It all started out so well for San Antonio.. Duncan was playing out of his mind.. the Heat looked cooked.. and then this happened...
The best part of it Miller holding his face after.. makes it 100 times more awesome
Not Bill Walton
Kawhi Leonard just GIF'd the hell out of Mike Miller
Yep.. he sure did.
2. Dunkie Doo
But let's get back to Duncan... and that amazing 1st half. He was hitting everything, toying with defenders like a cat with a mouse..
or as NBW put it..
Tim Duncan is doing things I never thought were possible by a human life form. He has reached Pegasus levels.
His primary victim.... of course...
Not Bill Walton
Chris Bosh is playing like an ostrich with his head in the sand. Wait, Chris Bosh IS an ostrich with his head in the sand.
Chris Bosh wants NO PARTS of dis life.
The Fake ESPN
Usually when someone Tim Duncan's age is taking it to the bucket that often, it's because of an overactive bladder.
While poor Bill Simmons was getting Photoboobed...
The Fake ESPN
"Always Remember: Lift With the Boobs" -Guy Behind Bill Simmons
Magic Johnson was working the twitter machine...
Not Bill Walton
If the Heat are able to now get the lead and then keep it when the game ends, they will DEFINITELY force a Game 7. #MagicJohnsonTweet
4.Vengeance is a dish best served... without a shoe
You have to give him credit, after that total abuse in the 1st half, Mike Miller stuck with it.. even if he lost a shoe in the process...
Mike Miller is amazing. I haven't seen someone get Footloose like that since Kevin Bacon
This Machine Kills Fascists
(h/t @CJZero)
It must have been the Meth...
Making threes while on meth without shoes
5. Sup Coach
Sure seemed like Pop had the best of this chess match for most of the game.. and while I wouldn't say Spo got the final check mate on him, Pop sure did raise some eyebrows down the stretch...
Coach Pop is making Spo look
exactly like who we thought he was: an out of his depth substitute
teacher who gets coaching tips from his dog.
LeBron doesn't like what he
sees, wants to talk with his team & calls a timeout. Meanwhile Spo
is somewhere refilling Gatorade bottles.
Coach Spo sounded like he was
nervous. He knows if LeBron can't coach the Heat to a win that he will
be coaching 13 years old in the YMCA
By far the top storyline from the night, as game 6 will forever be know as the headband game. As it was all unfolding, the tweets were coming fast and furious...
No Headband LeBron. This is where the legend grows. Unfortunately, the hair is gone forever.
Is LeBron finally realizing
that like Linus and his blanket, that his headband is a crutch? Will he
finally seize his legacy as Superman?
I Am Not My Headband
So what happened to it? Naturally, it's already started it's own twitter account...
And in an eery prediction.... (though really a no-brainer..)
Don't worry.. CBS sports has the scoop!
And of course, Vegas has also taken notice:
NBA Finals: Oddsmakers say LeBron James will wear headband in Game 7
Whatever the reason (it's totally the hairline thing), it was noticable in the fourth quarter of the insanity that was Game 6 of the 2013 NBA Finals when James went on a huge, aggressive run against the San Antonio Spurs after his headband was knocked off. It's easy to get caught up in hyperbole but he did seem like a completely different player than what we had seen previously.
Because of that, there has been a question about whether or not James will don a headband in Game 7. Bovada has even made the subject a prop bet for Game 7.
Will LeBron James be wearing a headband at tip off of Game 7?
Yes -200 (1-2)
No +150 (3-2)
And for you stat geeks out there...
Couper Moorhead @CoupNBA
7. Sacre Bleu!
As Duncan started to slow in the 2nd half... Tony Parker magically reappeared...first with this ungodly three...
Not Bill Walton
Then, with another circus shot out of his ass
Faux John Madden
"You HAVE to keep a close eye on Tony Parker... believe me!" - Eva Longoria
8. At Least They Still Have Their Fans
Oh wait.. no they didnt.
While arguments about which city's or team's fans often tend to be a dumb, parochial domain, and while it sometimes feels like Miami
catches a #BadSportsTown rap that's a bit overstated, I think we can
agree that leaving an NBA Finals game before its completion is kind of a
bad look. Let alone a game in which your hometown team would be
eliminated with a loss. Let alone a game in which your hometown
team fought back from seven points down at the start of the fourth
quarter, that was a one-possession affair from just inside the
eight-minute mark all the way into the final minute, and in which said
hometown team held a three-point lead with less than two minutes remaining.
And yet, a number of members of the AmericanAirlines Arena faithful on hand to cheer for the Miami Heat
in Game 6 of the 2013 NBA Finals against the San Antonio Spurs did
choose to exit with the game still in the balance in the final minute.
And based on the escalator shot above shared by ESPN's Bomani Jones late in the fourth quarter — and the commentary of several others on the scene — it was a fairly large number:
Not Bill Walton
Look at how many seats are
available. Miami fans already left to make sure they could see new
episodes of Keeping Up With The Kardashians.
At least they realized they dun fucked up.. and tried to get back in... Oops, sorry, douchebags. They even angered the dinosaur:
Ryan Wolstat @WolstatSun
9. Here Come the Haters
Not that they were in hiding really, but at this point, the anti-Lebron campaign reached a fever pitch (myself included):
The only thing Michael Jordan and Lebron James have in common is Male Pattern Baldness.
BREAKING: Michael Jordan's reaction to LeBron James being compared to him --
William Apotheker
Just as I was overloading on eye candy... they cut to Pat Riley scowling in the stands.. #ThankYouHoopsGods
10. Nobody Fucks With The Jesus
Sadly.. despite what the "home town fans" thought.. that was not the clincher, and the game was not over. Why? Because the Spurs forgot that Ray Allen is one of the most clutch shooters in the history of the game. I hate to admit it, but even after I've been bad mouthing him all year, a part of me (a very small part of me) was happy to see him nail it. I mean, to borrow a phrase, that is what greatness is all about.
What do you think about that shot, KG?
"F*ck Ray Allen" - Kevin Garnett
Chris BOSH with the board! Jesus Shuttlesworth has risen from the grave! This game has absolutely EVERYTHING
And for the record, I take full responsibility for jinxing this...
William Apotheker
Cant see Lebron letting them lose now... hope I'm wrong
11. Rise of the Dinosaurs
Because everyone likes a good redemption song (see: Shoeless Mike Miller)... even Bosh..yes, EVEN BOSH got in on the action...
I can't believe I'm saying this, but Chris Bosh was bout dis life down the stretch tonight.
That T-Rex has the longest arms.
12. The Reaction
This had to be the tweet of the night:
Heat win, inside the spread, on a no-call. Joey Crawford trifecta.
BREAKING: America's reaction to Heat coming back to force a Game 7 -- do the Spurs move on? Can they? Coach Pop has the answer:
Here's the Xs and Os for those scoring at home..
(Graphic analysis by Jon Bois)
NBA Action.. It's Fannnnntastic!
As much as I hope to see the Heat lose, have to say we are all winners here as there will be yet another game in this amazing NBA season.. and it will be a Game 7. Get your popcorn ready.
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