Dragon? I'll show you dragon...
And that lil baby grew up to be...
2. Flashback of the Week
Hard to choose when one has so many flashbacks on any given week...
See him play the protest song on TV to honor John Hammond
3. Going To Pot
Not a great week for the stoners to say the least..
This poor aspiring chef could be facing life in prison.. for baking pot brownies (hey, thats what you get for living in Texas)
But even here in Massachusetts, this poor dope learned that sometimes honesty is NOT the best policy after all (the lesson, as always.. CLICK IT OR TICKET!)
It was even a bad week for non-human stoners... (seriously, we're just trying to have a good time, Narc)
4. Old Favorites
Two of our favorite features return..
1st) More celebs reading mean tweets about themselves...
In a related story, Sofia Vergara is now my favorite actress
2nd) Bad Lip Reading returns! And this time.. they're taking on American Idol
First of all, didn't realize Idol was still on the air. But judging by the dude who won, can't imagine it will be on much longer. Also, in the interest of full disclosure, I couldn't even make it through this entire video, because a video making fun of American Idol is still a video of American Idol, amirite?
5. Where Are They Now?
80's Edition! (Aka, the mother of all Where Are They Nows!)
I have to say, I was drawn to this link by the tease of Sloan Peterson, of Ferris Bueller fame..because I had always wondered what happened to her? She was probably my first crush, as I watched that movie dozens if not hundreds of times.. and I never saw her in anything again. So, finally, after decades of wondering what had become of poor Sloan, was she even alive.. I have found my answer.
And the results are oh so depressing..
Oh, Sloan! Why! Whyyyyy... I feel like my entire youth was a lie! Can we just go back in time and pretend we never saw this..
Quick..watch this..
Phew! Okay, I think I've calmed down. The good news.. this guy stayed true to himself...
Never change, Arvid... Never change.
(Also note: I made it through all 100 of those slides on that slideshow.. yes, I am a loser)
6. Twitter Update of the Week
I just recently found my way to Samuel L Jackson's account.. and not a moment too soon.. because I was able to see this magnificent update...
I can neither confirm, nor deny, if I have started following @AssBible as well.. you'll have to investigate that on your own...
7.Yay Science!
Can science be applied to a world with Dragons, Murderous Shadow Babies and White Walkers? Why yes, yes it can, thank you very much. #NerdAlert
8. Now Booking Bar Mitzvahs
I know we still have some time, but trying to decide should we go Flo Rida or Kid Rock for Julius' Bar Mitzvah... decisions, decisions..
This Giant List of What Bands Charge to Play Live Reveals a Grave Injustice
The good folks over at Priceonomics recently published a very long, leaked list of the fees some of the world's favorite bands and pop stars charge for a concert appearance. While scanning over it, my heart sank a little. Not only does Macklemore have a Grammy that, by all rights, should belong to Kendrick Lamar, he also appears to earn substantially more than Lamar at gigs, with an asking price of between $200,000–$300,000, versus a minimum of $150,000 for Lamar.
9. In His Defense
Can ya blame him? Lentils? For Dinner? WTF. You're in America now honey.
Man killed wife for making vegetarian dinner: prosecutors
Noor Hussain, 75, was so outraged over the vegetarian fare that he pummeled his wife, Nazar Hussain, 66, with a stick until she was a “bloody mess,” according to prosecutors and court papers.
“Defendant asked [his wife] to cook goat and [his wife] said she made something else,” the court papers indicated as Hussain’s murder trial opened on Wednesday.
“The conversation got louder and [his wife] disrespected defendant by cursing at defendant and saying motherf- -ker, and . . . defendant took a wooden stick and hit her with it on her arm and mouth.”
10. Internet Sensation of the Week
11. And This One Needs No Introduction
Morgan Freeman.. on helium.
12. Full Show Friday
For those of you who don't know.. this is actually one of the greatest bands of all time.. Enjoy
Have a great holiday weekend yawl.. don't do anything I wouldn't do...
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