1. Cover of the Week
It's even more amazing than you might thing..
In one of those often unitentionally goofy attempts of an older, established artist trying to be hep with the young cats and kittens, the great Ella Fitzgerald recorded a live set in 1969 with Ernie Hecksher’s Big Band and the Tommy Flanagan Trio in San Francisco where she mixed some pop standards of the day with some perhaps more avant garde choices. Well, at least one…
2. #FF
Jerry Garcia
Storyteller, leader, icon. #GratefulDead #Deadhead
We Are Everywhere ✌
* * *
Spoiler alert: This account has not been verified.. but it will send out daily awesomeness like this..
Jerry Garcia
Phil bombs on the Wall of Sound

3. Music Video of the Week
Is it just me, or are music videos getting more and more budget.. I mean, makes sense, since where do they even run these days.. but yikes, it's almost like they aren't even trying anymore.
I'd love to hear what the original song is.. you know it's gotta be better than this "T.I." crap.
4. Et, Tu?
So, I go to put on some music for Jah the other day (the boy is obsessed with music. 1st thing he does in the morning is point to the lil bluetooth speaker I have and start wailing until I put on some music. We've created a monster. Albeit a cute one..)
But I digress. So I open up the itunes app on my phone, and hit shuffle (since, it really doesn't matter if you go Surfin Bird > Yakety Yak..or Vice Versa)..and what do I hear? Some crappy U2 tune! I sure as shit never downloaded this shit. Then, I figured out what happened..
Bono talks U2's surprise album, 'Songs of Innocence'
(Kevin Winter/Getty Images)
U2 surprised the world Tuesday by releasing "Songs of Innocence," their first album in five years, as a gift from Apple. It was available for free immediately to anyone with iTunes.
The band made the
announcement with Apple CEO Tim Cook at a Cupertino press conference for
the new iPhone 6, capping the event with a performance of the album's
first single, "The Miracle (of Joey Ramone)."
"I found my voice through Joey Ramone because I wasn't the obvious
punk-rock singer, or even rock singer," Bono said. "I sang like a girl
-- which I'm into now, but when I was 17 or 18, I wasn't sure. And I
heard Joey Ramone, who sang like a girl, and that was my way in."
* * *
So.. to clarify.. he's into singing like a girl.. ok, perfect. Because he's nailing it! But, am I being harsh? Is it perhaps just one bad tune of the bunch? Let's see what the internet thinks..(cuz I ain't hearing the rest)
-radio.com: How to Download and Delete the New U2 Album
-guardian.com: Ten things to do with an unwanted U2 album
My personal favorite:
3. When you are feeling low or uninspired, simply take a moment to look at the Songs of Innocence icon and its play count of zero, and remind yourself that things could always be worse.
Strangely, Dog and Saw releasing our first album via two cans and a string did not make the cut...
Minds were blown... but only our own
5. Cumming Soon
-Stevie is taking Songs in the Key of Life on the road.. and it's coming to Boston in November. (Sadly, I think it's a lil too close for Vegas for me to leave the house...)
-Medeski, Martin and Wood re-uniting with John Scofield for yet another installment of Medeski, Scofield, Martin and Wood.. and you can stream it for free here...for a lil bit.
-Also check out these interesting recommendations from Jambase's Neddyo... (does this sound like something you might be interested in? Sure does to me
"Groovy and brainy it’s
world-swallowing, with bits of Afrobeat and funk and psych-rock and electronic and jazz and who knows what else.
Twenty killer tracks, Underworld is a breath of fresh air. This is a powerhouse, must-listen album. ")
6. And in Headie News
Former Grateful Dead keyboardist, Tom Constanten.. AKA.. Gandelf the White
T.C. was originally from New Jersey, grew up in Las Vegas and
eventually found himself, albeit briefly, at the University of
California, Berkeley, where in 1961, he met Phil Lesh, a fellow
enthusiast for modern classical music and avant-garde composers. A
detour into the Air Force beginning in 1965 might have taken Constanten
far afield, but his hunger for challenging music and a bit of dabbling
in LSD kept him in the game. After his discharge, he went from the
military to the Grateful Dead overnight.
“Culture shock is my life,” Constanten says. “As soon as I was out of
the clutches of the Air Force, I was on my way to Ohio to play with the
band.”Yes, that guy tripped some serious balls.. here's proof
7. Sit-in of the Week
8. Headline(s) of the week..
-Japanese Farmer Mitsuo Shibata Grows Butt-Shaped Watermelon (Only in Japan)
-Walmart Shoplifter Takes $85 Worth Of Mayonnaise, Leaves Baby Behind (Only in Wal-Mart)
-Man takes Delray Beach police on wild chase, stops to play with cats (Only in Florida)
-Justin Bieber's Abs Cannot Save Him (Can't they? Can't they?)
-Cumming Man Ditches 'Atrocious' Beavers (No, this isn't an Onion article)
But perhaps the best headline of all time..
Teen May Get 2 Years For Pic Of Fake Oral Sex With Jesus
But just wait..it gets better..
Will this boy get punished for coming to Jesus?
A Pennsylvania teen may face up to two years behind bars for allegedly taking a photo of himself simulating oral sex with a statue of Jesus, Kron 4 reports.
Now that is how you fucking write a lead!
(Editor's note: Pin that shit!)
9. Long Read of the Week
"His sense of humor is rural Texas hipster."
They have hipsters in Texas? Does dubya know about this?
They have hipsters in Texas? Does dubya know about this?
10. My Goodness, My Guiness
My personal favorite:
Antanas Kontrimas - Heaviest Weight Lifted With Beard
I hear Chuck Norris is already training for next year

11. Uh Oh, Snoop
Looks like you've met your stoner match.. And as amazing as it is watching these two dudes talk about all the strands they have tried (my personal favorite: Heroinajica), the music video at the very end makes this the best episode of GGN ever..
12. Tweet of the Week
Well played, sir.
"Five long years Steve Jobs wore this watch up his ass." pic.twitter.com/6ddZn9TgSz
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