Last night was the second of two The RatDog Quartet performances at Sweetwater Music Hall in Mill Valley, Calif. Before this new version of RatDog took the stage, which features Bob Weir, Jonathan Wilson, Robin Sylvester, Jay Lane and sometimes guest Jason Crosby, the evening started off with an acoustic performance by Jonathan Wilson followed by a Bob Weir acoustic set. Weir battled with a bunch of talkers throughout his set telling them “Hey, I’m not interrupting you am I?” He finally gave up during a cover of Bob Dylan’s A Hard Rain’s A Gonna Fall. Bobby left the stage in the middle of the song after issuing an evil glare and telling the crowd he’d be back with his electric band.

[Image via mossismyrice on]
When Weir returned with his RatDog Quartet in tow, he told the crowd “It’s okay, we’re not going to try to do anything particularly delicate now,” before launching into Friend of the Devil. The RatDog Quartet set included the first RatDog version of Fire On The Mountain which was sung by Jonathan Wilson. Wilson also sang on a cover of Sing Me Back Home, another RatDog debut. Jason Crosby, who sat in with Weir during his acoustic set, guested with RatDog for the majority of the set.
Watch Bobby’s performance of Hard Rain followed by the walk off…