Thursday, November 13, 2014

Fixing the Internet

1. Breakin' 2 (Electric Booty-loo)


By now, you've seen the pictures, perhaps even read the article (doubt it).. perhaps even downloaded the pictures and made them your wallpaper (ahem, I totally am not talking about myself).. but if KKK's intention was to really break the internet with her top and tails, it didn't work. In fact, those pictures only showed why the internet is oh. so right.

1st up...
Homer Kardashian

Yes, that's a sideways butt

Not to be outdone... Peter Griffin Kardashian

And of course, this was inevitable.. the Dirty Sanchez Kardashian

Naturally, the folks at buzz feed had some fun trying to recreate their own magic butt shots

But the very best comes to us from our Two Cheeks One Cup correspondent..

Well it certainly got people talking and tweeting.. among other things..

2. And Speaking of Internet Backfires

In his defense, there were no Memes, Twitters, and Photoshops in the 80's. You crazy kids!

The Bill Cosby #CosbyMeme Hashtag Backfired Immediately

3. You Thought That Was Bad

Yes, even my beloved Patriots learned a valuable lesson in Internets. I think we can safely assume it was Peyton Manning who made that phony twitter account, amirite?

New England Patriots Twitter Thank You Includes N-Word

4. When Athletes Talk Science

Bad things happen...

Jose Canseco Tweets Some Very Reasonable Thoughts About the Comet Landing

Comet Transport is the key to our survival .

Of course, because once Humans get so gigantic from steroid use that cars cannot physically move then, we will have to use Comets to get around! But, not to be outdone... old friend Curt Schilling threw his hat into the crazy ring....

Where are the fossils for all the 'MISSES" in your Evolution theory? Elephants bred elephants, and will for a thousand years right?

My brain hurts a lot.

5. Speaking of Elephants!

Now that is what you call a fucking transition!

Feisty Elephant fends off attack by 14 lions

It's not as great as the Battle at Kruger..  or the Battle of Mr. Kruger...  But it's pretty cool

6. Awlright, Awlright, Awlright

As awesome as that is, the award for stupid pet trick of the week goes to this guy.

7. Caught on Camera

You just can't get away with anything these days..

Watch This Soccer Fan Pick His Nose And Then Wipe It On A Woman's Head

8. Patriots Porn

This is actually from before the bye week, but it still gives me a semi....

9. Headline of the Week

It just doesn't get much better than this...

Bad Molly Takes Colorado State Student On Insane, Masturbatory Rampage

Bad Molly Takes Colorado State Student On Insane, Masturbatory Rampage
We've heard of poppin' some molly and sweatin', but not popping molly, snorting some coke, car-jacking an ambulance, careening every which way through traffic, and then jerking off in the police station. That'd probably make for a better song, though.
The above scenario was just a night out for Colorado State student Stefan Sortland. Sortland took the above-mentioned drugs before heading off to a Halloween party. At some point in the night, Sortland noticed an empty ambulance outside, and thought, Shit, time for some joy riding! According to police reports acquired by Denver's ABC 7, police tracked the vehicle and found it in bad shape:
Loveland police officers said they found the ambulance in the middle of Highway 34 with several doors open, heavy front-end damage and fluid leaking.
One officer said it appeared the driver of the ambulance had hit the raised median, jumped the curb, hit a sign, went the wrong way and crossed back over the median before stopping.
Officers said they found 18-year-old Stefan Sortland standing about 30 yards from the stopped ambulance wearing an EMT vest. Officers shot him with a stun gun when he refused their commands. Sortland had a blanket, a cell phone and a box of Wheat Thins with him.
After eventually subduing the 18-year-old, the cops took him back to the station, where more hijinks ensued:
Sortland was taken to the Loveland Police Department.
There he "stood on a bench, kicked the wall, and masturbated," according to the police report.
Police said during his interview with officers, Sortland made a reference that his "friends/roommates were dead, in heaven, and had committed suicide."

I cannot confirm this report, but I saw on twitter Wes Welker is his dealer... Zing!

10. PSA of the Week

The more you know..

11. FSF

Now, as many of you know, I have a problem. I admit this... and admittance is the first step, right? Anyway, you see, I listen to music all the time. Even when I take the dog for a walk, I have my phone blasting music in my pocket. No headphones needed. Even for a 2 min walk around the grounds. And when I listen to music, I'd say about 90% of the time, it's Phish. And those other 10% of the times, I'm just thinking:  "man, this isn't as good as Phish, what was I thinking?" Even worse, after this past Halloween show, not only has that percentage risen to about 98%, but I now only listen to one particular set of Phish... set 2 from Halloween night.

For those of you that don't know, for their musical costume they "covered" the Chilling, Thrilling Sounds of the Haunted House... a Disney sound effects record from the 60's. And yes, it's even more read-Icculus than it sounds. Essentially, the record is narrated by some freaky ass woman with an amazingly spooky voice.. and it's all stories and sound effects. Upon a reissue, the 2nd side was just the sound effects by themselves, with the idea that the kids could make their own spooky stories using them. And oh, did Phish deliver. Even if you don't like Phish, even if you despise them,  I am fairly certain you will dig this. Even Santos was getting down, and he's the biggest Phish hater in all the land... In fact, as the Professor would say, it is the Future of Sound.

At the very least, you never have to worry about the playlist for your Halloween Parties ever again. It's just that good. Here's that set in all it's glory. Technically, it's not a "Full Show", but it's still the nastiest thing I've ever posted on this blog, and I think it will reign supreme for quite some time. Enjoy!

In fact, I think I'll enjoy it with you.. for the 100th time in the past two weeks...#They Attack!

- Z

Friday, October 3, 2014

Biden's, Stoners, and Bears.. oh my!


So many good ones from Funnyordie this week.. 

a few gems:

Nic Cage Happiness.gif

Catcher Head Throw.gif

Duck Bite.gif

Poor bastard

2. Headline of the Week

Came via tweet: (no pun intended)

The Internet is very excited to see Ben Affleck's penis

3. Quote of the Week

In all seriousness, Biden could be my favorite politician of all time...

Image via Associated Press
Vice President Joe Biden came to Cambridge on Thursday to speak at the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum at Harvard University’s Institute of Politics, and he didn’t disappoint.
Before Biden stepped on the stage, where he immediately began cracking jokes, begging people to refrain from jumping off the balcony above him, David Ellwood, Dean of the John F. Kennedy School of Government, softened the blow by facetiously informing attendees that the VP is known for his slip of the tongue.
He doesn’t really hate being Vice President:
When Sietse Goffard identified himself as Harvard’s student council Vice President, the first words out of Biden’s mouth were, “isn’t it a bitch, that Vice President thing?”
Amid resounding laughter, Biden repeatedly reassured attendees that he was being playful, and that he has no qualms with being second in command. “That was a joke. I’m joking, I’m joking. Best decision I ever made,” he said.

4. Coming Soon
Awl  right, awl right, awl right.. 

Also, in preparation for the new season of Walking Dead (next sunday!) The folks at "bad lip reading" have put together another one of their masterpieces..

5. Holy Cow
Ok, I have to admit I haven't watched a new Simpsons episode in quite some time, and while I was planning to DVR the premiere since it was the highly anticipated Family Guy crossover.. I forgot. I'm sure I'll find it online somewhere, but in the meantime.. apparently the opening couch sequences have gotten even more ridiculous than I remember..

6. Interview of the Week
First of all..he's 56. Wow. I think that means we are all old too. 2nd, sadly he does not mention anything about blueberry pancakes..but he does quote a lil known scripture:

"The Bible says you're not supposed to sign your inheritance away."

Amen .

7. Luxury Box

Thank you, thank you..remember to tip your waitress (just the tip)

 8. Smarter Than the Average Bear

Hey boo boo!

Genius Bear Is Too Smart And Strong For Bullshit-Ass Electric-Deer Gag (click link for video)

Some scientist or whatever decided he wanted to hang an electrified deer carcass in the woods in order to see what would happen when a bear tried to eat the deer. Why did he do this? I don't know, man. Because he's a dickhead. But the good news is that this experiment was quickly and thoroughly torn to shit by a smart and cool bear.
Our hero bear, perhaps sensing that something was amiss, approaches the carcass cautiously at first. He touches it with its snout, and immediately receives a shock of electricity that sends him running. A normal and dumb bear would have probably been like, "Fuck this shit, I'm out," but this, I'll remind you, is a smart and good bear.
He returns to prod at the carcass again, receiving his second shock. But then the bear comes back a third time, and disconnects the car battery from Mr. Dickhead Scientist's torture rig. The bear is encouraged, but continues to proceed with caution:
Genius Bear Is Too Smart And Strong For Bullshit-Ass Electric-Deer Gag
False alarm! The deer carcass is no longer electrified, and the bear knows it. Now is the time to strike:
Genius Bear Is Too Smart And Strong For Bullshit-Ass Electric-Deer Gag
Fuck you and your bear-zapping roadkill, motherfucker. This bear is eatin'.
h/t Michael

9. Dumber than the average Dumberer

In all fairness..does anyone really know how many electoral votes their state has?

Video: When Jimmy Kimmel tests stoners on current events … um, yikes

Yikes, this Jimmy Kimmel video is funny.
Kimmel sent one of his men to an L.A.-area medical marijuana shop to quiz customers on their way in. Each person was asked two questions — one on current events, another on cannabis culture.
So “Who’s the pope right now?” would be followed up with “What’s Pizza Hut’s new crust stuffed with?” “How many electoral votes does California get?” would be followed up with “How many grams in an ounce?” “Who’s the Speaker of the House?” would be followed up with “Who’s the star of ‘Big Momma’s House’?”
You get the picture.
Sure, the results were smartly edited — showing a youth that is more aware of ubiquitous television commercials than the world leaders shaping global policy. But it’s all good fun regardless.


10. No-Duh of the Week


Did I really need a critic to tell me this?


‘Left Behind’ Review: Nicolas Cage’s Bible Movie Is God-Awful

Overt Christian messages and Nicolas Cage’s omnipresence are not the only reasons why this film about the rapture is terrible. The true apocalypse is that it has no soul.


* * *


I love that promo pic though.. I may have a new cubicle decoration...


11. Radio Interview of the Week

No wonder this guy's a professional golfer.. talk about cool under pressure. And I've never heard it before but "oh Jingos" is my new exclamation of choice.. 



12. Happy Happy


In other old folks news, Trey Anastasio, aka Big Red, aka The Skinny Guinea.. turned 50 years old this week. And needless to say, it had the internets a buzz..



- Nice roll down memory lane to when Trey abandoned Phish for some stupid group called Oysterhead, and that whole Tab with 4  piece horns.. what a douche. 

(best quote:

On the highway minutes later, en route to nearby Burlington—Phish’s birthplace—Trey can’t stop talking about Oysterhead. The trio features Anastasio, bassist Les Claypool (Primus) and drummer Stewart Copeland (the Police). He pops in the new CD, tentatively titled The Grand Pecking Order, and cranks the stereo up to eleven. It is the first time he has heard the album in sequence and by his own account he is bouncing off the walls with anticipation. Midway through the first track, “Little Faces,” I am startled by a thunderous power chord that sounds like the work of a heavy metal guitarist. "Is that you?" I ask, puzzled. "Did you get some new gear?"
He loves that I am confused by the new tone. "It's great, isn't it?" he says with an infectious grin. "I've always wanted to play like this, but I've been in a band with a bunch of fucking hippies." He chuckles and cautiously adds, “myself included.”

  -Nice lil list put together by Relix of 15 classic Trey moments.. 

My personal favorite.. as always..



-And from my own travels, we can't celebrate the man's birthday w/o celebrating a good ol fashioned Trey Face.

Rip it, Trey! 


13. FSF

In honor of El Trey...  and as much as I love Phish (you guys know I love Phish, right) I wouldn't mind a lil Oysterhead reunion.... here's why:

 Happy Friday Yawl!


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Deep Thoughts

1. The Lead

2.  And in other "news"

Best Resignation Ever (Worst Anchor Recovery Ever)

Best Promo Ever (why didn't I think of this)

3. #FF

The Cobain family, early 90s

Thursday, September 11, 2014

One (or more) Good Thing About Music

1. Cover of the Week

It's even more amazing than you might thing..

In one of those often unitentionally goofy attempts of an older, established artist trying to be hep with the young cats and kittens, the great Ella Fitzgerald recorded a live set in 1969 with Ernie Hecksher’s Big Band and the Tommy Flanagan Trio in San Francisco where she mixed some pop standards of the day with some perhaps more avant garde choices. Well, at least one…
It’s fairly innocuous stuff for the most part (Bacharch and David, Lennon McCartney) but who would have expected the First Lady of Song to cover Cream’s “Sunshine of Your Love”? And yet cover it she did. It’s not too bad, either. In fact, Fitzgerald made it the album’s title and a part of her live act for a while, even performing this improbable number during her concert at the Montreux Jazz Festival that year:

2. #FF

Jerry Garcia

Storyteller, leader, icon.
We Are Everywhere ✌ 

* * *

Phil bombs on the Wall of Sound 

3. Music Video of the Week

Is it just me, or are music videos getting more and more budget.. I mean, makes sense, since where do they even run these days.. but yikes, it's almost like they aren't even trying anymore.

I'd love to hear what the original song is.. you know it's gotta be better than this "T.I." crap.

4. Et, Tu?

So, I go to put on some music for Jah the other day (the boy is obsessed with music. 1st thing he does in the morning is point to the lil bluetooth speaker I have and start wailing until I put on some music. We've created a monster. Albeit a cute one..)

But I digress. So I open up the itunes app on my phone, and hit shuffle (since, it really doesn't matter if you go Surfin Bird > Yakety Yak..or Vice Versa)..and what do I hear? Some crappy U2 tune! I sure as shit never downloaded this shit. Then, I figured out what happened..

Bono talks U2's surprise album, 'Songs of Innocence'

(Kevin Winter/Getty Images)
(Kevin Winter/Getty Images)

U2 surprised the world Tuesday by releasing "Songs of Innocence," their first album in five years, as a gift from Apple. It was available for free immediately to anyone with iTunes.

The band made the announcement with Apple CEO Tim Cook at a Cupertino press conference for the new iPhone 6, capping the event with a performance of the album's first single, "The Miracle (of Joey Ramone)."

"I found my voice through Joey Ramone because I wasn't the obvious punk-rock singer, or even rock singer," Bono said. "I sang like a girl -- which I'm into now, but when I was 17 or 18, I wasn't sure. And I heard Joey Ramone, who sang like a girl, and that was my way in."

* * *

So.. to clarify.. he's into singing like a girl.. ok, perfect. Because he's nailing it! But, am I being harsh? Is it perhaps just one bad tune of the bunch? Let's see what the internet thinks..(cuz I ain't hearing the rest) How to Download and Delete the New U2 Album Ten things to do with an unwanted U2 album

My personal favorite:

3. When you are feeling low or uninspired, simply take a moment to look at the Songs of Innocence icon and its play count of zero, and remind yourself that things could always be worse. 

-Of course, it did get Rolling stone thinking about the most innovative album releases of all time.


Strangely, Dog and Saw releasing our first album via two cans and a string did not make the cut...

 Minds were blown... but only our own

5. Cumming Soon

-Stevie is taking Songs in the Key of Life on the road.. and it's coming to Boston in November. (Sadly, I think it's a lil too close for Vegas for me to leave the house...)

-Medeski, Martin and Wood re-uniting with John Scofield for yet another installment of Medeski, Scofield, Martin and Wood.. and you can stream it for free here...for a lil bit.

-Also check out these interesting recommendations from Jambase's Neddyo... (does this sound like something you might be interested in? Sure does to me

"Groovy and brainy it’s world-swallowing, with bits of Afrobeat and funk and psych-rock and electronic and jazz and who knows what else. Twenty killer tracks, Underworld is a breath of fresh air. This is a powerhouse, must-listen album. ")

6. And in Headie News

Former Grateful Dead keyboardist, Tom Constanten.. AKA.. Gandelf the White

T.C. was originally from New Jersey, grew up in Las Vegas and eventually found himself, albeit briefly, at the University of California, Berkeley, where in 1961, he met Phil Lesh, a fellow enthusiast for modern classical music and avant-garde composers. A detour into the Air Force beginning in 1965 might have taken Constanten far afield, but his hunger for challenging music and a bit of dabbling in LSD kept him in the game. After his discharge, he went from the military to the Grateful Dead overnight.
“Culture shock is my life,” Constanten says. “As soon as I was out of the clutches of the Air Force, I was on my way to Ohio to play with the band.”

Yes, that guy tripped some serious balls.. here's proof

7. Sit-in of the Week


8. Headline(s) of the week.. 

-Walmart Shoplifter Takes $85 Worth Of Mayonnaise, Leaves Baby Behind (Only in Wal-Mart)

-Man takes Delray Beach police on wild chase, stops to play with cats (Only in Florida)

-Justin Bieber's Abs Cannot Save Him (Can't they? Can't they?)
-Cumming Man Ditches 'Atrocious' Beavers (No, this isn't an Onion article)

But perhaps the best headline of all time..

Teen May Get 2 Years For Pic Of Fake Oral Sex With Jesus

 But just gets better..

Will this boy get punished for coming to Jesus?
A Pennsylvania teen may face up to two years behind bars for allegedly taking a photo of himself simulating oral sex with a statue of Jesus, Kron 4 reports.
jesus statue blurred

Now that is how you fucking write a lead!

(Editor's note: Pin that shit!)

9. Long Read of the Week

"His sense of humor is rural Texas hipster."

They have hipsters in Texas? Does dubya know about this?

10. My Goodness, My Guiness

My personal favorite:

Antanas Kontrimas - Heaviest Weight Lifted With Beard

I hear Chuck Norris is already training for next year

11. Uh Oh, Snoop

Looks like you've met your stoner match.. And as amazing as it is watching these two dudes talk about all the strands they have tried (my personal favorite: Heroinajica), the music video at the very end makes this the best episode of GGN ever..


12. Tweet of the Week

Well played, sir.

"Five long years Steve Jobs wore this watch up his ass."