There's a new 90's dance craze sweeping the nation!
Thanks to Huff post for finding this.. and also for putting together an awesome slide show of other, classic local tv commercials. (scroll down).. Sadly.. the best commercial of all time, the Dean's Furniture "I DOUBT IT" series has been lost to the ages, as I cannot find a single copy of it anywhere on these internets. What the fuck is it all for if you cant find the I DOUBT IT commercials! I may have to boycott the world wide webs until this is remedied.
The Huffington Post
By Alexis Kleinman
Posted: 04/30/2013 9:42 am EDT | Updated: 04/30/2013 7:15 pm EDT
The World Wide Web turned 20 years old on Tuesday. On April 30, 1993, the Web went public for everyone to use (for free) and two decades late CERN, the organization that brought us the Web, has brought the first website back to life at its original address. It's hard to believe that it was only 20 years ago that a website looked like this:
Because nobody understood the Web yet, the site had a page called
"What's out there?" that explained how to use the Web. (Much harder
without the search engines or social networks of 2013.) How did people
find what they were looking for? They could choose by "subject" or by
"type." Looking back, it's downright adorable
4. And Now.. Look What It's Become
It only took 20 years, but the WWW has officially reached its maximum potential.. thanks to this gem from buzzfeed.
1. You dance while you eat: And it only gets better from there..
5. And Speaking of Birthdays..
Willie turns 80! I think it's safe to say we can start to model our lifestyle, diet, and all decisions in general after him. I mean, he's 80! No one saw that coming...
How is he celebrating you may ask? Well, after he gets supremely toasted.... here's how:
6. Alternate Endings
I knew some of these, but they're all pretty mind blowing. How about this one? In the original Rocky script.. HE THROWS THE FIGHT AT THE END?!?!? Wha wha whaaa?!?!
Here's another doozy that I had actually read about, but didnt realize the full extent.. and I love the reason they changed it.. That's So George....
Return of the Jedi -- Han Solo Dies and Luke Abandons the Rebels
20th Century Fox
In Return of the Jedi, Han Solo and Princess Leia manage to
destroy the Death Star's shield generator on the forest moon of Endor
just in time for Lando to swoop in and detonate the Imperial
superweapon. Meanwhile, Darth Vader changes his mind about evil and
tosses Emperor Palpatine down a shaft, then dies himself shortly
thereafter. Everyone reunites for an Ewok dance party. The end.
The Original Ending
According to producer Gary Kurtz, the first draft of Jedi left the Star Wars universe even more bleak than it was at the end of The Empire Strikes Back.
For starters, Han Solo is killed while trying to destroy the shield
generator. The Death Star still gets destroyed, but Luke becomes so
disturbed over his final encounter with Darth Vader that he decides to
venture off on his own, leaving Princess Leia to lead the tattered
remains of the Alliance by herself. We assume that, after all that,
nobody wanted one goddamn thing to do with the Ewoks.
20th Century Fox Chewie, about to suplex Wicket off a tree.
Apparently, Harrison Ford really wanted Han Solo to be killed off at
some point during the trilogy. In fact, the whole reason he was frozen
in carbonite at the end of Empire was because the producers weren't sure if Ford was going to return for the next film. If he had decided not to, at least they'd found a way to write him out of the series.
20th Century Fox "Just put Han's clothes on Billy Dee Williams and no one will know the difference."
However, George Lucas decided not to go with this ending, taking a
firm stance against killing off any of the trilogy's heroes. Not because
of how depressing it would make the movie, mind you, but because he was
worried about how it would affect toy sales. Both Kurtz and Ford have
confirmed this, claiming that Lucas "didn't see much of a future in 'dead Han toys'."
20th Century Fox "It's useless, sir! It's like he has some kind of force field made of greed!"
(Some of the other flics: The aforementioned Rocky, Lil Shop of Horrors, Pretty Woman (The best!!)
7. It's Time To Light The Lights (on fire)
Yet another shining example of the glory of the internet:
If there’s one thing Inglourious Basterds
needed more of, it’s comedy podcast-style riffing on the fantasized
events of the movie-theater massacre that takes out the Third Reich at
the end of the film. And who better to offer commentary from a theater
balcony than Statler and Waldorf, resident zinger experts on The Muppet Show?
After a Redditor posed the question
of which Muppet would have the best chance of assassinating Hitler (our
money is still on Beaker), a documentary editor took some clips of
Statler and Waldof, cutting them into the climactic movie theater scene,
so now Mélanie Laurent’s maniacal revenge laughter and burning Nazi
flags are interspersed with the Muppet geezers flinging puns. It creates
some incredibly morbid humor, but still oddly fascinating.
8. I'll Take A Grande...
Sadly, when I read this story.. all I could think about was this... (actually that's not sad at all)
The Huffington Post
By Megan Griffo
Posted: 04/30/2013 12:13 pm EDT | Updated: 04/30/2013 2:14 pm EDT
This is a large... err... venti mix-up.
One woman took to Starbucks Hong Kong's Facebook page after a barista allegedly wrote "Vagina" instead of "Virginia" on her sister's cup.
Veronica Goh posted a picture of the misspelling on Monday, accompanied by a passionate post.
"THIS is just UNACCEPTABLE," she wrote. "Starbucks HK, you have to
buck up or just not spell your customers' name [SIC] anyway."
Goh said that it's not the first time the coffee powerhouse has gotten her sister's name wrong. She's also seen "Virgin" scribbled across her cup.
"Every Starbucks experience for her has been coupled with fear and anticipation," Goh said in the post.
Hm.. maybe it's time to change your name if it's that upsetting...
9. Listen To the Woman
It's been a roller coaster ride for Gwyneth recently.. she was named sexiest woman alive, than had that whole 70's show fiasco at the Ironman 3 opening. Frankly, I haven't been able to decide if it's all just too much exposure (no pun intended). But then, she goes and does something like this.. and well, she's just aces in my book once again. Preach it, sister!
E!Gwyneth Paltrow on "Chelsea Lately."
Gwyneth Paltrow once told a friend that instead of arguing with her husband she should give him oral sex.
The Hollywood actress gave a friend the startling advice during a
dinner date with female pals including US TV host Chelsea Handler.
And Gwyneth was left red-faced when the host revealed details of the conversation on her chat show Chelsea Lately.
told how when the unnamed woman admitted to being furious with her
husband after a huge bust-up which prompted Gwyneth to advise her to
turn her anger into a different kind of passion.
10. It's All Fun And Games..
Until you lose your life savings and end up with a stuffed Rastafarian Banana.. No, that's not a typo. I meant to put those words in that order...
Henry Gribbohm says he lost his life savings on a carnival game and all he got was this stuffed banana. (CBS)
EPSOM, NH (CBS) – Henry Gribbohm says he lost his life savings,
$2,600, on a carnival game and all he has to show for it is a stuffed
banana with dreadlocks.
“You’re expecting the kids to win a few things, let the kids have a
good time,” said Gribbohm. “It just didn’t turn out that way.”
Gribbohm says he attended a Manchester carnival run by New
Hampshire-based Fiesta Shows and wanted to win an Xbox Kinect at a game
called Tubs of Fun where contestants toss balls into a tub. When he
practiced he says it was easy, but something changed when he started
playing for the prize and the balls kept popping out.
11. Classic Brothers
Nice unearthed vids of the 1972 ABB.. featuring original bass master.. Berry Oakley. The older the Berry, the sweeter the bombs
Founding Allman
Brothers Band bassist Berry Oakley tragically passed on November 11th,
1972 due to injuries sustained from a motorcycle accident in Macon, Georgia. Oakley's
accident took place just three blocks from where Duane Allman died from a motorcycle
accident of his own one year prior. Nine days before Oakley passed, he performed his last
show with the Allman Brothers Band.
The Allman's November 2nd, 1972 performance went down at Hofstra University in Hempstead,
New York. Portions of the show were broadcast on ABC's In Concert program and have
recently turned up on YouTube. In the clip below we get to see rare footage of the post-
Duane, pre-Berry's death lineup of the band which featured Gregg Allman, Dickey Betts,
Jaimoe, Chuck Leavell, Butch Trucks and Oakley.
Watch as the Allmans perform "One Way Out", "Ramblin' Man" and "Whipping Post."
12. Bluegrass Wasteland
Interesting cover of Baba Oreilly.. I'll take these dues over Mumford & Sons anyday
The annual MerleFest
bluegrass-heavy music festival took place this past weekend in
Wilkesboro, North Carolina. This was the first installment of the
prestigious event since the passing of founder Doc Watson last May. The
Avett Brothers, Gov’t Mule and Steep Canyon Rangers were just a few of
the HT faves to play MerleFest this year.
We want to share a clip uploaded by YouTuber Josh Daniel
of an incredible bluegrass arrangement of The Who’s Baba O’Riley from
MerleFest’s Super Jam. The performance features The New Familiars
and festival favorites Scythian, Donna The Buffalo’s Dave McCracken and
the amazing John Cowan.
13. Gonzo's Early Days
And I sent this out and posted it on the facebook.. but it bears repeating.. amazing read from Hunter S. Thompson's early days.. covering the Kentucky Derby. I'll have a mint julep this weekend in his honor...
What does he have to say about such an event.. I think this gives you a little taste..
"Finally, we decided to go ahead and steal two passes, if necessary, rather than miss that part of the action. This was the last coherent decision we were able to make for the next forty-eight hours. From that point on--almost from the very moment we started out to the track--we lost all control of events and spent the rest of the weekend churning around in a sea of drunken horrors."