Thriller turns 30. Wow.
Check out some of these numbers:
-Best selling album of all time with 42.1 M certified copies sold (I know I account for not only an Abum version way back when, but also a 25th anniversary re-release CD I bought a few years back)
-All 7 singles released reached #1
-8 Grammy wins
And oh yeah. It still holds up 30 years later as chock full of nasty tunes. Check that link for some cool vids as well. I'll be pumpin this once the office clears out..
(Not quite as good as The Swerve's version.. but oh well)
2. Speaking of All-Time Great Albums
Check out this NY Times review of Abbey Road from when it first came out...
"There was a time when the Beatles's lyrics were one of their greatest attractions. Not any more. On Abbey Road, you get only marshmallow."
Well, this guy was clearly ahead of the times because looking back at it, Abbey Road really isn't that gre----oh wait. Yeah it is. Dumbass.
3. Sexy Time
For those Johns that are just too busy to get that cheap motel, or pull down a shady, dark alley... Switzerland has you covered... Brilliant!
Drive-In 'Sex Boxes' To Be Installed In Zurich, Switzerland
Posted: 11/29/2012 11:01 am EST Updated: 11/29/2012 11:01 am EST
This ain't your mama's drive-in.
The city of Zurich, Switzerland is set to a build a series of drive-in "sex boxes" which, starting next August, will provide a discreet environment for prostitutes to meet clients.
The "boxes" are garage-like structures that are large enough for a car to be parked inside. According to the Telegraph, the site will facilitate meetings for around 30 prostitutes, and clients will use the drive-in slots on a first-come -- ahem -- first-served basis.
Prostitution is legal in Switzerland, but Zurich officials have struggled with controlling sex-trade related crime and violence.
"We can't get rid of prostitution, so have to learn how to control it," police spokesman Reto Casanova said in 2010, when the idea was first introduced.
The decision was also motivated by complaints of city-dwellers unhappy with seeing prostitutes walking the streets.
Can we just trademark the name "Come and Go" now and bring these to the states? Who's with me?
4. The Most Exciting Thing To Happen To The Archeological Community in Eons
.. which is to say, still not very exciting..
Never thought I'd hear the words "provocative study" used in the Archeological world.. unless of course you're talking about this.
5. I Misunderstood
..this headline.. Thought they were talking about A-rod.
This ain't your mama's drive-in.
The city of Zurich, Switzerland is set to a build a series of drive-in "sex boxes" which, starting next August, will provide a discreet environment for prostitutes to meet clients.
The "boxes" are garage-like structures that are large enough for a car to be parked inside. According to the Telegraph, the site will facilitate meetings for around 30 prostitutes, and clients will use the drive-in slots on a first-come -- ahem -- first-served basis.
Prostitution is legal in Switzerland, but Zurich officials have struggled with controlling sex-trade related crime and violence.
"We can't get rid of prostitution, so have to learn how to control it," police spokesman Reto Casanova said in 2010, when the idea was first introduced.
The decision was also motivated by complaints of city-dwellers unhappy with seeing prostitutes walking the streets.
An example of a drive-in "sex box" in Essen, Germany.
Can we just trademark the name "Come and Go" now and bring these to the states? Who's with me?
4. The Most Exciting Thing To Happen To The Archeological Community in Eons
.. which is to say, still not very exciting..
How Old Is Grand Canyon? New Study Puts Age At 70 Million Years
By ALICIA CHANG 11/29/12 02:10 PM ET EST 
LOS ANGELES -- The awe-inspiring Grand Canyon was probably carved about 70 million years ago, much earlier than thought, a provocative new study suggests – so early that dinosaurs might have roamed near this natural wonder.
Using a new dating tool, a team of scientists came up with a different age for the gorge's western section, challenging conventional wisdom that much of the canyon was scoured by the mighty Colorado River in the last 5 million to 6 million years.
Using a new dating tool, a team of scientists came up with a different age for the gorge's western section, challenging conventional wisdom that much of the canyon was scoured by the mighty Colorado River in the last 5 million to 6 million years.
Never thought I'd hear the words "provocative study" used in the Archeological world.. unless of course you're talking about this.
5. I Misunderstood
..this headline.. Thought they were talking about A-rod.
Every move Derek "El Capitan" Jeter makes has the potential to make The Post's backcover, but..
6. Just Another Day On the T
The MBTA has released surveillance vid of yesterday's green line crash. Two things of note:
1) Check out the dude who comes flying out.. he gets up, then thinks, wait, I can maybe milk this for a lawsuit, then lies back down as if he's incapacitaed.. But Wait! He then realizes his bag is still on the train, and it could drive off with it! So he jumps back up and grabs it! Then sulks away... sorry buddy.
2) Check out how nonchalant some of the passengers are.. oh well, looks like the T has fucked me again.... just another day on the T... This is why I avoid it at all costs.
7. Misfiring?
If you're having trouble "sealing the deal" here's a list of some things that may be "zapping your sperm count"
Sperm Count Zappers: 11 Things You May Not Know
By Katy Hall
Posted: 11/29/2012 10:06 am EST Updated: 11/29/2012 10:44 am EST
If you're a man trying to impregnate someone, you may know it's best to stop smoking, get your laptop up off your balls and give your sperm plenty of chances to get to their target.
There are also plenty of less obvious factors that can affect sperm count — and some are toxins that are probably in your home and in products you use every day. It's impossible to avoid all these things entirely, and trying to is likely to cause enough stress to override any benefits. But here are some surprising things that have been linked to sperm killing and some ideas for safer alternatives:
First of all.. I never take my laptop off my balls. It makes them all warm and fuzzy.. (well they're already fuzzy).. Secondly, no sex toys, weed, showers, or booze? Why don't you just take all the fun out of life? I mean, isn't the baby going to do that already? Can't we enjoy ourselves while they're still time? Can't this wait till I'm old.. can't I live while I'm young?
8. Slideshow of the day
Possibly of the year.. possibly of all time?
Some of my faves:
(I believe in Russia they call that "presenting")
(That ones for you Shaul... ans for the non-sports fan.. doesnt that dude on the bulls look like an even douchier version of Ashton Kutcher? Guess what.He actually is!)
(Show me them teeth, baby!)
(Take that fattie!)
(Seriously. Why can't geeks high-five? So weird)
9. Here's Your Chance!
To jam with everyone's least favorite jam band! Shmoe! Nadel... I'm looking in your direction..
Photo by Dino Perrucci
Relix and have partnered up with moe., to offer three lucky—and skilled—fans the opportunity to join the band onstage during one of the three nights leading up to New Year’s Eve. Interested participants should share their musical prowess in a YouTube video audition for a chance to jam with the group. The members of moe. will then judge the videos and choose one fan per night to join them on stage for a song in Worcester (12/28 & 12/29) and Portland (12/30). Each winner will receive two All Access passes for their show night, and the winner will get to sit in with the band for a moe. song of their choice (final approval of song will come from band). The winner must be available for sound check on the afternoon of the given show. A year’s subscription to Relix also will be included in the prize package.
Yep. They're so bad they need people from the crowd to come and sit in with them to sell tickets.. Kinda sad really. Of course, if I sat in with them they would probably fire their bassist and hire me. Of course, I'd have to turn the job down since they're so awful. But would make for an interesting NYE to be sure..
10. Full Show Friday
Break out your straw hats and your corn cob pipes... FSF goes bluegrass!
There are also plenty of less obvious factors that can affect sperm count — and some are toxins that are probably in your home and in products you use every day. It's impossible to avoid all these things entirely, and trying to is likely to cause enough stress to override any benefits. But here are some surprising things that have been linked to sperm killing and some ideas for safer alternatives:
First of all.. I never take my laptop off my balls. It makes them all warm and fuzzy.. (well they're already fuzzy).. Secondly, no sex toys, weed, showers, or booze? Why don't you just take all the fun out of life? I mean, isn't the baby going to do that already? Can't we enjoy ourselves while they're still time? Can't this wait till I'm old.. can't I live while I'm young?
8. Slideshow of the day
Possibly of the year.. possibly of all time?
Photos: 75 amazing sports moments you missed this year
It's funny how even with today's HD video and crazy camera angles, there's still something special about a still picture. I saw some documentary about this, as it relates to sports.. and these pics just confirm it..Some of my faves:
(I believe in Russia they call that "presenting")
(That ones for you Shaul... ans for the non-sports fan.. doesnt that dude on the bulls look like an even douchier version of Ashton Kutcher? Guess what.He actually is!)
(Show me them teeth, baby!)
(Take that fattie!)
(Seriously. Why can't geeks high-five? So weird)
9. Here's Your Chance!
To jam with everyone's least favorite jam band! Shmoe! Nadel... I'm looking in your direction..
Relix and have partnered up with moe., to offer three lucky—and skilled—fans the opportunity to join the band onstage during one of the three nights leading up to New Year’s Eve. Interested participants should share their musical prowess in a YouTube video audition for a chance to jam with the group. The members of moe. will then judge the videos and choose one fan per night to join them on stage for a song in Worcester (12/28 & 12/29) and Portland (12/30). Each winner will receive two All Access passes for their show night, and the winner will get to sit in with the band for a moe. song of their choice (final approval of song will come from band). The winner must be available for sound check on the afternoon of the given show. A year’s subscription to Relix also will be included in the prize package.
Yep. They're so bad they need people from the crowd to come and sit in with them to sell tickets.. Kinda sad really. Of course, if I sat in with them they would probably fire their bassist and hire me. Of course, I'd have to turn the job down since they're so awful. But would make for an interesting NYE to be sure..
10. Full Show Friday
Break out your straw hats and your corn cob pipes... FSF goes bluegrass!
Full Show Friday: Bluegrass All-Star Band Muleskinner – 1973
When bluegrass pioneer Bill Monroe was tapped to star in a 1973 PBS special, fiddler Richard Greene was tasked with putting together a band to back the “Father of Bluegrass.” Greene created one of the genre’s first “supergroups” featuring Dave Grisman, Peter Rowan, Clarence White and Bill Keith. The troupe was named Muleskinner and as they awaited Monroe’s arrival, they were informed Bill couldn’t make it. Well you know the old showbiz refrain – “The show must go on.”
11. This Just In!
When news breaks.. we fix it..
"it's for a show no one watches on NBC" bwahahahah" .... which one?
11. This Just In!
When news breaks.. we fix it..
"it's for a show no one watches on NBC" bwahahahah" .... which one?
I think moe was the first jam band to do the "acronym setlists". They've got that going for them, and that's about all...