1. Blame Sandy
You know when you get in a fender bender, and you try to lump some old damage onto the bill.. "oh, and look at this dent. That's new too!" (or at least, I've heard that's what people do. Not me. That would be illegal of course)
Anyhoo..Methinks NJ is trying to pull a lil of that action with this hurricane business... We're onto you Christie!
2. You Can Feel Good
About Hood. Even if you dont feel good about that Pats W yesterday.
3. Jean-Ralphio Extended Dance Cuts
What's better than Jean-Ralphio's random appearances on Parks & Rec?
Extended deleted scenes! Get some!

4. The Countdown Begins
68 years to go before the world's coffee supply is gone? Get it while it's Iced!
Brew hoo! Coffee could disappear by 2080, researchers says
- Last Updated: 2:13 PM, November 12, 2012
- Posted: 1:57 PM, November 12, 2012
Almost all (99.7 percent actually) of Arabica coffee bean growing areas will be impacted by 2020 as global temperatures rise, according to the study from the Royal Botanic Gardens in England.
That's why Al Gore is always so mellow! He's preparing for the inevitable by giving up Java pre-emptively.. It's all starting to make sense now..
5. A look back
Wow, surprisingly smart move by NY Post.. rewatching a Daily Show interview with Petraeus' Boo... If we knew then, what we knew now..
WATCH: Paula Broadwell’s awkward interview on ‘The Daily Show’
- Last Updated: 3:56 PM, November 12, 2012
- Posted: 12:35 PM, November 12, 2012
For example, Broadwell described how she interviewed the general while they ran together. "Petraeus progressively increased the pace until the talk turned to heavy breathing and we reached a six-minute-per-mile pace," Broadwell recalled with detail. "It was a signature Petraeus move."
Six minute move eh? That's not just Petraeus' signature .... heyoooo!
6. Scorcese's Heroes
When Scorcese gives a movie some dap, I pay attention
Guts and Glory: Director Martin Scorsese’s Film Heroes by Martin Scorsese Nov 5, 2012 1:00 AM EST
The legendary director picks his favorite cinematic moments of guts and glory.
7. Welcome to the Dollhouse
If this isn't the creepiest thing you've seen all day.. then you're name must be Dan Dong.
8. Die Hardest
Say what you will about Boston fans.. at least we don't do shit like this. Oh to be young, dumb, and live in Florida
9. Best interview ever!
I was skeptical when I saw the headline..but no, this is indeed the best interview of all time.
"Why did you tempt the toaster?"
28 Years Ago, The Today Show Aired the Greatest Interview in Television History
If you've been sitting around for the past 27 years waiting to witness the greatest moment in television history, I've got some bad news: You missed it.In May 1984, The Today Show aired what can unarguably be described as the greatest televised interview ever: Legendary Weekly World News reporter and future Jerry Springer Show executive producer Richard Dominick's sit-down with a woman whose toaster was possessed by the Devil.
10. Here's to you
In honor of some very special fallen vets
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