” he said. “I’m downstairs f - - king that starf - - ker. I’ll put on a video.”
It was a video of Dave masturbating. I was beyond weirded out, but I played it cool until he came upstairs with my friend, walked her out and slapped a sticker that said “starf - - ker” on her back.
Umm, ok.


9. Fued of the Week

Wish I had neighbors like this... "sounds like you could use a hand..."

Chicago Neighbors Fight Over Loud Sex In Apartment Building Via Passive-Aggressive Notes (PHOTO)

For two Chicago neighbors, the thin line between love and hate is apparently the paper-thin wall separating their apartments.

Frustrated by the loud sex noises coming from next door, a fed-up tenant in a Boystown apartment building penned a "pipe down" missive to the neighbor -- and then slapped it on her front door.

Instead of being shamed into silence, however, "The girl in 517" shot back with a note of her own.

10. Flashback of the Week

Redman cribs!

11. Full Show Friday

Sorry non-hippie types.. it's Phish.. 11/2/13

Last night of an epic tour.. lots of good jams, and oh yeah, a Theme From Shaft jam for good measure.. actually it read something like:

Theme from the bottom >
Theme from Shaft >
Theme from the bottom

Safe to say it was the best Theme from the bottom of all time...

Have a great weekend yawl!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Back to basics

1. Breakfast of Champions 
(aka Usain in the Membrane)

What does the fastest man on the planet eat? The answer may surprise you.. 

Although, it could also explain why he runs so fast... racing to the deucer..

Usain Bolt: Torrid sex, baton fights and 1,000 Chicken McNuggets
How do I get a Jam bib?

2. And Speaking of Champions

Hey, remember when the Red Sox won the World Series? That was awesome. So is this montage a 'BZ editor put up on vimeo. Epicness.

3. Judgement Day

Today.. Rock, Paper, Scissors.. Tomorrow.. WORLD DOMINATION!

Of course, like its Human teachers.. it figured out the best way to ensure victory is cheating.

4. Police Log

Using the whole fist there, Officer?

The WORST hit & run ever

Mayor Gone Wild (Maybe if Menino smoked some crack he would be able to articulate his sentences)

5. Headline of the Week

I guess you can get away with a little more overseas... but either way, bravo Huff Post.

6. Tweet of the Week / #FF

For some reason, I never followed Will Ferrell on twitter until this week.. dont know what I was thinking bc this dude's feed is pure comedic gold. For example..

I hope that one day I can be as proud about anything as my cat is about his asshole.

7. Kimmel Hates Kids

I guess he does this every year, but I'd never seen it before. Fucking priceless.

8. So Long, Snoop Lion

Hello Snoopzilla

9. Long(ish) Reads of the Week

Few good ones I came across.. and a little something for everybody..

RIP Blockbuster Video (for real this time) (and the amazing story of their meteoric rise to superstoredom)

10. A Closer Look

Desperate times call for desperate measures on the today show..

Al Roker on His Live ‘Today’ Prostate Exam

Co-hosts Matt Lauer and Al Roker had their prostates probed live on the air. Al Roker explains how they got the idea—and why it wasn’t about ratings. 


It wasn't about ratins? No shit.. why would anyone want to tune in to see that.. even the co-anchors couldn't believe it. 

11. Fundraising Campaign of the Week

How come this never happens to me when I'm walking down the street.. although, I guess it depends on who exactly is doing the "cupping"

Women Respond to 'Motorboating for Cancer' by Cupping Balls for Cancer

12. Unearthed Gems of the Week

Belichick Mic'd Up  (Pedroia? That dude's like 150 lbs!)

13. Full(ish) Show Friday

New documentary about the Hendrix experience bringing the fyaah to Miami.. Rolling stone posted this sneak peak the night before it was on PBS.. but you can also watch the entire thing here. Iz nice. I love how everyone in the crowd is sitting down. Easy to forget that people used to NOT dance at concerts. Of course, if you go to see the Allmans nowadays, some people still don't dance. But that's because they're old.

I wonder why all these kids are sitting on their ass at my shows... is it my solos? the acid? Probably both..

15.  Mensch of the Week

Who says New Yorkers are assholes? Ok, I do. But at least there's one dude who is not.. and obv..he's a Jew. Shabbot Shalom Bitches!

Sleeping Stranger Subway Picture On Q Train Defines Empathy And Is A Lesson In Being Good


Redditor Braffination wrote, "Heading home on the Q train yesterday when this young black guy nods off on the shoulder of a Jewish man. The man doesn't move a muscle, just lets him stay there. After a minute, I asked the man if he wanted me to wake the kid up, but he shook his head and responded, 'He must have had a long day, let him sleep. We've all been there, right?'"

Monday, November 4, 2013

Put Your Wingsuit On

1.  Worst Restaurant Name

Yep. We ate at "The Rim" and then Phish proceeded to sing about "Shaft" and "Bush." You figure it out....

However unfortunate the name.. they did make a mean bowl of soup..

Minced shrimp and pork dumplings.. if you are only going to eat one meal a day pre-show..I highly suggest it.

 2. Worst Floor Name

Not sure why you'd ever want to get off on the "cluster fuck" floor.. but surprisingly, when we did by accident.. there was cool shit happening there. Perhaps it's because everyone was turned off by the button...

3. Worst Premonition of the Run

As someone who was calling "Thriller" all Fall long... I took this as a positive sign it was "all happening." I was wrong. But that's probably for the best. I mean, do you really want to hear Trey try to sing "Baby Be Mine?" 

Ironically, that jackpot corresponds to the amount of times I've listened to "Wombat" since I got home... and counting...

Finishing as a close runner up... this premonition also proved misleading. They'll dust it off one of these days! Maybe...

4. Best Seats of the Run

Friday night.. ended up maybe 3 rows back. Closest I've been for a GA show since probably the Clifford Ball.. it was worth the wait. Whole different world up there. Somehow, you actually have dancing room! That somehow is because when dudes try to crash the space, other dudes physically grab them and toss them to the side (Sorry brah in the plastic yellow shades!) The trick to keeping your space... as always.. keep on dancing... 

 5. Best Group Costume of Halloween

I didn't see everyone, but this group took the cake in my book... they spared no expense too. Legit uniforms, and I even saw the dude pissing in a sink in the bathroom, Tom Hanks style. And yes, in case you are wondering.. there's no crying at a Phish show... unless you are Mr. Miner during that Twist jam...

6. Best Individual Costume of Halloween

Lots of great costumes once again. Lots of creativity, but I mean..  this girl brought out the electronics and shit! And it worked! Note the awesome commentary by yours truly..

7. Best Dancer of the Run

I did my best to take the mantle... breaking out all sorts of new moves I polished on couch tour... but try as I might I could not wrest the crown from this guy...

And in case you're wondering.. this whole Phish apperance is already doing wonders to revitalize Vigoda's career! Do I smell a Fish TV show remake?

WGN Video: Abe Vigoda on wearing wombat suit at ‘Phish’ concert, ‘Godfather’ memories

8. Best Improvised Head Gear of the Run

I actually bought my first baseball cap since Junior High on the way down to AC, after going to a Champs Sports in CT only to find they didn't sell the Sox Championship T's. And even though I finally found one that fit (size 8 for those of you scoring at home..yep, I know, it's huge)... I found that these fit me a little better...

In case you can't make it out.. yes, those are panties. And yes, they read: PARTY ANIMAL.

9. Best Julius of the Run for your favorite below..but I think we all know who's winning this one...

A) Caesar
 Taken at his palace.. though I don't think he actually stayed there....

B) Erving

Taken at "The White House Sub Shop".. home of the amazing Chicken Parm breakfast sub...

C) The Wombat

Cuddly..but muscular..

10. Top 10 Quotes of the Run

And last but not least... the list within a list.. whoa. I think I just blew my own mind there...

10. "Phish fans are the nicest people in the United States."
-Our cabbie on the way to Boardwalk Hall

9. "I don't know about other people, but Atlantic City is my own slice of personal paradise"

8. Saw: A little extra mustard on that Sample...
Millertime: Yeah, but it's still a hot dog

7. Saw: Did that Ghost>Carini do anything for ya?
Michael: I'm human ain't I? 

(although, that is debatable after this run...)

6."Tell Mike it was only business. I always liked him."
 -Abe Vigoda
(Don Gordleone.. taking care of business)

5. "This is going to be the best album ever"
-Me, upon reading the Phishbill pre-show, on Halloween

4."Hooters was the chillest scene we could find"

 (Yes, that's what happens when the Jersey Shore takes over The Trop post show)

3. "92 years old... and he dances his off.. in a Wombat suit."
-El Trey

2. "It's amazing what can go on under a bush when you've got your OG kush"
-El Trey

1. "Recapturing old magic is good. Creating new magic is better."
-Yours Truly