1. Shimmy Shimmy Ya
In today's "shocking medical study" report...
Condoms don't deter good sex, study finds
the bad rap condoms get for allegedly wrecking sexual pleasure, new
research finds that people liked sex just fine with them -- or without.
Hm... You don't say... What do you think about that dirty?
2. Peanut Butter Jelly Time!
Watch Glen Davis Interrogate A Frightened Rookie About A Peanut Butter And Jelly Sandwich
NBA hazing rituals will always be a tremendous source of entertainment. I may or may not have watched Delonte West tell J.J. Hickson, "I don't care if you gotta fly! Trains, planes, or automobiles: you better have my do-nuts!" over 100 times in my life.The hazing in the video above isn't quite as exquisitely hilarious as what Delonte once offered us, but it still merits our attention, mostly because it features Big Baby Davis repeatedly saying, "peanabuttahjelly." Apparently, Orlando Magic rookie Andrew Nicholson failed to bring Big Baby his pre-game peanut butter and jelly sandwich, which was cause for Big Baby to interrupt Nicholson's interview and demand some answers. Pay close attention at the eight-second mark, when you can see genuine terror flash across Nicholson's face. Lesson learned, rook.
Follow that link to see the video.. Definitely worth watching just to see Big Baby say "DO I LOOK LIKE I EAT PINEAPPLE"
No.. No you do not, sir.
3. Speaking of Old Celtics...
We all know old friend Brian Scalabrine has been mocked, shit on, and generally abused for a long time as having no skills.. well, he took umbrage with that apparently.. and was on a mission to destroy... follow the link to watch.
Toucher & Rich’s ‘Scallenge’ No Challenge For Brian Scalabrine
January 22, 2013 6:55 AM
Brian Scalabrine holds up his “white mamba” trophy after Toucher
& Rich’s 1-on-1 “Scallenge.” (Photo by Justin Opiechowski/98.5 The
Sports Hub)
And given the results of last week’s “Scallenge,” it was mission accomplished for the “White Mamba.”
Scalabrine, who retired over the summer after a very serviceable 11-year NBA career, took on four of Boston’s best ballers in 98.5 The Sports Hub’s 1-on-1 “Scallenge,” put on by morning hosts Toucher & Rich.
4.Where's Are They Now?
Mark McGuire edition...
Guess he's taking that whole hall of fame thing harder than he's letting on..
5. Gawker Roundup
Child genius of the day
Adult idiot of the day
Metaphor of the day
6. Game Blouses?
The purple one has a new track out... is it any good? You be the judge..
7. Best of Facebook Graph Searches
Nice job HP!
Some Of The Greatest Facebook Graph Searches So Far
The Huffington Post | By Alexis Kleinman
Posted: 01/23/2013 12:33 pm EST
There's no doubt that Facebook's new Graph Search is creepy. There are privacy issues to worry about, sure. But there are also fun social experiments to be conducted!
Hm.. perhaps.. but I think this one sure could come in handy:
Single Women Who Live Nearby, Are Interested In Men And Like Getting Drunk
8. Brotherly Love
Found while falling down the YouTube Chapelle Show Black Hole last night... (thanks grantland)
9. Swanson Reads Tweets
Great call by Conan making this a recurring segment..
10. Key Change?
Or is it.. not key.. you decide..
Hear how different REM’s “Losing My Religion” sounds played in a major key
Though the REM one is good, the metallica one is the best.. the other ones are just so-so.. still a pretty cool idea.
11. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-ia
This was out there yesterday but in case you missed it... highlarious
Shia LaBeouf At Sundance: 'Charlie Countryman' Star Talks About Dropping Acid For New Film (VIDEO)
The Huffington Post
By Christopher Rosen
Posted: 01/22/2013 10:25 am EST | Updated: 01/22/2013 10:27 am EST
Shia LaBeouf at Sundance for "The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman"; LaBeouf dropped acid for the new film.
The film -- which debuted at the Sundance Film Festival -- tells the story of a young man (LaBeouf) who heads to Romania after the death of his mother (Melissa Leo) and subsequently falls for a dangerous young woman (Evan Rachel Wood). During one sequence, LaBeouf's character takes hallucinogenic drug, which is what prompted the star to try it himself.
"I'd never done acid before. I remember sending Evan tapes. I remember trying to conjure this and sending tapes. And Evan being like 'That's good, but that's not but, that is,'" LaBeouf told MTV. "You reach out to friends and gauge where you're at. I was sending tapes around and I'd get 50 percents from people and that just starts creeping me out. I was getting really nervous toward the end. Not cause I wanted to be on drugs -- I'm not trying to mess with the set or anything like that. It's really just fear that propels people."
This guy is on drugs? Get outta here..