Video has finally surfaced of Cactus sitting in with Phil at Jerry's Birthday. If none of those names mean anything to you, I'd just move along... otherwise, you've probably already moved along to the link below and are watching the video and enjoying yourself, and not paying attention to what I'm typing anymore...
Video: Phil Lesh Plays He's Gone With Mike Gordon
The night between Phish's performances in Lake Tahoe and San Francisco, Mike Gordon spent his evening off at Phil Lesh's Terrapin Crossroads venue. The Phish bassist sat in on two tunes with Lesh and the house band including a riveting take on Grateful Dead classic "He's Gone."
2. Wayback.. wayyy back
Speaking of unearthed, recently uploaded video.. Someone has taken the time to remaster some old phish footage from 1991.
Here's the link to the youtube page where they are all collected...
Here's a lil taste..mmm phishagically delicious
3. Hi Hi HI Hi Hi
4. the Beginning of the End
Amazing start to the final stretch of Breaking Bad last night... in the interest of not spoiling it for people, I'll just direct you to..
My personal favorite: This is all just a prequel to Malcolm in the Middle..
(as one reviewer put it, who's Star Trek script is better? Badger's or Paul's from Mad Men?)
And while we're here.. let's take a stroll down memory lane, shall we?
5. Are You Smarter Than An 8th Grader? From 1912?
6. Slip, Slidin, Away
Ok, we dont have a very big yard, but I feel like we need to make room for this. I am all about it.
Take a ride on 12-foot-tall Slip 'N Slide!
(CBS News) Some people will go to any lengths (or heights, 12-feet to be exact) to have fun, Clint Walker and Clive Dixon are two of those people. The skateboarders and adrenaline fiends built the biggest Slip 'N Slide ever, at 12-feet tall. And if that wasn't enough, they have it come down off of a house and into a massive loop. See? Crazy! Check out what happens when they actually try to ride the thing in the video above.
In order to get enough speed to make it around the loop, they attached a rope to the back of a truck to help pull riders (again, crazy! But also kind of fun). Walker and Dixon released this video stunt to help raise money on Kickstarter for The Fully Torqued RV Tour, a "web-series inspiring you to be awesome." I'd say they're off to a pretty promising start -- but I hope they get some helmets.
7. What Am I, A Clown?
Apparently, this one isnt here to amuse us, though.
Long-lost footage has emerged from Jerry Lewis' never-released Holocaust movie
The finished product ended up being so unwatchable that Lewis suppressed all copies of the film, and only a handful of people have ever actually seen the movie. One of those—Simpsons actor Harry Shearer—described it as reaching an unattainable pinnacle of ill-conceived badness: "This was a perfect object. This movie is so drastically wrong, its pathos and its comedy are so wildly misplaced, that you could not, in your fantasy of what it might be like, improve on what it really is."
And yet, much like life in a dinosaur theme park, the Internet finds a way. For the first time ever, footage of the film has surfaced. Much of it seems to be from rehearsals, as we see a circus big top with no crowd, and some odd voiceover that was perhaps destined for a trailer. But it's a fascinating glimpse of one of the strangest and least-viewed pieces of Hollywood ephemera out there.
Yes. Jerry Lewis made a holocaust movie, about a clown. Wonder why it never got released...
9. Daft Gate
Colbert dishes on what "really went down" with this whole Daft Punk Debacle..
For those of you unawares of what Im referring to... watch this. If you've already seen it, watch it again. Nothing beats Cranston doing his Roller Skating Dance...
10. Empire of Illusion
For those of you who think I, or anyone else you know is... "really into Phish".. well, you haven't meant this guy. Like Mr Miner before him.. he's reeeeeally into Phish. Frankly, I don't blame him, but makes for a pretty interesting read nonetheless...
Empire of Illusion
The First Summer of the Rest of My Life

Phish’s message, ultimately, is to be our own Phish. Be the Phish of ourselves. For a generation at least, and hopefully for the rest of our lives, we have to defy the odds against us, we have to communicate purely and honestly, we have to find our families, our true families. We have to convince others to come along. We must evangelize.
We have to fight against the so many who say we can’t have IT, who deny us it because they can’t have it, are trapped or too scared and helpless to get it for themselves. If they can’t have it…
We have to break open the doors we’ve spent our lives closing and sail, like pirates, the seas of our own possibilities. Phish taught me to realize that the energy that I put out is always returned to me in various forms. I never know how, and I never know from who or why. But it is ALWAYS returned to me, therefore, I must make sure that my output is pure and good and honest. That is evacuated from me with the best intentions and the purest ideals in mind.
Oh, it gets better.. click through to the link to continue.. as always, Party On.
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