Part two (of 3) of AV club's breakdown of the 50 best movies of the 90's...
Here my quick hits on it
30. Thin Red Line-- very underrated war movie. Actually watched this in a class at Umass where I fully appreciated it... at the time, also appreciated taking a class where we sat around and watched movies. Years later, when I was paying my student loans while applying to Grad Schools.. not so much.
28. Election -- another underrated classic. If you haven't seen this one, it's a must. Not sure where I'd rank it on my list, but 28 sounds about right.
Barton Fink (11) and Miller's Crossing (12) both awesome movies... but not better than Lebowski (16) Cmon...
18. Schindler's List -- Apparently, AV club doesn't rate comedies very high
2. Breaking new ground
Sosan Firooz, Afghanistan's First Female Rapper, Debuts
By RAHIM FAIEZ 10/09/12 09:30 AM ET EDT 
KABUL, Afghanistan — "Listen to my story! Listen to my pain and suffering!" Afghanistan's first female rapper Sosan Firooz pleads into her microphone.
Sounds awesome.. I'm downloading that shit ASAP!
"Do you know why Dre's record was so successful? He's rapping about big-screen TV's, blunts, 40's and bitches. You're rapping about IED's and WMD's.. I can't sell this shit!"
3. Takin it to the streets
.. Sesame Streets.
I dont know about you.. but this has to be the best fucking campaign video I have ever seen.. I cant tell if its serious or not, but apparently it is because PBS is pissed about it. Cmon, PBS. You're better than that.
“Mitt Romney knows it’s not Wall Street you have to worry about, it’s Sesame Street,”
Not even Chappelle could say it better. (but maybe Carlin could)
4. Halloween Costume of the year
Only because the Rhino suits aren't for sale...
5. Random celebrity notes
The black chick from clueless is still irrelevant.. despite her best efforts.
The dumbass from jackass is craving attention... and probably some male genitalia
Justin Bieber is finally starting to figure it out...
George clooney is not. (dude, you're George Clooney.. you dont have to try and impress your date. You're George Clooney. Aren't there kids starving in Somalia or some shit who need you loot more than the drunk on the sidewalk?)
6. In other cheers news..
You were waiting for the reunion photo, weren't you.. well. here ya go.
Two notable absences: Kelsey Grammer (Frasier), who's promoting his new Starz drama "Boss" in London, and Woody Harrelson (Woody), who's busy shooting the latest "Hunger Games" sequel.
Riiiight. AKA was hammered face down in a London pub urinal.. and was lost in his maze of marijuana fields...
7. Grandparents of the year
Speaking of marijuana fields...
Police stunned by elderly couple's huge cannabis plant
updated 8:29 AM EDT, Tue October 9, 2012
Bedford police posted this photo of the bush on Twitter, described as the "biggest cannabis plant" we've seen.
London (CNN) -- British police have decided not to press any charges against the elderly couple who had been unknowingly cultivating a huge cannabis plant in their garden.
The plant was seized Monday in Bedfordshire, central England. The police later posted a picture on Twitter with comments: "Elderly couple bought shrub at car boot sale," adding that it was the "biggest cannabis plant we had seen!!"
The police picture posted on Twitter shows a fully grown shrub with thick foliage in the front garden.
A police spokeswoman told CNN: "The plant was mistakenly bought by the elderly couple. We will not be pressing any charges. We have seized it and will dispose it." She also said that unlike what has been reported in some newspapers there was no "raid."' "The property was not raided," she said.
"Mistakenly bought at a flea market" riiiiiiight. Where can I find a flea market like that? And thats the "biggest plant they've ever seen". This old farts were on the verge of a cartel! And in case you're wondering where I found this story...
Snoop's twitter feed... obv
#puffpuffpasstuesdays - tha UK is smokn!!!…
8. GD Salesmen
Dont know where this lil gem from the Ben Stiller Show came from... but I like it.
9. FU scalpers
Louis CK has figured out.. why hasnt phish yet?
10. Is there a connection?
Between this story...
and this one?
You be the judge..
Love the new blog...nice work!