Thursday, November 29, 2012

It's Chilly Outside.. and it's Chili Inside

1. Power Lunch

Obama, Romney eat chili, talk leadership

President Obama and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney talk in the Oval Office following their lunch, Nov. 29, 2012.
President Obama and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney talk in the Oval Office following their lunch, Nov. 29, 2012. / Official White House Photo by Pete Souza

In their first face-to-face meeting since the third and final presidential debate, former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney joined President Obama for a private lunch at the White House today, where he and Mr. Obama chowed down on white turkey chili and Southwestern grilled chicken salad while discussing America's leadership in the world.

Love the menu details. I imagine the post-meal conversation sounded something like this:

2. Don't Mess With Michonne...

Or you'll get the scowl.. which one? Does it matter?

My favorite?

The simmering rage scowl

3.  To the D'ohme

I liked this idea the first time I saw it.. when it was called The Simpson Movie..

4. Costco Joe

Seven Scenes from Joe Biden's Big Adventure 'Looking for Pies' at Costco

I cant tell you how much I love this guy. Even a mundane trip to Costco is just riveting. If I could have a beer when anyone alive right now, it would have to be him....  I'd put John Boener a close second, just because I want to see how long it would take to make him cry. I'm putting the over/ under at 25 minutes.

5. It's Gotta Be The Pants

Hey give the man a break. He's still stuck in the 90's when he was relevant...

6. Let's Make a Deal

The most bizarre development in the music industry in a long time.. courtesy of who else.. Frank Zappa Inc.

7. Steel Dre

The Good Dr. raked in the most money of any musician this year -- without making any new music. He's like the Mitt Romney of the music industry. I'm sure those headphones are the bomb... but check out the rest of the top of this list. Lots of old people that haven't done anything new in a long time. Better luck next year, noobs.

8. You got Rondo'd

My two cents, for what it's worth.. much ado about nothing. Even KG seemed a lil baffled by it all.. It was a lame, nba shoving match that as usual in this day and age, is being blown out of proportion. 2-games suspension is still bogus, in my mind, but considering there was talk of even more, I guess we just take it and move on. The bigger problem is the C's are trying to sleepwalk to the Eastern Conference Finals, and they're now realizing, they can't do that in the 2012 Atlantic... Should be interesting going forward.. Will Avery Bradley be the savior? Or are we blowing his contributions last season out of proportion? I think mostly the latter.. Let's just hope the team gels better as the year goes on and stays healthy enough to give it another go in The Tournament. The whole first part of the year has just left me a lil depressed. Was hoping they'd pick up where they left off last year, and so far at least, they are clearly not as good as when last we saw them.

9. Dumb-Ass of the Day

Pun intended...

Butt Implant Turns Inside Out: Horrifying Video Of Botched Surgery Sweeps Facebook & YouTube

Huffington Post UK  |  By Posted: Updated: 29/11/2012 15:47 GMT

Have you ever wanted to see an inside out bum implant? No, us neither.
However, thanks to the twin universes of YouTube and Facebook we have seen just that. And because we can't unsee it, we're going to share it with you.
The clip shows a woman's thong-clad bottom, with one buttock sporting a strangely flat surface - namely an implant that has seemingly become dislodged.
bum implant

'I don't think an implant is supposed to do that' 
But seriously.. did she really need an implant there? Looks like she's doing OK for herself in the "back" department already...

10. And While We're Here

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