2. Bieber Fever
Poor Biebs.. he just can't get no respsect.. so he has to go online and rant about it like the lil baby, baby, baby that he is.. sad really
Bieber launches Instagram rant trashing LiLo’s money troubles
Justin Bieber posted a lengthy rant on Instagram bashing false rumors about himself and those comparing him to Lindsay Lohan, saying, "Look at her 2012 tax statements ;)."In the post, the superstar denies rumors he is heading to rehab and that his recent behavior disappointed his family....
And if you like watching a good train wreck.. feast your eyes on the whole post..
"Everyone in my team has been telling me, 'keep the press happy' but I'm tired of all the countless lies in the press right now. Saying I'm going to rehab and how my family is disappointed in me."
"My family is beyond proud, and nothing's been said by them, my grandparents wouldn't know how to reach to press even [if] they did want to so that was a lie and rehab cmon"
"if Anyone believes i need rehab thats their own stupidity lol I'm 19 with 5 number one albums, 19 and I've seen the whole world. 19 and I've accomplished more than I could've ever dreamed of."
"i'm 19 and it must be scary to some people to think that this is just the beginning. I know my talent level and i know i got my head on straight. i know who i am and i know who i'm not My [message] is to to believe. My albums could be about anything but my messages have been to never say never and believe, not to believe in me, but to believe in yourself .. I honestly don't care if you don't believe in me because I believe in me, and look where that's gotten me so far.."
"I'm writing this with a smile on my face and love in my heart. Letting u know first hand how I feel rather than have these story linger. I'm a good person with a big heart. And don't think I deserve all of this negative press."
"I've worked my ass off to get where I am and my hard work doesn't stop here. i'm growing up finding myself while having people watch me and criticise (sic) me everyday i think im doing pretty damn good."
"And to those comparing me to Lindsey Lohan look at her 2012 tax statements ;)."
What a douche... though, really should we be surprised?
3. At Least She Has A Job
4. In My Day We Didn't Have Nerds Or Vaginas
And thats the way it was.. and we liked it!
"A Women Kissing A Nerd," "Beyonce Girating Her Vagina," And Other Angry Complaints To The FCC About The Super Bowl
5. Interviews of the Week
--- Keach on Keach
Damn, outta danks. Where's Cheech's cell?
Cheech & Chong’s Up in Smoke (1978)—“Sgt. Stedenko”
Cheech & Chong’s Nice Dreams (1981)—“Sgt. Stedanko”SK:
Sgt. Stedenko was definitely one of my favorite characters. I loved working with Cheech and Chong, and we had a lot of fun. Everyone thinks that everyone was stoned on the set, but that’s not true at all. Everybody was straight as an arrow when we were working. After work… well, who knows what goes on? [Laughs.] But on the set, they were absolutely very professional and were hard workers. We had a great time.
--Rickles on Rickles
You think so?
Oh, yes, they do. They say, 'Make fun of my wife, will you Don?' So, they expect it. I'm pretty used to that. They mean well, thank God.
Do you make fun of their wife?
Sometimes I try to. (Laughs)
--Willow on Willow (and that fat fuck formely known as Val Kilmer)
--Lauer On Curry
Matt Lauer’s Bruising Year After Ann Curry’s Ouster Devastated the ‘Today’ Show
The Today host tells Howard Kurtz that NBC mishandled Ann
Curry’s ouster and describes how the network is rebuilding the show.
Plus, his secret talks with Katie Couric.
This is actually a fascinating read for anyone who was a Today Show fan.. cant say I was ever that, but I did watch it every day at work so I could see which stories we would steal, I mean "re-package" for the Noon show.. obviously this whole thing didn't go over too well on the internets.. nice try, Lauer!
Too little, too late to save ‘phony’ TV louse
- Last Updated: 5:17 PM, March 12, 2013
- Posted: 1:25 AM, March 12, 2013
Andrea Peyser
More than eight months ago, the miserable “Today’’ show anchor snuffed the life out of America’s sweetheart Ann Curry on live TV just for kicks.
Yesterday, Matt went on a media blitz, using gullible reporter Howard Kurtz of The Daily Beast to save his job, if not his soul.
6. Public Service Announcements
1st and foremost! Beer is good for you! Here's proof. you're welcome
The Health Benefits of Beer
Move over red wine. The buzz on beer is that it can provide some nutrition as well as health benefits. “While red wine enjoys a reputation for sophistication and health benefits, emerging research reveals that beer has unique nutritional and health benefits,” claims registered dietitian and an Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) media spokesperson, Andrea Giancoli. According to AND and the latest research, drinking beer in moderation, can possibly help:(Damn that tricky "moderation" thing again...))
Also of note.. Napping is good for you too! I must be the healthiest man alive!
7. Before They Were Whores
Er, I mean "stars" ... this is an eye opening slideshow ..
Porn Stars: Before and after their cosmetic makeovers
Porn stars, they're just like us. At least they're just like
women (and some men) who use makeup to enhance their looks to sometimes
startling degrees. Make-up artist Melissa Murphy captured the amazing
transformations that some of the women of porn make before they step in
front of the camera and published the results on her Instagram account
revealing a secret side of the XXX industry.
There's a lot of great ones..but I think this illustrates the point best...
8. Panda Watch!
Speaking of Porn.. is there anything it can't do?
Scientists put young panda couple in the mood with naughty films
- Last Updated: 3:15 PM, March 14, 2013
- Posted: 10:44 AM, March 14, 2013
Scientists feared the couple would never have baby bears after the frigid bamboo-munchers failed to get it on.
So they placed a TV screen next to their cage which showed other pandas having sex.
And conservationists in southern China were celebrating after the shy couple got down and did the business after the experiment.
Vets at the Panda Breeding and Research Base in Chengdu, Sichuan province, were worried as inexperienced five-year-old female Colin kept rejecting her mate, Yongyong.
Yeah.. you like that? huh? Huh? Oh yeah...Chew that bamboo baby
Like her brethren in China, this female panda in Thailand was shown
panda porn to help her get in the mood for her three-day mating cycle.
9. Slideshows of the Week
--20 Things You Didn't Know About “Who Framed Roger Rabbit”
13. In the car crash scene the animators snuck in a few frames of Jessica Rabbit clearly wearing no panties. This was corrected for the DVD release.
Actually... I always knew that Jessica Rabbit was a slut
--33 Pictures That Should Be Left In The '90s
So many good ones here.. but I think this is my favorite.. Whoa
7. Keanu Reeves showing off his leg hair:
Photographical evidence that ignorance is bliss
--10 NCAA Coaches Who Look EXACTLY Like Their Mascot
Trent Johnson (TCU) ---> Super Frog
10. Breaking Good
Finally a dating website for folks like me!
Moderate to high intake? I doubt it...
11. Wicked Smaat
This explains it all.. Shia's not a douche.. he's just eccentric.. like all geniuses..
Young Albert Einstein, Shia LaBeouf Look Strikingly Similar (PHOTO)
The Huffington Post
By Erin Clements
Posted: 03/14/2013 2:07 pm EDT | Updated: 03/14/2013 2:07 pm EDT
Take a look at Einstein and the "Transformers" star, side by side. The resemblance is uncanny, no?
12. And In Movie News
From our Pussy & Weed correspondant..
I dont think this promo has anything to do with the movie, but its the most effective "trailer" I have ever seen. I am all over seeing this movie.. They had me at Allison Brie saying pussy.
And speaking of coming soon...
And sadly.. Ennio not a huge Quentin fan anymore.. that's too bad because you just can't get enough of this:
13. Phish Haters Rejoice!
You're anti-phan club has a new president..
Phish Has Been a Band for Thirty Years Now and They Have Sucked the Whole Time
By Benjamin Shapiro
Believe it or not, 2013 is the thirty-year anniversary of Phish, Vermont's pied-pipers of Wookie stoner trash. Yesterday I was poking around on the Internet and I came across an article that Katie Bain wrote for the LA Weekly in defense of jam bands. In the piece, she defines these musicians as "rooted in the tradition of exercising one's basic urges through an ecstatic musical experience," but just so we're working from a shared definition, a jam band is a group of smelly men who can't write real songs. Phish, a four-person group now in its 30th year of giving bong boys a reason to get off the beanbag chair, is one of those bands.
As you might imagine.. that article didn't go too well for him...
And for a more measured response.. check out this nice piece at AV club..
14. Phish Lovers Rejoice!
They 're featured in this week's Full Show Friday.. having attended both of these shows.. lemme just say... shwing!
Full Show Friday: Phish Philly ’96 Video Upgrade Surfaces
For their New Year’s Run in 1996, Phish started off with a pair of shows at The Spectrum in Philadelphia on December 28th and 29th before celebrating the 30th and 31st at the Fleet Center in Boston. Shortly after the shows fairly high-quality fan-shot video from the Philly performances started to circulated among fans. Most of the copies were VHS and the quality degraded each time you’d make a copy. Back then, before the digital age gave us YouTube and torrents, if you’d buy a bootleg VHS Phish tape, there were good odds it was far removed from the quality of the original recording.
Yesterday, clips containing the highest quality video of the Philly ’96 shows I’ve ever seen surfaced on YouTube. Now, unfortunately the clips aren’t synced with taper audio, but they are still well worth checking out in their hi-def (720p) glory for the video upgrade. All that’s missing from both shows is the start of the first set on the 28th. The highlights are many and include outstanding versions of Mike’s and Weekapaug on the 28th and a ridiculous second set on the 29th that saw a “rotation jam,” Tom Marshall emerge during Harpua for a cover of Champagne Supernova by Oasis and a killer David Bowie.So we’ve compiled the Philly ’96 videos for your viewing pleasure. We highly recommend clicking on the symbol that resembles a gear at the bottom of each embed to increase the quality to “720pHD.”