Great article by Shaugnessy today profiling the man, the myth, the legend.. Tommy Heinsohn.
Some highlights besides this awesome picture:
-The rookie Heinsohn scored 37 points and snatched 23 rebounds in the seventh game of the 1957 NBA Finals, a 125-123 double-overtime victory over the St. Louis Hawks.
Think about that for a second. Thirty-seven and 23 in Game 7. As a rookie. Think of what the Worldwide Leader would do with that today.
37 and 23. In game 7. I mean that's just unfathomable. If Lebron did that today ESPN would change their name to LBJN. With an emphasis on the BJ.
-Three years later, when mastodon Wilt Chamberlain came into the league, Heinsohn was selected as the guy who would “get in Wilt’s way,’’ after free throws, allowing Russell to streak down the court and take a long pass from Cousy for a breakaway score.
“It worked for a while, but Wilt caught on and he didn’t like it,’’ said Heinsohn. “Finally he said, ‘You do that again, I’m going to knock you on your ass,’ and I said, ‘Bring your lunch,’ and sure enough, the next time he knocked me across the floor.
“Tom Gola came between us and Wilt threw a punch and hit Gola in the head and broke his hand. He played anyway. In the next game, I threw the ball hard off his broken hand and he just stared at me. I stared back.
“I said to myself, ‘If I don’t outstare this guy, the rest of my career is going to be hell.’ I stuck my chin out further and stared at him. Finally, he turned away, and I never had another problem. He thought I was crazy.’’
Hahahahahah... thats why he's th e best.. as well as this:
On a side note: Apparently Rondo is following nicely along in Tommy's, and KG's footsteps...
2. Ice Pube
Ice Cube Talks New Album, 'Everythang's Corrupt,' NWA Film And Chris Tucker Returning To 'Friday'
Posted: 11/06/2012 5:55 pm EST Updated: 11/06/2012 6:49 pm EST
Interesting little interview with Ice Cube. Of course, seeing him on TBS saying "very funny" we already knew he sold out, but it's startling how open and up front he is about it.. check out some of these quotes:
Throughout your entire career you have managed to incorporate political consciousness into your lyrics. Can fans expect more of that on this album?
Yeah, but it’s a different time. You got to do it in context. So it’s not a heavily political record, but it does have statement songs and rhymes. I got a song called “Dominate The Weak,” which is just showing you how a police state would look and feel. But hip hop is in a different space right now when it comes to that. You don’t want to overdo it when it comes to the political stuff.
Fans are also anticipating the next and final installment of the “Friday” franchise. And earlier this year Chris Tucker admitted that he has “doubts” about the magic still being there. What are your thoughts?
Well, my magic is still here so the movie is going to get done. The movie is going to be funny, and it’s going to live up to all the long-anticipated wait. I would hope that he’ll be a part of it. He’s more than welcome to be a part of it … It’s a trip, because you’re looking and somebody says that “the magic is not even there” who’s never even tried it.
We put the first one together and we can put another one together. So he should really trust that, and do what his fans want him to do. You should never out grow your fans. And if the fans want him to do this movie, that’s what we’re in this for, then that’s what he should do.
Yeah.. you can be political, but not TOO political. because ya know, that won't sell records. And sure, the Friday franchise has been a joke for a while, but you know, if it will sell tickets, I'll make another one. Hey, at least he's not shy about it.. and I guess in some ways, that's admirable...
Also of note.. he's making an NWA biopic. Now that's sounds like something magical!
3. Speaking of Magic
Most useless invention of all time? Yet... I'm down.
Related note: im off to buy some skittles in the vending machine
4. Talk about your all-time backfires!
Ok, this is not cool at all. I was just getting excited about question 3 passing, then CNN had to go and piss on our parade... NOT COOL
On a side-yet-completely-unsurprising-note...
5. Break out the Jell-o Pudding
I dont know why someone made this site, and I dont really care.. it's fucking awesome.
6. The Secret is Out
Ok.. Given that guys have no idea how to buy lingerie.. but I mean.. what's going on here?
How can women actually wear some of these things... and yes, this is just a ploy to post dozens of pics of scantily clad women.. it's for research! I swear! My favorie is the feather winged one. I dont even thing that would fit thru the bedroom door! (But I'd sure like to try)
The slideshow was going along oh so well too.. until Bieber popped up and ruined it...
7. Fuck Comcast
You tell em KG!
8. He told you he'd be back
And this time.. he's old, and he's bringing Johnny Noxville and Ghost Dog with him
9. Still Rolling after all these years
New Stones single for your perusal... is it for your enjoyment? You be the judge...
10. Bowl-a-rama
Want to see random celebs hitting trick bowling shots with some dude who's really good at em? Sure, why not...
(the parks & rec shot is clearly the best..)
11. Daily Dead
Phil warms up NY
12. Dylan Does Balls