1. Let Freedom Ring
Who are we to say who's freedoms are more important than others? I think this guy has a point..
A legal defense of donkey sex
A man accused of feeling up a farm animal argues an anti-bestiality law is unconstitutional. Does he have a point?
I just want to be loved, is that so wrong?
In a court motion, the defense claims that the state law against bestiality deprives 32-year-old Carlos Romero of his “personal liberty and autonomy when it comes to private intimate activities.”
Hey man, if the Donkey has no problem with it, why should we?
2. When Freedom Goes Wrong
.. when certain idiots get in front of a camera.. like this guy:
ESPN suspends Rob Parker for racially charged remarks on RG3
Commentator Rob Parker has been suspended indefinitely by ESPN after he questioned Robert Griffin III's blackness on the television show "First Take" on Thursday.
“Following yesterday’s comments Rob Parker has been suspended until further notice,” ESPN spokesman Mike Soltys said. “We are conducting a full review.”
Parker apparently did not think that there would be any repercussions for his racially charged remarks, which included him asking whether Griffin was a "brother" or a "cornball brother."
Parker responded to a tweet Thursday which said "Good luck in your next line of work!" by writing: "Typical silly response. Watch me on First Take tomorrow and Sat.#pleze."
Parker has not tweeted since his suspension was announced.
Probably a good idea.. in case you havent seen the comments they are even crazier "in person" than in print.
So to recap: Donkey Sex--Okay. Stupid Racist Comments: Not Okay. Okay?
3. Now that's strage
Don't know why but when I think Chanukah Songs.. I dont exactly thing of :
The Houston Rockets.. (I love the guy who's just like, Nah. Not gonna do that)
or Too Short.. (He wishes he had a lil more chutzpah)
but maybe that's on me...
4. For the Rest Of Us
well, the rest of You...
Google 'Festivus' Search Delights 'Seinfeld' Fans With Image Of Aluminum Pole
The Huffington Post
By Timothy Stenovec
Posted: 12/12/2012 11:25 am EST | Updated: 12/12/2012 1:37 pm EST
"Seinfeld" fans will be delighted to find that a Google search for "Festivus" reveals, alongside the search results, an image of an undecorated aluminum Festivus pole.
"Festivus," which was immortalized in a 1997 episode of "Seinfeld," is a made-up holiday that falls on Dec. 23. Instead of a tree, there's an undecorated aluminum pole. (Frank Costanza , George's dad and the one who's credited with inventing Festivus, tells Kramer he finds "tinsel distracting.")
Other Festivus traditions include the annual "airing of grievances," which consists of sharing with others how they've disappointed you over the last year, and a wrestling match, dubbed "feats of strength."
Google has a rich tradition of including hidden message or jokes, referred to as "Easter Eggs" within the tech community, in its products. Other popular Easter Eggs include searches for "Do A Barrel Roll", "binary," "askew" and "Recursion."
So, this holiday season, search for Festivus, and see the magic unfold.
Nice work by Google.. also nice work by whoever is running this twitter feed. Hilarious, here's a sample:
Modern Seinfeld
George uses Pinterest to try to understand women.
Kramer thinks his GPS is trying to kill him. Jerry & Elaine go on a
horrific double date.
First pumpin his own gas.. now sticking up banks? Guess he just misses the rush of those debates.. or he was just channeling his inner Bodhi
6. Ali G Returns!
Good to see the du-rag back in action!
7. Omar's Goin'
The real-life Omar that is. Fascinating, must-read for all Wire fans:
R.I.P. Donnie Andrews, real-life inspiration for The Wire's Omar
The Baltimore Sun
is reporting the death of Larry "Donnie" Andrews, the reformed stick-up
man whose real-life exploits of preying on the city's drug dealers gave
birth to The Wire's Omar. Andrews reportedly died after undergoing
emergency heart surgery. The Sun doesn't mention his age, but according to information provided in earlier interviews, Andrews was around 58.
And while we're here:
8. Full Show Friday
Some old school Wilco today! Nice!
9. And in Phish News
From our where do you go when the internets go out correspondent:
Mr. Minor has shared a nice lil collection of all-time December jams..
But even better.. is this 30 min Scents & Subtle Sounds pro-shot video from Camden '03. I always remembered this as being nasty, but it was even better than I remembered... Classic example of those 2.0 style jams that they just cant' pull off anymore.. or should I say, hopefully, YET. They are getting closer. But this is a good reminder that the Oxy years weren't all bad for Trey. This is simply something that only one band in the history of the planet could pull off, and say what you will about the song itself (a classic example itself of a tune with mediocre-to-poor-words (though I love the intro that they never play anymore) .. the jam(s) that follow are indeed mindblowing.. even 10 years later, on a computer screen. If you have a half hour to kill at some point this weekend, please check it out. I think Dong put it best : "That was the fastest 30 minutes of my life"
10. And in Homeland News
Last but not least, heading into the most anticipated hour of TV for me in a long while.. check out some possible homeland outcomes from Vulture. What's your prediction? Comment below or email me and we can discuss..