BEIJING — During a two-hour television broadcast that was part morality play, part propaganda tour de force, the Chinese government on Friday sent four foreign drug traffickers to their deaths after convicting them of killing 13 Chinese sailors two years ago as they sailed down the Mekong River through Myanmar

Although the live program ended shortly before the men were executed by lethal injection, it became an instantly polarizing sensation, with viewers divided on whether the broadcast was a crass exercise in blood lust or a long-awaited catharsis for a nation outraged by the killings in October 2011. Some critics said the program recalled an era not long ago when condemned prisoners were paraded through the streets before being shot in the head.  

CCTV, via Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
In this image taken from CCTV on Friday, Naw Kham, the Burmese ringleader of a drug gang, was transferred for execution in Yunnan Province, China.

Someone predicted this...

3. Flashbacks of the Day

Can you recognize these old photos? Most of them are pretty obvious.. but this one is insane..




Crazy.. lots of old school shit out there today.. guess I'll create my own flashback with this lil number..


4. And Speaking of Old School

The D's "Acoustic Old School"Tour hits Boston tomorrow night.. (I will be there.. if you will too, hit me up) 

5. Donut of the Day

They dropped the ball on the name though.. shoulda been the Crystal Blue Persuasion

Albuquerque shop offers 'Breaking Bad' donuts

Donuts covered in blue frosting, meth-like sprinkles

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. —One donut shop has captured the essence of a hit TV show in a tasty treat.
Rebel Donuts has created the “Breaking Bad” donut, which features blue frosting topped with what looks like blue crystal meth. The meth-like sprinkles mimick the famed blue meth made famous by the TV show.

"Obviously we don't call it the Blue Meth Donut," Rebel Donut Owner Carrie Mettling said.

6.  Injury of the Day

Sorry coach, can't play. My tatts are sore...

You know those books and blog posts that come out every so often and they're about strange sports injuries? Yeah, well, this one's definitely getting a chapter.
Elvis Andrus was taken out of the Texas Rangers lineup on Thursday because of a tattoo injury. No, it's not one of them Mike Tyson/"The Hangover" Guy/tribal face deals as we originally photoshopped here.

7. Origin Stories of the Day

Apparently, board games have a dark side.. great read!

(Credit: Alex Wong/Getty Images News)

 Quaker extortionists and Monopoly? The Civil War and The Game of Life? We usually associate board gaming with family time, but several of the most popular games out there have some not-so-family-friendly origins.
So if you're looking to spark some interesting conversations next time you gather 'round the table for an evening of dice and fake money, here are a few of the lesser known tales of history's biggest board games.

Monopoly and the Quakers
You may have heard the legend that an unemployed salesman named Charles Darrow invented the game of Monopoly during the depression, somewhere around 1935. That's not entirely true.
A Quaker named Lizzie Magie, in fact, first created the game in 1904 to showcase the evils of property ownership (the original title was "The Landlord's Game".) Magie was a supporter of the Quaker tax reformer Henry George, and the game focused on players extorting one another.

8. Video Game of the Day

Or perhaps of all time...

Side note: Speaking of video games.. here's the tweet of the day... and fyi, it was retweeted by andy richter.. no, i dont follow Boy George...  
"I have never played a video game! I never will!"

9. Awkward News Clip of the Day

So many to choose from obviously.. but this will do for now.

(close second)

10. Slip-Up of the Day

I dont really blame him.. dude is too cool to be quoting nerdy things like Star Wars ..

11. Full Show Friday

Well, our friends at hidden track have dropped the ball today and didnt post a Full Show Friday selection.. so I will offer my own.

A lil BMW from 1980.. Best part of this , is the I-threes did a quick opening set before Bob came out...One of my all-time favorite Bob CD's.. was shocked and delighted when I found it on Youtube earlier today...


[[update: HT finally got around to posting their FSF.. but mine's better... ]