If this is indeed a 100-year storm coming.. and it could very well cause one billion dollars in damage.. don't you think calling it "frankenstorm" kinda undermines the severity of the issue? Are we really supposed to take that seriously?
Hurricane Sandy forces East Coast to brace for hit
"Frankenstorm" forecast to slam U.S. next week, prompting utilities, governments to prepare for damage
Onto the links! While we still can..
1. Would those be chin-nuts?
Well, we've heard of nuts on your chin (aka the Brooks House Theme Song)..but have you ever heard of chin on your nuts? Now you have..
Man Augments Testicle With Chin Implant: Journal of Sexual Medicine
Posted: 10/25/2012 3:13 pm EDT Updated: 10/25/2012 3:13 pm EDT
A man now has evenly sized testicles, thanks to doctors' handy work with a chin implant.
That's one way to even out the ol' onions.
Doctors in Mexico augmented a 45-year-old man's left testicle with an implant normally used for shaping a chin, according to Live Science. The surgery was reported in this month's issue of the Journal of Sexual Medicine.
The unnamed man was born with one tiny right testicle and a normal sized left one. Doctors initially removed the smaller testicle and replaced it with an implant, but that still left him with an uneven pair.
Maybe it's just me, and I can't judge since I have perfectly sized testes...but who undergoes surgery on the balls? Especially for cosmetic purposes? Dude must be getting a lot of action.. or at least a lot of opportunities. I guess if women kept "calling an audible" when they got to the line, maybe I'd go under the knife as well.... maybe not.
2. Sex Shmex
-The (depressing) evolution of girls costumes
This says it all (man I hope I dont have daughters)

-And The Exorcist redux.. as an 80's sitcom
(only beef.. no Mr Roper!)
4. Star Wars
Cementing their place as the weirdest couple since Seal and Heidi Klum...
Doctors in Mexico augmented a 45-year-old man's left testicle with an implant normally used for shaping a chin, according to Live Science. The surgery was reported in this month's issue of the Journal of Sexual Medicine.
The unnamed man was born with one tiny right testicle and a normal sized left one. Doctors initially removed the smaller testicle and replaced it with an implant, but that still left him with an uneven pair.
Maybe it's just me, and I can't judge since I have perfectly sized testes...but who undergoes surgery on the balls? Especially for cosmetic purposes? Dude must be getting a lot of action.. or at least a lot of opportunities. I guess if women kept "calling an audible" when they got to the line, maybe I'd go under the knife as well.... maybe not.
2. Sex Shmex
Better Than Sex: Is Music The Answer?
Posted: 10/25/2012 2:24 pm EDT Updated: 10/26/2012 11:12 am EDT
By: Michael Gowan, TechNewsDaily contributor
Published: 10/24/2012 11:18 AM EDT on TechNewsDaily
Sex and rock n’ roll — no drugs needed. The next time you’re looking to get in the mood for romance, skip the candles. Go straight to the stereo and put on some Marvin Gaye — or the "Dirty Dancing" soundtrack. Really.
A survey of 2,000 participants by music psychologist Dr. Daniel Müllensiefen (commissioned by streaming music service Spotify) found strong—and sometimes surprising—connections between music and seduction. For instance one in three can name a song they like better than sex (Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" was the most frequently named).
1st off.. Bohemian Rhapsody? Am I missing something. Everytime I hear that song I think of Wayne & Garth in their smart car... doesn't exactly get me on the move. But wait! It gets worse.. Another on the list? Bat out of Hell by Meatloaf...... I can think of no other tune that is worse than sex. Hearing that tune makes me limper than an actual meatloaf. We'll have to agree to disagree on that one.
3. Just in Time for Halloween
-What your halloween candy says about you...
I'm def this guy:
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize you liked making children's dreams come true. You sir are a king of kings
By: Michael Gowan, TechNewsDaily contributor
Published: 10/24/2012 11:18 AM EDT on TechNewsDaily
Sex and rock n’ roll — no drugs needed. The next time you’re looking to get in the mood for romance, skip the candles. Go straight to the stereo and put on some Marvin Gaye — or the "Dirty Dancing" soundtrack. Really.
A survey of 2,000 participants by music psychologist Dr. Daniel Müllensiefen (commissioned by streaming music service Spotify) found strong—and sometimes surprising—connections between music and seduction. For instance one in three can name a song they like better than sex (Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" was the most frequently named).
1st off.. Bohemian Rhapsody? Am I missing something. Everytime I hear that song I think of Wayne & Garth in their smart car... doesn't exactly get me on the move. But wait! It gets worse.. Another on the list? Bat out of Hell by Meatloaf...... I can think of no other tune that is worse than sex. Hearing that tune makes me limper than an actual meatloaf. We'll have to agree to disagree on that one.
3. Just in Time for Halloween
-What your halloween candy says about you...
I'm def this guy:
Full Size Snickers
-The (depressing) evolution of girls costumes
This says it all (man I hope I dont have daughters)
-And The Exorcist redux.. as an 80's sitcom
(only beef.. no Mr Roper!)
4. Star Wars
Cementing their place as the weirdest couple since Seal and Heidi Klum...
Kim K tweets sexy Star Wars pic with Kanye West
- Last Updated: 12:37 PM, October 26, 2012
- Posted: 12:36 PM, October 26, 2012
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, before Kim Kardashian and Kanye West turned into the notorious couple known as KimYe, they were just two famous people who worked together for a TV skit.
Kim Kiardashian via Twitter
"Throwback Thursday me & Yeezy 2008," Kim Kardashian captioned alongside the pic.
And what the fuck is up with the muppet? I dont even want to know where that thing has been...
5. Hooray Beer
And Hooray Chris Cooley for being the coolest motherfucker in the NFL
Redskins' Cooley tried to get 'beer' clause into contract: report
- Posted: 11:15 AM, October 26, 2012