Being Bored At Work Could Boost Creativity, Study Suggests
We've got some surprising news, workers of the world: Being bored at work could actually be .
New research presented at the annual meeting of the British Psychological Society Division of Occupational Psychology shows that being bored at work means more daydreaming time -- leading to an increase in creativity. However, more research is needed to see how exactly this creativity manifests.
"Boredom at work has always been seen as something to be eliminated, but perhaps we should be embracing it in order to enhance our creativity," study researcher Dr. Sandi Mann, of the University of Central Lancashire, said in a statement.
Yes! Embrace it! I know I do! I just need a chair that reclines like that.. then TDS will really be good!
2. Even Better Study of the Day
Rock stars are prone to substance abuse when the spotlight wears off, and the neurophysiology actually makes sense.

Marcus Donner/Reuters
"On a really great day, it feels like I and the band are the music," said Death Cab for Cutie front man Ben Gibbard about performing live. "I feel it on a very spiritual level."
Musicians, of course, are excused for, even expected to talk like this. Sex and drugs and rock and roll, and all that.
But if you're familiar with the concept of flow, you'll notice that Gibbard's description of a great show sounds like athletes' descriptions of a great training session or competition -- total immersion in the task such that the barrier between actor and act disappears. According to a study published in Evolutionary Psychology, there's more than a metaphorical match between Gibbard's in-the-moment music making and the pleasing wash of a good workout. Performing music, the study's authors say, releases endorphins, the body's natural opiates responsible for the famous runner's high.
As someone who tinkers in playing music (both live and Dead) I can confirm this... it's really one of the most therapeutic things you can do. And when a jam or a tune really locks in and gets going, its really hard to describe. I guess equating it to being high is the only thing.. I think we all know someone else who would agree..
3. The Bradenton Wedgie Bandit
Hey, if you gotta go to jail for something... why not this?
Man arrested for giving people wedgies
Posted: Jan 15, 2013 10:49 AM ESTUpdated: Jan 15, 2013 10:49 AM EST
Oprah eat your heart out..
In landmark bit of investigative journalism, the British communications student decided — with a dollop of healthy peer pressure — to do a whole bunch of drugs and document his attempt to give random passers-by safety advice while dressed like a public works employee.
Needless to say, the advice he gives isn't worth much, but his rapid decent into temporary insanity is priceless
5. Hear Her Train A Comin
From our WTF department..
‘Investigative Journalist’ Gives Out Public Safety Advice After Taking a Bunch of Different Drugs
Sam Briggs is on a fast track to become the youngest Pulitzer prize winner ever — and he's still in J-school.In landmark bit of investigative journalism, the British communications student decided — with a dollop of healthy peer pressure — to do a whole bunch of drugs and document his attempt to give random passers-by safety advice while dressed like a public works employee.
Needless to say, the advice he gives isn't worth much, but his rapid decent into temporary insanity is priceless
5. Hear Her Train A Comin
From our WTF department..
Train stolen by cleaning lady crashes into a house
In the dead of night, a 20-year-old cleaning lady stole a stain
in Saltsjobaden, outside Stockholm, Sweden, for unknown reasons.
Running the train through two stations at 50 mp.h., the woman lost
control of the train and it derailed, running into the first-floor
kitchen of a home. The woman was taken to the hospital after the crash
and luckily no residents of the house were injured. "We still dont know
why she was in the driver's seat or whether the incident was an
accident" a police officer told local reporters.
In the dead of night, a 20-year-old cleaning lady stole a stain in
Saltsjobaden, outside Stockholm, Sweden, for unknown reasons. Running
the train through two stations at 50 mp.h., the woman lost control of
the train and it derailed, running into the first-floor kitchen of a
home. The woman was taken to the hospital after the crash and luckily
no residents of the house were injured. "We still dont know why she was
in the driver's seat or whether the incident was an accident" a police
officer told local reporters.As she was being led away in handcuffs she was overheard saying, "I'm not cleaning that up."
6. Tempting the Gods
Thanks SI for ensuring a Pats win this week.. I also like that Kapernick is on the other cover.. want no part of that 49ers team again..
Joe Flacco, Message From ‘Football Gods’ Featured On Sports Illustrated Cover
January 15, 2013 12:33 PM
BOSTON (CBS) — With Peyton Manning and Aaron Rodgers getting sent home last weekend, Tom Brady may be the most famous quarterback left standing in the NFL playoffs. It’s interesting, then, that Sports Illustrated chose Joe Flacco to grace the regional cover of this week’s issue.The Ravens’ quarterback appears on this week’s cover, along with an imaginary note from “The Football Gods.” It reads:
Dear Joe,The accompanying article, written by Peter King, calls for the football world to accept Flacco as being in the upper echelon of NFL quarterbacks. It cites the fact that he has the most wins (61) among all quarterbacks since 2008 and that he’s also the only quarterback with a playoff victory in each of his first five seasons.
Last weekend you took down Peyton. On Sunday you get Brady — and the chance, once and for all, to rewrite your legacy.
All the best,
The Football Gods
7. NFL Action.. It's Faaaaantastic
I just hope this guy still has his camera rolling this weekend when the Pats are putting the Ravens away...
But wait! There's more!
Still not impressed?
Now that guy loves his team.
8. Flashback!
A Different World Edition!
Great read! I loved that show...
9. Bringing Sexy Back
Tito taking some shots at Sox ownership now that he's got a new managing gig...
Updated: January 15, 2013, 4:08 PM ET
Associated Press
Epstein, who left as general manager after the 2011 season to become a Chicago Cubs executive, said Boston owner John Henry, chairman Tom Werner and president Larry Lucchino made the team's image a priority, according to excerpts released Tuesday by Sports Illustrated.
"Francona: The Red Sox Years" is co-written by the Boston Globe's Dan Shaughnessy and is scheduled for publication by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt on Jan. 22.
"They told us we didn't have any marketable players, that we needed some sizzle," Epstein is quoted as saying. "We need some sexy guys. Talk about the tail wagging the dog. This is like an absurdist comedy. We'd become too big. It was the farthest thing removed from what we set out to be."
Makes sense.. I mean, when I think sexy.. I think this guy:
The pink hats will swoon for that goatee!
10. Can't.. concentrate... too... many...jokes
World's deepest hole is up for sale
Blue Hole Bay, in a remote area of the Bahamas, is a mecca for extreme divers.
Price tag will give you a sinking feeling
11. Teach A Man To Fish...
That's one way to do it.
Giant fish grabs man's dangling arm, almost drags him into water
By: Pete Thomas,
Fishing from a dock is generally a relaxing pastime, unless you happen to be using your hand as bait and know there are giant, voracious fish lurking just beneath the surface. The accompanying footage shows a Florida man, identified as Ryan Reynolds, wresting with what looks like a large tarpon after the giant fish had inhaled much of his right arm. He quickly rams his left arm through its gills and the struggle ensues. The tarpon nearly drags Reynolds into the water before he manages to rise to his feet and hoist his quarry onto the dock. However, the tarpon ultimate flops back into the water.
12. Schools on Entwistle
Widespread Panic’s Dave Schools on The Who’s "Un-Bassist" John Entwistle
The Who appear on the current cover of Relix in a feature that includes an interview with Pete Townshend as well as many musicians’ memories of the group. Here is what Widespread Panic bassist Dave Schools had to say about John Enwistle and the group.
Hm.. funny, that's the same thought I had at MSG a few weeks back... hm....
13. Busey Being Busey
Ever wondered what Gary Busey thought of The Hobbit? Me either.. but let me tell you, we were wrong... as most things Busey prove to be.. it's riveting stuff.
Gary Busey explains why Hobbits are better than you
Offering further evidence that Peter Jackson could have condensed The Hobbit
into a single compelling movie through more judicious editing, here's
Gary Busey musing on Hobbits—a narration of "Little Earth" that could
easily stand in for hours of needless exposition and superfluous action
sequences. In just under two minutes, Busey covers all the salient
points of Tolkien's work while also delving into what makes those
goshdarn Hobbits so enviable: Their wide underwear. The fact that
Hobbits like to use cockroaches for games, necklaces, and hairpieces.
The androgyny that makes it so exciting for boy and girl Hobbits to
discover who's packing what "apparatus." The teamwork that helps Hobbits
get so much done in a day. Hobbits are special. Were you a Hobbit in a
past life? Let Gary Busey know. He's apparently got some sort of
cockroach problem he could use your help with. [via BuzzFeed]
And on that note..
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