Man, I am really going to miss this guy when he's gone..
Menino adds 'Willcott,' 'Gonk' to Patriots lineup
Boston Mayor Thomas Menino's loyalty to the Patriots is beyond question - it's just some of players he needs to get straight.
Wednesday, while discussing Sunday's AFC championship against the Baltimore
"We've already got a great guy in Willcott," (or was it Willcock?) Menino said on New England Cable News Network in a clip that was aired during Felger and Mazz on 98.5 The Sports Hub and on Comcast Sports Net. Immediately, the mayor, wearing a No. 75 Patriots Vince Wilfork jersey, is interrupted and corrected by a woman who says: "Wilfork."
Yep. Pats are really going to miss Gonk this weekend... but at least they wont have to face old friend Adam Varitek... And in case you missed it, this is the best website of all time:
2. Te'o He Didn't
You've heard all the hullabaloo by now... but the best story of the year brings back fond memories of scams gone by... here's a brief sample from the globe...
Te'o and other famous sports hoaxes
The hoax surrounding Notre Dame linebacker Manti Te'o and the
death of his girlfriend is likely to go down as one of the more bizarre
hoaxes in sports history.
I'd never heard of this one, but I like it...
Kim Jong-il
Kim Jong-il, the late leader of North Korea, routinely shot three or four holes-in-one per round of golf, according to official North Korean state media reports. While those numbers are impressive, one particular peformance stands out. The unquestioned leader set a golfing standard during a round in the early 90s by shooting a 38-under-par round of 34 that included an amazing 11 holes-in-one.
(P.S. Using hullabaloo twice in one week? I deserve some kind of award for that)
And while we're here:
3. Jazzfest Lineup Announced
Damn. Would be a great year to make my jazzfest debut.. I've always wanted to see Hall & Oates!
Seriously though.. sick lineup.. too bad I wont be there..
4. Move Over Jazzfest!
This also looks like something I might be interested in... I've always wanted to see Weird Al in concert... and no, I'm not kidding..
Tenacious D says it’s working on rounding up all its comedy-rock cohorts for a mega-festival to be held later this year. Festival Supreme is tentatively scheduled for October 19, 2013 at the Santa Monica Pier. So far only the D are confirmed to appear, but Jack Black and Kyle Gass tell Rolling Stone they’re aiming to construct “a fuckin’ Super Bowl of comedy-rock,” with dream acts like Flight Of The Conchords, The Lonely Island, Zach Galifianakis, Spinal Tap, Eric Idle, Tim Minchin, Neil Hamburger, Tim And Eric, people from Mr. Show, and South Park’s Matt Stone and Trey Parker. Naturally, Black cautions “there’s no guarantee who’s gonna be on the bill” and that “it might just be Tenacious D and Weird Al.” But even that lineup sounds pretty all right.
Here's the full interview from Rolling Stone...
Some nice hard-hitting stuff.. like:
Is Rize of the Fenix the first album with giant flaming cocks on the cover to get a Grammy nomination?
Gass: I think it's one of at least the top five flaming-cock Grammys.
Black: There are lots of hidden flaming cocks in lots of albums. This was the first one . . . well, no, wait, this one was also hidden.
Yes.. that's not a typo:
They also used that as the design for their backdrop on tour this summer...
But it later turned into this for the encore...
Can't wait for that HOB show in March!!
Here's the full interview from Rolling Stone...
Some nice hard-hitting stuff.. like:
Is Rize of the Fenix the first album with giant flaming cocks on the cover to get a Grammy nomination?
Gass: I think it's one of at least the top five flaming-cock Grammys.
Black: There are lots of hidden flaming cocks in lots of albums. This was the first one . . . well, no, wait, this one was also hidden.
Yes.. that's not a typo:
They also used that as the design for their backdrop on tour this summer...
But it later turned into this for the encore...
Can't wait for that HOB show in March!!
5. Ringing Endorsement
From AV club's twitter machine:
The Arnold Schwarzenegger and Johnny Knoxville–starring #TheLastStand isn't terrible. Yes, really:
Ok. I know this is scary..but I may actually be interested in seeing this after reading the review... keep in mind, I do have an Arnold Section in my DVD closet..
Still skeptical? Read this:
Arnold Schwarzenegger says he is a better actor now.
"I got older. I got wiser. I experienced certain things as governor that helped me with my performance," Schwarzenegger said in an interview with CNN. "I think I'm better today than when I left the acting field."
I'm all in!
6. C is for Cookie
From our "Cookie starts with C" Correspondant..
If Kobe wasnt on the Lakers, and wasn't such a douche, I might actually like him..
Kobe responds to LeBron: 'What does he want, a cookie?'
Kobe's verbal put-back. (Getty Images) |
building to new levels. The more they lost, the more negative attention was heaped on them.
There has been a natural attempt to compare the magnifying glass that this Laker team is under to that of the Post-Decision Heat, but LeBron shot that down last week.
"No one will ever be able to compare what we went through," James told reporters. "Even though they're not winning and they're losing a lot of games, it's still nowhere near what we went through.
"Yeah, right. That level of magnitude was nowhere near where ours was two years ago. Nothing. Nothing compares to it."
With the Lakers and Heat set to play on Thursday night, Kobe Bryant was asked for his thoughts on LeBron's thoughts.
"What does he want, a cookie?" Kobe said, via the L.A. Times.
And of course... while we're here:
And of course.. you know how this all ends...
[UPDATE: More classic Kobe here.. again.. resisting the urge to like this guy]]
You versus LeBron? Who wins?
Me. No question. As far as one-on-one, I'm the best to ever do it.
Damn. That's pretty confident.
LeBron is a terrific all-around, five-on-five basketball player who's an all-time great. But I'd get him.
Who could get you?
Kevin Durant is the guy that would give me the most trouble. With his length and ability to use the dribble, he'd be tough.
I always wanted to see you play Tracy McGrady.
I played T-Mac. I cooked him. Roasted him. Wasn't even close. Ask him, he'll tell you.
7. God Bless the Paparazzi
Because without them.. we wouldn't have stuff like this:
“Zac was begging the guy to delete the pictures,” an eyewitness tells Page Six exclusively. “He kept telling him that he has so many young fans and he didn’t want them to see it.” The photog refused, so his reps were quick to publicize the news that it was simply a scene for the upcoming romantic comedy.
By Megan Rose Dickey | Business Insider – Wed, Jan 16, 2013 8:57 AM EST
The study documents the scam of a developer, who is referred to as Bob. He worked at a "critical infrastructure" company in the U.S. and started outsourcing his work to China underneath his company's nose, and would only pay those people less than one fifth of his six-figure salary.
All except the cat videos... that's just plain weird.
10. Talk Hard!
Nice stroll down memory lane with review of Pump of the Volume.. and by memory lane, I of course mean a few months ago when I dusted off the old DVD... classic.
Striking a similar chord of Gen-X disconnect, Allan Moyle’s fascinating 1990 film, Pump Up The Volume, also trades in generalized teenage angst, following a pirate-radio DJ who wins an audience of fellow high-school students by bitching about school, parents, and feeling left out. But for all its many problems, particularly in a plot-choked second half, there’s complexity and soul to the film’s dissection of the teenage psyche, poised between the punk impulse to tear things apart and a more touching desire for young people to be honest and have their voices heard. And though the film has its share of villainous authority figures, it at least shows some sympathy for the class of former ’60s hippies turned sellout suburban parents and the confusing imprint they leave on their children. Kids like Christian Slater’s basement broadcaster see enough of the residue of their parents’ idealism to be keenly aware of where it’s been compromised, and he’s ticked off about it. Yet who can really blame his parents—having sold out for the chance to put him in a nice house and “the best school in the district”—for not wanting to hear him bitch about it?
11. Alllllll righty then!
51 years old?!! WOW... wonder if he can still do shit like this.. I guess that depends on if his daily cocaine intake has gone down at all...
Because without them.. we wouldn't have stuff like this:
Zac Efron freaks out after being photographed near an array of dildos
- Last Updated: 3:57 PM, January 17, 2013
- Posted: 12:34 PM, January 17, 2013
“Zac was begging the guy to delete the pictures,” an eyewitness tells Page Six exclusively. “He kept telling him that he has so many young fans and he didn’t want them to see it.” The photog refused, so his reps were quick to publicize the news that it was simply a scene for the upcoming romantic comedy.
Splash News
Zac Efron on the set of his new movie "Are We Officially Dating" at "Fantasy World" in Greenwich Village.
Oh man. In tears.. the look on his face is priceless.. it's the "shit, I've just been outed look"
8. Move Over Vinegar Strokes
9. My Hero
Now this guy's got it all figured out...
The Story of a Man Who Outsourced His Work to China so He Could Watch Cat Videos All Day
A Verizon case study recently revealed that some people will go through great lengths in order to be able to watch cat videos all day.
We first heard about it on TNW.The study documents the scam of a developer, who is referred to as Bob. He worked at a "critical infrastructure" company in the U.S. and started outsourcing his work to China underneath his company's nose, and would only pay those people less than one fifth of his six-figure salary.
All except the cat videos... that's just plain weird.
10. Talk Hard!
Nice stroll down memory lane with review of Pump of the Volume.. and by memory lane, I of course mean a few months ago when I dusted off the old DVD... classic.
Pump Up The Volume offers a punk twist on the John Hughes formula
“Sleep tight, Mr. Serious. Maybe you’ll feel better tomorrow.” —Christian Slater, Pump Up The VolumeBeloved though he may be, especially by Gen-X nostalgists weaned on his work, there’s a cynicism at the core of John Hughes’ work that was always mistaken for empathy. In his mid-’80s heyday, before his career drifted off into Home Alone sequels and kid-friendly slapstick, Hughes had a talent for generalizing teenage angst so broadly that his films seemed to speak to the teenage experience. Even if teens couldn’t identify precisely with jocks, nerds, princesses, and burnouts, those banners stretched enough to make it feel like Hughes was speaking to them. As Pauline Kael once wrote of Hughes’ The Breakfast Club, “The movie is about a bunch of stereotypes who complain that other people see them as stereotypes.” Most of his films’ emotional authenticity comes from troupe members like Molly Ringwald, which is why Pretty In Pink, with Ringwald and Harry Dean Stanton, plays so much more convincingly than Some Kind Of Wonderful, even though they’re basically the same movie. And there’s not as much disconnect as there appears to be between the man who made Sixteen Candles and the man who made Home Alone 2: Lost In New York, just a different strain of commercial calculation.
Striking a similar chord of Gen-X disconnect, Allan Moyle’s fascinating 1990 film, Pump Up The Volume, also trades in generalized teenage angst, following a pirate-radio DJ who wins an audience of fellow high-school students by bitching about school, parents, and feeling left out. But for all its many problems, particularly in a plot-choked second half, there’s complexity and soul to the film’s dissection of the teenage psyche, poised between the punk impulse to tear things apart and a more touching desire for young people to be honest and have their voices heard. And though the film has its share of villainous authority figures, it at least shows some sympathy for the class of former ’60s hippies turned sellout suburban parents and the confusing imprint they leave on their children. Kids like Christian Slater’s basement broadcaster see enough of the residue of their parents’ idealism to be keenly aware of where it’s been compromised, and he’s ticked off about it. Yet who can really blame his parents—having sold out for the chance to put him in a nice house and “the best school in the district”—for not wanting to hear him bitch about it?
11. Alllllll righty then!
51 years old?!! WOW... wonder if he can still do shit like this.. I guess that depends on if his daily cocaine intake has gone down at all...
Jim Carrey's Best Facial Expressions Of The '90s
The king of face malleability turns 51 today. And there is no Jim Carrey like classic '90s Jim Carrey.
So many good ones.. but here's a lil taste.. follow the link above for the rest..
"Ace Ventura: Pet Detective" and "Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls" (1994 and 1995)
And on that note.... payce.
The exaggerated scream face.
The slow motion football player.
The "I like it a-lot". well as the ear whisper.
And on that note.... payce.
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