But not if Mayor Menino has anything to say about it.. and please, oh lord, let him have something to actually say about it. Can only imagine how great his soundbytes on the subject would be. (in case you missed it, this website will at least give you some idea)
Menino Urges Trojan Not To Give Away Vibrators On City Hall Plaza
BOSTON (CBS) – The city is trying to stop condom-maker Trojan from going ahead with a plan to hand out free vibrators on City Hall Plaza.
City Hall Plaza as photographed in May 2012. City officials hope to keep the area vibrator-free.
(best caption ever?)
Now, they havent set a date yet, but calling all single men! There will be a day soon where women are gathering downtown to pick up vibrators. I suggest you take a sick day and get your ass down there. Apparently, they already did this in NYC. I think it looked something like this.
2. Keyword alert!
Meteor + Trails + Peak = Good Times
When and where meteor shower will peak on weekend
Orionid shower will be visible in U.S. rural areas in the southern sky
By Steve Gelsi, MarketWatch
NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — A meteor shower caused by debris left behind by
the famous Halley’s comet peaks this weekend as the Earth’s orbit
brings the planet through a trail of cosmic dust.
3. And while you're there
Warning, only read this next article if you are super domed. That way, it will be guaranteed to blow your mind.
Reports put new spin on story of moon's creation
Studies shed new light on the massive collision that planetary scientists believe led to the moon's birth. But will we ever know which theory is correct?
Two new collision-simulation
studies may solve an intractable problem with the classic story
scientists have told about the birth of the moon, whose South Pole is
shown here.
(NASA / October
18, 2012)
While we may never know for certain how the moon was formed, we definitely know how it will be destroyed.
4. And in election news
-If you were waiting for this guy to give you the OK to vote for Mitt Romney... you shouldn't be allowed to vote.
-Finally, the details of Mitt's 5-point plan have been found and posted online.
-Snoop's made his decision.. and either way, he wins
-And just when you thought you knew what the Candidates were saying at the debate... you were wrong. (by far the funniest shit I've clicked on in a long time. Hooray Internet!)
5. More Murray
Following up on yesterday's news that he harassing Kelly Lynch's husband.. FOD compiles pictures of Bill Murray being Bill Murray (AKA awesome).
Back off man, I'm a scientist.

6. Stairway to Hell
AV club takes a look back at onee of my all-time favorites, The People Under The Stairs. I'm not a huge horror movie guy, but always loved this movie... this article is a good example though of overthinking it. The guy tries to deconstruct the film into some huge metaphor for 80's racial relations.. and I dunno, I think as you can tell from this pic.. he may be reaching..
If you've never seen it, definitely check it out. I'm sure it's streaming for free somewhere..
7. Speaking of famous Knives
Too bad this is from the National Enquirer.. because it would be awesome if this turns out to be true.
O.J. Simpson held on to the knife he may have used to kill his ex-wife and her friend and is now trying to sell it for a handsome price, an anonymous source told the National Enquirer.
The story, which appears in the tabloid's latest print edition, quotes the source who is "close to Simpson's inner circle" as saying the knife is stashed in the Bahamas. Simpson reportedly wants $5 million for it.
The story, which appears in the tabloid's latest print edition, quotes the source who is "close to Simpson's inner circle" as saying the knife is stashed in the Bahamas. Simpson reportedly wants $5 million for it.
Also: props to NY post for this one:
O.J.’s slashing prices!
O.J. Simpson has a knife to sell you! The disgraced gridiron great is peddling the stiletto.
8. NBA attempts to thwart KG's power
This is bullshit
In a move nobody asked for, the NBA is ‘cracking down’ on taking too long to get to the opening tip after intros
Now, If you've ever seen a Celtics game with KG playing, his pre-game ritual is without question the best part of the night (at least until Gino makes his appearance). First he walks over to the net, and starts slamming his head into that pad under the rim. He's either talking to himself, or to the net itself, telling it that it will soon become his bitch. Perhaps a little of both.
Then he strolls over to the scorer's table and shakes a shitload of baby powder on his hands, usually followed by splashing it in the air, and preferably, on the announcer who is sitting nearby. That move often prompts celtics play by play man Mike Gorman to hiss like a school girl and cover himself in towels (it's a racist thing).
Then he goes over to that sticky matt thingy and makes sure his sneakers are coated in that sticky shit, so you know, he can cut and move like he did back in the days of react juice.
Next up, his secret handshake with his favorite teammate. The first year that was James Posey, then Eddie House, Keyon Dooling... I'm praying this year it will be Darko Milicic... just because, can you imagine this goofy european dude doing a hip secret handshake?
Then, in the interest of Gentlemenly competition, he goes to mid court and pounds fists with other team (Of course, secretly he's cussing them out under his breath, and muttering how he plans to rip out their hearts, and eat it for dinner with their mothers later in the evening.)
Next he starts pounding his chest like he's in cardiac arrest and needs a jump start. Oftentimes, during this, his under-breath-murmurs become full blown shouts, yelling at his opponents that they are about to die a gruesome death, and alerting fans that it is now time to stand the fuck up. Once he is satisfied that all fans are on their feet and ready to go, he makes his way towards mid-court for the jump ball.
The whole process takes about as long as it takes you to read that.. and is documented nicely here.
(just fast forward past the part where he arrives in his car, etc.. Can only imagine what's going on in there..)
Making KG trim any part of this from his routine can only be bad news for the celtics and is clearly a ploy by Knick-lover David Stern to stop the C's from returning to glory this season. F-U Darth Stern!
I guess story #1 is truly what the buzz is all about