Friday, February 8, 2013

Blizz Buzz

Not much to report out there today other than this epic, historic, earth-shattering, snowmaggedon snowpocalypse.. So, if you're hunkered down and looking for something to do, here's a list of some of my favorite snow/winter themed tunes. Crank em up, disturb your neighbors, and stay safe out there. For all of you who don't live in New England?

Go F yourself.

1. "Cold Rain & Snow"

Classic opener.. especially in the Summer time when it's 90+ degrees out. Their so clever, arent they. And how about Garcia? Trouble ahead, Jerry in Red?!?! You betcha!

2. "Seven Below"

One of Phish's "newer tunes" (just bc it's one of the last say, 20-30 they've written, even though it's now almost a decade old) but it sounds like they've been playing it since the beginning. Just a prime example of their sound, and their jamming potential.. Fun for the whole family!

3. "Snow" (Hey Oh)

Since they're from Cali.. I'm guessing they aren't talking about the same snow we're talking about. But a good tune nonetheless.

4. "Snowblind"

Once again.. I'm not sure they're talking about the weather..

5. "Footprints in the Snow"

The colonel knew a lil sumthin about the white stuff as well.. he also knew how to git down.. bluegrass style.

6. "Tweezer"

Wont you step into the Freezer? And bring your Led Zeppelin medly with you..

7. "Baby It's Cold Outside"

If Ray & Betty don't keep you warm on this cold, cold night.. somethin's wrong with your mojo.

8. "By-Tor and the Snow Dog"

Because nothing segueways out of Ray Charles better than Rush...

9. "Winter"

From our Goat's Head Soup correspondant...

10."Sleeping Monkey > Tweezer Reprise"

Because there's only one way to encore a set with Tweezer... 

11. "Frankenstein"

Double encore from Edgar Winters Group.. get it? See what I did there.. iz nice..

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