Casting a Hollywood film takes a great deal of patience, especially when a studio's first choice turns down a role.
From "Iron Man" to "Pretty Woman," some of the biggest hits may have had a totally different look if the lead roles hadn't been passed on by other actors. We've gathered 12 major roles that were recast — and the actors who missed out on and scored the part.
Take a look through the slideshow below to see who almost headlined these iconic films.

Some other notables:

Molly Ringwold in Basic Instinct?!?! Tom Selleck as Indiana Jones??!? I almost feel like Hollywood should remake these movies -- maybe even in Kentucky Fried Movie /Movie 43 form -- with these other actors playing the parts.. That would be amazing!

3. Best Lego Set Ever

I am the one who clicks into other pieces!

4. Giving New Meaning To..

"crawl back under whatever rock you came from..."

5. Move Over Subway!

There's a new chain in town.. and they've got real foot-longs.. foot-long-bongs.

6. On the Throne

Nice sneak peak at new season of Game of Thrones.. I'm getting a little too excited about this one..

And in case like me you need a refresher as to where we left off, RS has a nice slideshow of last season's final "standings"... let's just hope this #1 seed doesn't stay that way for too long. I'm obviously rooting for the Mother of Dragons.

And in somewhat related GOT news...
English actor Charles Dance is known primarily for his role on HBO’s Game Of Thrones as Lord Tywin Lannister, the icy patriarch behind the nasty House Lannister. Boo! For reasons that apparently go as far as “Wouldn’t it be funny to hear stuffy x read naughty y?” the BBC tapped Dance to recite a passage of Fifty Shades Of Grey for a segment in its annual The Big Fat Quiz Of The Year program. Hearing Tywin Lannister talk dirty is about as uncomfortable as you’d hope it would be, made all the worse (better?) by his resolute decision to never once peer away from the camera, making direct, piercing eye contact with overheated middle-aged mothers worldwide. [via /Film]

Of course, he'll always be Sadom Noomsy to me!

7. Rossum... Rossum.. ROSSUUUUUUMMM


Shameless’ Emmy Rossum talks character evolution and fake poop

Before the U.S. remake of Shameless, the comedic British soap about a family in extreme poverty making ends meet, Emmy Rossum was primarily known for playing the young ingénue in the film version of The Phantom Of The Opera, a part she won to some degree thanks to her own training in the opera. On Shameless, though, she’s been a revelation as Fiona, a surprisingly steely young woman who never gives herself the benefit of the doubt. Rossum took a part that seemed already well-defined by Anne-Marie Duff, the actress who originated the role in the British series, then found new depths and layers to it. Particularly on a series sold on the back of its male star, William H. Macy (as Fiona’s drunken father, Frank), the character of Fiona, and by extension the actress who plays her, has been all the more surprising to viewers. As the series evolved—it recently entered its third season, and airs Sunday nights at 9 p.m. Eastern on Showtime—its writers kept giving Rossum more and more to play, and she handled every task perfectly, from comedy to drama to romance. Rossum sat down with The A.V. Club at the Television Critics Association winter press tour to talk about Fiona’s evolution, why the character seems so desperate this season, and the composition of the show’s onscreen fake poop explosion.

And apparently.. she's got an album coming out.. and apparently, she can actually sing.. dayum.

8. Speaking of Pipes

This guy's got some serious ones.. and no, I don't mean those kind..

9. Burnt

Yes, I'm sure they just got together for "Dinner" .. nothing more.. nahh

The Burn: Friendly Fire - Bob Saget

Episode 203 | Posted: 01/22/2013 | Views: 945 | Comments
Jeff Ross and Bob Saget enjoy dinner and some friendly fire. (1:56)

10. Full Show Friday

Police's last set until the reunion... nice. (with some special guests)

11. Flashback Friday

An important message from The D.