Friday, December 21, 2012

The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun

1. And that's why he's head of the NRA

NRA's answer to Newtown is an armed guard in every school; meanwhile, gunman kills 3 in Pennsylvania

  • Last Updated: 3:52 PM, December 21, 2012
  • Posted: 11:55 AM, December 21, 2012

Getty Images
A demonstrator from CodePink holds up a banner as National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre delivers remarks during a news conference at the Willard Hotel today.
WASHINGTON — The National Rifle Association broke its silence on the Newtown school massacre by today calling for armed guards in the nation's schools rather than more gun control — just as news broke that a gunman shot dead three people and was then killed by cops in Pennsylvania.

I can see J-dogg running around Newton schools with a gat already... just call him Billy the Yid.

2. Lists of the Day

The 25 Funniest AutoCorrects Of 2012

  These never get old..

Epi Pen:

Ladies, I've been trying to tell you this for years. Some deep penis cures everything!

Sports Quotes of the Year

Tough for me to choose my personal favorite, but here's a couple great ones:


“Manny just asked if I was the video coordinator. … Our relationship can only go up from here.”
– A’s pitcher Brett Anderson, on Manny Ramirez  



 "I was a medium-level juvenile delinquent from Newark who always dreamed about doing a movie. Someone said, 'Hey, here's $7 million, come in and do this genie movie.' What am I going to say, no?"
– Former NBA star Shaquille O’Neal  


“I dropped down on the floor and started doing pushups.”
Ed Hochuli, on hearing the lockout of NFL officials had ended


“hey bro we both live in vegas .lets dance”
– Former baseball star Jose Canseco, tweeting to former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson


And as an added bonus... they listed a bunch of notable canseco tweets.. dude is a disaster. good to know some things never change..


speaking of which...

15 Best Peter Gammons Tweets of the year 

poor Gammons...clearly hasn't mastered that whole technology thing yet.. maybe his kids can show him how to lock his phone..



attention last minute shoppers:  (we are here to help after all)

Best Cheap Toys of the Year

Just what kids need....

FLARP! In case the term “flarp” isn’t evocative enough, the front of the package of this three-pack of “stink bags” works overtime to telegraph what’s inside: “Stinky!” “Yuck!” “P-Yew!” And so on. The back of the package, however, devotes most of its space to the myriad warnings involved in deploying these stink bombs. We thought about setting one off in the name of good journalism, but after reading all of the cautions—choose a safe location, move several yards away after activating, product may stain clothing, walls, or floors, and so on—we got tired and decided to forget the whole thing. Who knew flarping was so complicated?


Best film scenes of the year 

Apparently, I need to see "Bernie" Looks awesome.

3. A Very Special Xmas Special

Don't know where Buzzfeed found this, but it is the best thing I have seen a while. As if Arnold isn't creepy enough.. he brought IRON MIKE along?!?!??! Is that who he was referring to when he said the "devil" used to come to his xmas parties as a kid? Just priceless stuff.. and how about Devito? Hahahaha Oh man. Gotta love the 80's.



4. Trailers of the Day

It's a three-way tie between this new Gatsby trailer ..

This shockingly-could-be-awesome Michael Bay /Marky Mark movie.. bc it doenst look like all of the other Michael Bay crap

And this new Rogen/Franco endeavor..

Though perhaps this one is the best after all...


5. Uganda Be Kidding Me

 Looks like a bit of reprieve... but the fact that this was even on the table is quite stunning...

Uganda’s “Kill the Gays” Bill Back in Limbo

The members of Uganda’s parliament are on vacation now, and won’t be coming back to work until February. It might not be much, given the threat hanging over them, but during those two months, L.G.B.T. Ugandans can rest a little easier. As I write in my story in this week’s issue, from the moment last month when Rebecca Kadaga, the speaker of parliament, announced that she would pass the proposed Anti-Homosexuality Bill, which would imprison gays (and originally suggested the death penalty for certain homosexual behavior), as a “Christmas gift” to Ugandans, activists have been coördinating a global effort to kill the bill, and those whose sexuality would be criminalized have been watching their government closely, as the bill seemed to be the closest it has come to passage since it was first introduced, in 2009. But lawmakers left for vacation on Friday without holding a vote on it, so now the notorious “Kill the Gays” bill is back in limbo, along with the lives of those in Uganda’s L.G.B.T. community.


Although, I guess anything that the people from this video do should not be surprising..

 Full disclosure: I was just waiting for an excuse to get this into TDS.. and finally, it's happened! Woot! 


 Of course, there is at least one person who's fully onboard...


6. Quentin Unchained


Nice Q&A with the Maestro.. cant wait to see this movie.. 


QT&A: Quentin Tarantino on Django Unchained: 'I Cut Their Heads Off. They Grew Another Head, But They Were a Little Traumatized'

By Amos Barshad on

Desiree Navarro/FilmMagic
With Inglourious Basterds and Django Unchained, Quentin Tarantino's gone back-to-back on the "messy, brilliant revenge-fantasies where the operative word is 'fantasy'" projects. Both times out, Tarantino has explained, he was reacting to a monolith of dusty historical-fiction flicks presenting only the victimization of the oppressed peoples in question. But instead of plucking anything from any number of well-documented tales of defiance and revolt, QT went ahead and made up his revenge whole-cloth. The results are way more entertaining, and way trickier to parse.


7. Who's on First 2K?

Well done, Fallon...

Of course, this is still my favorite homage:

8. End of the World Supercut

In your face Mayans!


9. The Legend Returns!

And if you can guess the legend we are talking about.. you earn a gold star


10. Douche of the Day

Nah man, don't worry. I didnt want to go to sleep tonight.. just keep those lights goin.


11.  Yay Science!
For proving what every logical person already knew..

(Though, that picture sure does make me thirsty...)

12. The Full Frank

Full show friday takes us inside the wonderfully bizarre mind... of FZ...

Consider it my Christmas Gift to all of you! I will be off until next Wed... so you're on you're own till then! Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a Frank Night.

Full Show Friday: Frank Zappa – Stockholm 1973

Written by on 12.21.2012 | Full Show Friday, Videos, Zappa
Since today marks what would’ve been Frank Zappa’s 72nd birthday, we’re devoting this week’s Full Show Friday column to the legendary composer/performer. Just like Dead fans and Phish fans, Zappaphiles love to argue about which year of FZ’s career was the best. For my money, it’s 1973.
As an example of what makes 1973 such a phenomenal year for Zappa and his band, we’ve got 75 incredible pro-shot minutes of the ensemble in action. Recorded in Stockholm, Sweden on August 21, 1973; this video features the early Roxy band of FZ, Tom Fowler, Bruce Fowler, Ruth Underwood, George Duke, Don Preston, Ralph Humphrey, Jean-Luc Ponty and Ian Underwood. They tackle such classics as Cosmik Debris, RDNZL, Montana and Penguin In Bondage. Happy Birthday, Frank.

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