Friday, March 22, 2013

Lucky 7

1. Ready... BREAK!

Ok.. at first I thought it just looked like a trashy movie that I would never see (surprisingly).. but.. there's a lot of interesting buzzzz around this Spring Breakers movie..

Then I read this Grantland profile on the director/writer (same dude who did Kids) and the rapper who James Franco's character is based on.. and I have to say.. I will definitely see it. May not be in the theater, but.. it will be watched at some point...

The Curious Case of Riff Raff vs. Spring Breakers

How a viral rap oddball inspired — or did he? — the year's most controversial and mind-blowing movie

By Amos Barshad on

The first time Harmony Korine appeared on The Late Show With David Letterman it was 1995 and he was there, ostensibly, to talk about his screenplay for Kids, a movie that was just starting to give parental watchdog groups heart palpitations. He was barely 22, and looked it: shy, clean-shaven, and wearing an ill-fitting suit, he came off like a real-life Max Fischer. He told Letterman that Kids came about when he was trying to write a sequel to Caddyshack; he also shared anecdotes about a childhood friend named Barfunk he'd once almost accidentally drowned, and a guy he knew in Delaware who had "shish kebab skewers stuck through both his asscheeks."

Letterman, thoroughly amused by this odd, fidgety kid, brought Korine back regularly over the next few years. In 1997, when Korine showed up to plug his directorial debut, the arthouse shitshow Gummo, he was still dressed like a sweet nerd. But he'd grown his hair out, and was more self-assured. "I wanted to make a different kind of movie," Korine said, defending Gummo. "I don't see cinema in the same — on the same kind of terms or the same way that narrative movies have been made for the past hundred years. I wanted to see moving images coming from all directions." He also told Letterman, "I wanna do a minstrel with Tom Cruise. And I want him to play it on his knees."


Now THAT would be an awesome movie... as for said rapper... thats where this article really gets interesting...

Korine covertly tapped another pop culture inspiration for Spring Breakers: the irrepressible rapper — rapper? — Riff Raff. Franco's character, Alien, is a hustling "cosmic gangster," and the actor joyfully commits to the role; it's a knockout performance. Cloaked in mismatched tattoos, grills, beaded braids, and a perma-shirtless state, he also happens to look exactly like Riff Raff.
After on-set photos surfaced, Korine and Franco played down the association, saying Alien was based on an amalgamation of people that included Riff Raff but, more specifically, an obscure Florida rapper named Dangeruss. Riff Raff wasn't having it. He Instagrammed a convincing side-by-side, dubbed himself Rap Game James Franco, and crowed that he'd have been in the movie if he'd responded to Korine's overtures in time.2 And ultimately, despite the lack of recognition, he seemed excited about the selection of Franco: "That's like if Denzel Washington was playing the role of O.J. Simpson," he said. "Even though it's not O.J. Simpson, O.J. Simpson still gotta be like, 'Denzel Washington is playing me.'"

This video probably sums it all up the best:

2. The Pussy Posse

There's a link in that article to this amazing old piece on Leo Dicaprio. It was actually written right after Titanic made him a superstar. I hadnt heard any of this, though not much of it is surprising. I will say it's simply the most fascintating thing I've read in a long time.. even though my eyes were hurting from reading back to back long articles, I just couldn't stop...

Leo, Prince of the City

The hottest young actor in America and his rowdy friends have made nighttime New York their playground, creating havoc and leaving in their wake a trail of awestruck fans (and often, no tip).

Hi Leonardo! You just seem to drain all my worries out of me when I'm watching one of your movies. You are a hell of a better actor than Brad Pitt and all those other shitty actors that some girls love to death. All I want to say before I sign off is that I don't think you are gay or bi and when some of my friends say they don't like you I am not ashamed to say that I am deeply in love with you. (Oh, and by the way, I'm a Calvin Kline sic model and I'm 21 years old!)
-- posted on the "Leonardo DiCaprio Is a Hot Babe!" Website, May 31

The furtive typing of teens in the Heartland is only the rawest expression of the global passion focused on the 23-year-old Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio (named after Da Vinci, and with a Mona Lisa smile). What can Leo's life be like at the center of this raging obsession? I went looking for Leo to find out -- on the town in New York, where he can still be found most nights, as always, having a hell of a time.....

The Posse
"They" are the fun-lovin' guys you always see Leo around with. Even before there was Leomania, Leo always traveled with his pack of devotees, known in Hollywood circles as "The Pussy Posse." "They're all about seeing the girls," says a magazine photographer in New York who once had to sneak Leo and his boys, then the uninvited, into a Victoria's Secret event.
The group's core members constitute a frat house of young men, some of whom are actually famous, like Leo. There's Lukas Haas, who has not yet become Leo, and Tobey Maguire -- the pensive youth in The Ice Storm -- who is, perhaps, waiting to. There's Harmony Korine, the Gummo boy auteur, and David Blaine, the levitating magician, who was recently spotted zipping around town on his new motorcycle with Leo -- they hit Moomba, Chaos, Veruka, and NV, where Mariah Carey had to wait in line to get a meeting. "I have fun with him, that's for sure," Leo said of Blaine two years ago when I was doing a story on the magician. "He'll do some pretty fucking crazy things. He's like a monkey with electrodes stuck to his head!"

3.  World Water Day

It's official. There is a "day" for any and every fucking thing in the world.. Yes.. today is world water day.. go out there and enjoy some!

Here's a slisdehow of some cool water shots to help you mark the occasion.. yes, it appears there are people with even more time on their hands than me. (Though I have to admit, some of those pics are pretty awesome)

Let me add my own..

3. Confess Your Sins

Ok.. who's done any or all of these at a show... I will confess, I have been yelling out "Freebird" since the late 90's. I personally still think it's funny. Though I have moved on to shouting "Fuck Your Face" these days...

The 10 Most Annoying Concert Behaviors

Put your smartphone away, stop shouting 'Freebird!' and start enjoying the show already

Members of the audience hold up their cellphones while Nicki Minaj performs at HMV Hammersmith Apollo in London, England on June 24th, 2012.

4. Mashup of the Day

What happens when you combine James Brown & Led Zeppelin... the SHIT happens, that's what..

5. Awesome Cool Random Skill of the Day

I'm sure this guy's the nerdiest dude on the planet.. but he may also be the coolest mofo on the planet as well.. you figure it out..

6. Proving His Point

If ever Ted Johnson has proved that his brain was severely damaged by his time in the NFL.. it was today.. You just don't fuck with Big Vince..

Vince Wilfork upset after Ted Johnson calls his wife 'ugly'

Ted Johnson, Wilfork's former New England teammate, made a serious mistake Friday on his Houston radio show.

Vince Wilfork is not a happy man. His former Patriots teammate Ted Johnson called Wilfork's wife, Bianca, ugly during a Friday morning bit on a Houston sports talk radio show.
Johnson was asked by a caller which former teammate had the ugliest spouse. He stammered a bit and then identified Wilfork's wife, blissfully unaware that even crass local radio segments can go global thanks to a little something experts like to call the Internet.
Here was Johnson's quote (Houston Media Watch has the one-minute audio segment):
I got it. Yeah, I got it. This is a big, big man. He won't hear this - Vince Wilfork."

Except Wilfork found out pretty quickly, and, least shockingly of all, was not very happy about it.

7. Full Show Friday

Rage. Wow.

Full Show Friday: Rage Against The Machine @ E Factory ’96

Written by on 03.22.2013 | Full Show Friday, Rage, Videos

Last month we hipped you to a Rage Against The Machine video showing the band in their early stages before they recorded a self-titled debut that brought the group both commercial and critical success. For today’s Full Show Friday, we fast-forward the clock four years from that early clip and bring you 85 hard-nosed minutes of rap metal from Rage Against The Machine’s August 13th, 1996 performance at the Electric Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.



  1. I dig all the music mashups going on right now. The "concerts" these guys are putting on are one huge party. Check out this vid from Pretty Lights as an example:

  2. Nice, reminds me of Girl Talk.. that dude puts on a great party
