Hangover Pt III (though I still need to see #2, this looks good)
Whedon Does Shakespeare (whats a matter smart-ass, you don't know any shakes-- oh wait)
Revenge of the Tanning Mom! (shall we reserve our tickets to the midnight debut now?)
Wait.. Liberace was gay?
2. Russel Crowe: Alien Hunter
Did he just blow your mind? He certainly blew his own...
Russell Crowe uploads ‘UFO’ video – possibly believes in aliens
(click for said video)Russell Crowe believes he captured footage of an Unidentified Flying Object. Really.
The Aussie actor tweeted a link to his YouTube video of a “UFO” sighting and wrote in shock, “UFO? Time Lapse Photos Outside
AFP/Getty Images
Russell Crowe posing during a photocall for the film "3:10 to Yuma" in Rome
via cache.io9
Crowe retweeted this jokey pic of a bat with Lightsabers, a Twitter user's explanation of the actor's "UFO" sighting
3. And In Other Movie News
From our "no shit" department..
George Lucas: Harrison, Mark, Carrie signed to next 'Star Wars’
- Last Updated: 3:09 PM, March 7, 2013
- Posted: 3:08 PM, March 7, 2013
When asked by Bloomberg Businessweek if the original actors from the sci-fi phenomenon would return, Lucas revealed, “We had already signed Mark and Carrie and Harrison—or we were pretty much in final stages of negotiation. So I called them to say, ‘Look, this is what’s going on.’”
That's like asking Antoine Walker if he'd want to come back to the Celtics for old timer's night.. what the fuck else does he have going on.. at least Harrison Ford is busy with Anchorman 2.. but I'm pretty sure Fisher and Hamill have a few holes in their schedules...
4. Will It Suck?
No! It will bite! Bite hard!
U.S. says U.N. sanctions 'will bite' after North Korea threatens nuclear attack
updated 3:22 PM EST, Thu March 7, 2013
(CNN) -- The U.N. Security Council unanimously passed tougher sanctions against North Korea Thursday targeting the secretive nation's nuclear program hours after Pyongyang threatened a possible "preemptive nuclear attack."
"These sanctions will bite, and bite hard," U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice said after the vote.
Well.. it certainly does suck...
Now, I know what you're thinking... is this the 1st domino to fall leading to WWIII?? Fear not!
This guy's got it all under control...
5. Ooh La La
Speaking as a fashion icon in my own right, I have to say I'm very impressed by the revolutionary strides being made over in Paris for fashion week.. I hope to see these replacing the sweats and sports t's on the streets of Boston soon..
A few highlights:
I think this was the backdrop at that Roger Waters show at Fenway...
I always feel like.. somebody's waaaaatchin meeeeeee
and I'm hungry like the woooooooolf
I'm trapped in a bronze cage of emotion!
Brought to you by Phillies brand Blunts.. who's got a light?
6. Lightning Round
From our Les Biens correspondant (that's French)
7. Call Me The Big Pill
AKA.. take two of DEEZ.. and call me in the morning.. heyooooo!
Sex may be a natural way to treat migraines, cluster headaches
Having sex may be the solution to curing a splitting headache.
Researchers from the University of Munster in Germany have found that sexual activity was successful in treating migraines in 60 percent sufferers and in one-third of patients with cluster headaches.
"Our data suggest...that sexual activity can lead to partial or complete relief of headache in some migraine and a few cluster headache patients," wrote the authors of the study, published Feb. 19 in Cephalagia.
8. Where's My Mule?
Move over El Grand Canyon... there's a new Mule in town..
Cops Find Meth in Woman’s Crack, Loaded Gun in Her Vagina
Police in Ada, Oklahoma, this week arrested 28-year-old Christie Dawn Harris after a search of her car yielded meth, drug paraphernalia, a pistol, and some ammo.But it wasn't until they reached the local jail that officers learned that Harris still had a few tricks up her vagina.
Harris, who had been complaining to her arresting officers that she needed to go to the bathroom, was ordered to change into "jail clothing," but refused to do so, claiming she was on her period.
She ultimately agreed to submit to a body cavity search, at which point Officer Kathy Unbewust says she "observed at that time a wooden and metal item sticking out from her vagina area."
9. Fun With Guns
If you think things like this are a good idea...
See this...
10. The (Old) Love Boat
Field trip anyone?
Cougar Cruises Bring Younger Men To Older Women (PHOTOS)
Huff/Post50 | By Rebecca Klein
Posted: 03/07/2013 7:58 am EST | Updated: 03/07/2013 11:50 am
Amy Luna Manderino stumbled into her 2010 cougar cruise experience somewhat accidentally -- by winning tickets after accompanying a friend to a cougar event.
Several months later, she ended up with a marriage proposal.
“I met a young man my first night on the cruise,” said Manderino, 47, an artist who had previously been married to a man seven years her junior. “We ended up dating … and after the cruise he came to visit me. Turns out he wanted to marry me, but I said no ... we didn’t share the same values and priorities.”
Manderino –- who got more involved with cougar events after the cruise, and was even crowned 2011’s Miss Cougar International -– is just one of hundreds of singles who have gone on cougar cruises. She described the experience like that of any other event or vacation for singles, with one major exception.
Several months later, she ended up with a marriage proposal.
“I met a young man my first night on the cruise,” said Manderino, 47, an artist who had previously been married to a man seven years her junior. “We ended up dating … and after the cruise he came to visit me. Turns out he wanted to marry me, but I said no ... we didn’t share the same values and priorities.”
Manderino –- who got more involved with cougar events after the cruise, and was even crowned 2011’s Miss Cougar International -– is just one of hundreds of singles who have gone on cougar cruises. She described the experience like that of any other event or vacation for singles, with one major exception.
Miss Cougar Intl'1 2011!! Way to GO AMY!!
Side note.. in case you're wondering what goes on .. on these cruises? You're 100% right..
The kids looove the shuffleboard!
11. The Great Shicksa Debate
Everything (and a lot more) you ever wanted to know about the term "Shicksa" .. though there's one big problem with this article.. NOWHERE does it mention the Seinfeld episode! WTF!?! I mean, isnt that the exact moment the word became part of the American Lexicon? Huge ommission, Salon..
(Ok, full disclosure.. they might mention.. the thing is just too damn long for me to read the entire article.. 140 characters or less, please...)
Is “shiksa” an insult?
The Yiddish word has become a part of the English lexicon, but its connotation remains fluidBy Menachem Kaiser
This article originally appeared on the L.A. Review of Books.
But the shikses, ah, the shikses are something else again […] I am so awed that I am in a state of desire beyond a hard-on. My circumcised little dong is simply shriveled up with veneration. Maybe it’s dread. How do they get so gorgeous, so healthy, so blonde? My contempt for what they believe in is more than neutralized by my adoration of the way they look, the way they move and laugh and speak.– Philip Roth, Portnoy’s Complaint
12. Damn, Media
Looks like we ruined another guy's career.. way to go, assholes..
March 7, 2013, 3:00 pm
remember the days when Carl Crawford missed time with the Sox because
of mysterious injuries? What's that? Blocked from your memory? Oh.
(USA Today Sports)
(USA Today Sports)
Carl Crawford was a happy camper when he signed his shiny new 7-year $142 million dollar contract with the Red Sox two seasons ago.
Injuries derailed his chance to make an impression and he was shipped off to Los Angeles as part of a blockbuster trade last season.
For the former All-Star, it was hard to deal with his lack of performance in Boston. But, if you listen to Crawford's recent comments to CBSSports.com, it wasn't nearly as hard as dealing with the city's media and its love of negativity.
If he was happy when he signed his new deal, he went full Pitino in his comments to CBS.
“That smile turned upside down quick,” Crawford said. “I think they want to see that in Boston. They love it when you’re miserable.
“That media was the worst thing I’ve ever experienced in my life,” he added.
He has a point there.. we do love seeing people miserable around here. Makes us feel so much better about ourselves..
13. Onion Nails It
Hate to admit, but they got us here..
Pretty Cute Watching Boston Residents Play Daily Game Of ‘Big City’
‘It’s Fun Watching Them Hustle And Bustle Around Like They Live In A Major Metropolis,’ Nation Says
At this very moment, precious Bostonians are engaged in a game of
“Big City,” pretending that they live in a significant metropolitan
Inhabitants of real cities across the nation smiled in affectionate amusement as Bostonians put on their big-city clothes, swiped their Charlie cards for a ride on one of the MBTA’s trolley-like subway cars—charmingly called the “T”—and rushed downtown for “important” business meetings at the John Hancock Building, the South Boston Innovation District, and other pretend centers of global industry and commerce.
True..but I'd rather that than have to walk over bums, needles, and mounds of trash on my way to work. (Sorry, NYCers)
14. Move Over Buzz Feed
There's a new site that has amazing slideshow/list type thingies.. and I've burned many a minute on it in just two short days..
It's called, Zergnet.. and I dont really know how you get to the main page.. but here's a few interesting items I found off it..
-12 Now-Famous People You Didn't Know Were in Movies You've Seen
-The 32 Greatest Unscripted Movie Scenes
-11 of the Best Movies You've Never Seen (Spoiler: One includes Ron Swanson!)
15. Happy Anniversary, Lebuvski
And in case you missed it.. this week marks the 15th anniversary of the release of the all-time greatest cult classic.. The Big Lebowski.. and the internet is a buzz with tributes.
--CNN's Where Are They Now? (though I think we know where most of them are, except for Tara Reid.. we know she's face down in a gutter SOMEWHERE, but we just don't know where)
--Cinemablend's 15 favorite moments (though, kinda lame in that the entire movie is really one long favorite moment..)
--Vulture's 15 thoughts on TBL (though, the writer has a very personal approach to this, he does have a few good ones.. like:
12. The substitution of “This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps!” for “This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass!” in basic cable airings of The Big Lebowski is an all-time great curse word dubbing, right up there with “Yippee ki yay, melon farmer!”
I have never seen the edited for TV version.. but rest assured, next time I have the opportunity.. I will. Personally, my favorite edited for TV line comes from Die Hard 2:
"I was wrong about you.. I thought you were a real Rascal."
"No, you're right. I'm just your kind of Rascal"
16. Full Show Thursday
Since I will be off tomorrow here's a special edition of Full Show Friday.. on a Thursday.. Enjoy your weekend and your last day of the work week suckaz!
I: Cayman Review, Alive Again[1], Pigtail, Magilla, Sweet and Dandy, The Land of Nod, Money, Love and Change, Scabbard, Frost, Sweet Dreams Melinda, Dark and Down, Valentine
II: Sand, Corona, Simple Twist Up Dave, Let Me Lie, Goodbye Head, O-o-h Child, Alaska, Architect, Clint Eastwood, Push On 'Til the Day
E: Flock of Words[2], Heavy Things[2], Sultans of Swing
[1] Manteca tease. [2] Trey on acoustic guitar.