Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Musicians Gone Wild (and some other crap..literally)

1. Nugent's Greatest Hits

And I'm not talking about his music.. besides, I think that would just be greatest "hit"...

‘Chop Their Heads Off’ and More of Ted Nugent’s Crazy Comments (Video)

Ted Nugent drew criticism—and the attention of the Secret Service—after making violent comments about President Obama at the NRA conference in St. Louis. But this is not the first time he has uttered controversial words. Watch Ted Nugent’s most bizarre rants. 

Lots of great ones there, but this is my personal favorite: Get Him, Rosie!




2.  Don't Mess With the Beebs

Or his Beliebers will get you!

Just look at those menacing stares.
Justin Bieber has put Patrick Carney on blast to his 34 million Twitter followers, after The Black Keys’ drummer made disparaging comments about the pop singer around Sunday night’s Grammy awards. Carney—never one to hold his tongue—told TMZ that Bieber didn’t deserve any Grammys, because “Grammys are for like music, not for money… and he’s making a lot of money. He should be happy.”
Carney apparently hit the singer where it hurts, because earlier today Bieber (Who totally knows how to play drums too, okay?) tweeted that “The Black Key drummer should be slapped around,” adding a “haha,” like he didn’t really want his massive army of tiny minions to actually go all street justice on the Akron-bred Key. Still, that “haha” might not hold up in court should anything really bad go down, especially considering that more than 30,000 Beliebers have already retweeted it, with some adding comments like the very enthusiastic “THAT’S MY BOY,” or assuring Bieber that his “stuff is more cred than the bkeys (music for dudes with white pony tails aka bad 80s blues rock aka jack white rip offs).”

For a dude who looks like a teenage lesbian, he's pretty thug!


3. Strictly Commercial

Zappa did a commercial??!? WHaaaa


 (other crap:)

4. The Family That "Joe's" Together...

From our "in through the out door" correspondant... 

 Couple injects bucket full of fresh-brewed joe into their colons up to 100 times a month

Tina and Mike are “addicted” to coffee enemas.

Couple injects bucket full of fresh-brewed joe into their colons up to 100 times a month
Science Recorder | James Fluere | Sunday, February 10, 2013

In what might be the most head-turning episode of TLC’s “My Strange Addiction” yet, a Florida couple has admitted to being “addicted” to coffee enemas. Mike and Trina, who declined to give their last name, need coffee enemas on a daily basis to function normally. Without irrigating her colon with a bucket full of fresh-brewed joe, Trina ends up in the emergency room with kidney stones. The couple reportedly gives themselves a coffee enema up to four times a day and up to 100 times a month.
Trina recently told ABCNews.com that she started the coffee enemas because she was suffering from digestive problems. She said that injecting the bucket full of fresh-brewed joe into her colon gives her a sense of “euphoria,” which would make sense given the number of capillaries and blood vessels in the lower intestine.
To perform the unusual ritual, Mike and Tina must insert a Vaseline-coated hose into their rectum.
“That’s the freaky part,” Trina told ABCNews.com. “So I try to relax.”

Right, right, right... THAT'S the freaky part!

I'd love to see what this couple looks like, I'm guessing something like this?

5. Paging Dr. Rosen-rosen

Now I know why my grandfather would never go to a doctor..

Can you spot the gorilla in this CT scan? Most radiologists couldn't

Do you see the gorilla in this scan?
Do you see the gorilla in this scan? / Trafton Drew, Melissa Vo, and Jeremy Wolfe/Psychological Science

Notice anything strange about the scan above?
If you didn't see the dancing gorilla in the upper right hand corner, you're not alone. An upcoming study from psychological scientists at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston showed that 83 percent of radiologists failed to spot the animal, even though they went past it four times on average.
The authors of the study, which will be published in a future issue of Psychological Science, tested 24 credentialed radiologists -- including nine from Brigham and Women's Hospital and 15 expert examiners from the American Board of Radiology. Radiologists were asked to look at five lung CT scans, each which contained about 10 nodules or abnormalities. They were asked to click on anything strange on the scans. On the final scan, a gorilla about 48 times the size of an average nodule was placed in the upper right hand quadrant.
For comparison, the researchers also tested the same scans on 25 subjects who had no medical training. They were trained for 10 minutes on how to find lung nodules before they looked at the 5 scans.

6. Life After Community

Nice read on Dan Harmon... I do have to say, was pleasantly surprised with the return last week.. especially after reading a lot of unfavorable reviews.

Courtesy of Walter Green

God Needs a Hobby

Thirty-six hours on the road — and in the bar — with exiled TV genius Dan Harmon

By Alex Pappademas on
Don't cry for Dan Harmon. Yes, he's still the most famously unemployed writer in television. Yes, two people who are not Dan Harmon are now running Community, the cult sitcom Harmon created in 2009 and was fired from by NBC three years later. But things are looking up. A few days ago, Harmon handed in a pilot script to CBS. Today they called and said they liked it, that everybody liked it, all the way up the chain to Les Moonves, the president of the network. There's a certain Famous Comedic Actor on whose participation the show's future kind of depends, but that's between the network and the Famous Comedic Actor's agents. And there's still the small matter of the other pilot script Harmon's supposed to be writing, the one he owes to Fox, the one he jokes about not having written a word of, the one of which he maybe really hasn't written a word yet — but that'll happen when it happens.

7. Disease of the Day

Never heard of this one before.. but I like it...

Sexsomnia: Woman's Boyfriend Demands Sex While Asleep (VIDEO)

Posted: | Updated: 02/11/2013 2:52 pm EST

Sexsomnia, also known as sleep sex, is a real disorder that afflicts approximately one percent of the population. George Schafer, a sufferer of sexomnia, and his partner, Chelsea Pettit, talked to Huffpost Live's Nancy Redd about strange sleep behaviors that include demanding sex and becoming violent while sleep.
"I was very confused for a while actually," George told HuffPost Live. "She would talk about things I did in my sleep and I had zero recollection of it. It was very strange and jarring."
For George, the behaviors went beyond sleep sex.
"I thought he was completely awake," Pettit said, talking about her initial reaction to George's sexsomnia. "The breaking point for us was really when he started becoming violent in his sleep. There are mornings that I woke up with a black eye or bruises, and the absolute breaking point for me was when he tried to assault my face."

Sad news for you honey, he's making that up. Time to get a new beaux.

8. Boxing is Back!

If there were more matches like this, I'd definitely buy more pay per views..

9. <<Slapping Bass Sounds>>

Nice stroll down Seinfeld memory lane..

10. Oscar Buzz (pt. 2)

Zach is back!


  1. Rosanne Barr: "Obama you can have my joint when you pry it from my cold dead hands!"


  2. Whatever you say, Rosie! Just don't sing that anthem again! Please!!
