Oh A-Rod.. how are ye a douchebag? Let us count the ways...
Alex Rodriguez’s charity gave only 1 percent of donations to charitable causes
By Jay Busbee | Big League Stew – Wed, Feb 27, 2013 11:31 AM ESTNonprofits are generally expected to donate 65 to 75 percent of their revenues to charitable causes, with the remainder going to pay whatever expenses and, if necessary, salaries of nonprofit employees. But according to the Globe, nearly half of the 50 athletes' foundations reviewed fell below that line.
Rodriguez was not the only athlete whose foundation failed to meet acceptable giving rules, but his was certainly one of the most notorious misses. In 2006, Rodriguez teamed with Jay-Z for a charity poker tournament that helped the A-Rod Family Foundation raise $403,862. (Final reported records often differ from the "big check" as posted above because of facility use and similar expenses.)
However, the IRS reported that barely 1 percent of that total reached charities: $5,000 to Jay-Z's Shawn Carter Scholarship Fund and $90 — yes, ninety dollars — to a Little League baseball team in Miami. The organization then stopped submitting financial reports to the IRS, and was subsequently stripped of its tax-exempt status.
1 percent! hahahah. Seriously, how did he think that he would get away with shit like that. In the interest of fairness, Beckett's "Beckett Bowl" also made the shit list... (shocker). He only gives 37%. Hey, that Chicken & Beer ain't gonna buy itself.
2. BFF's of the Day
If SNL doesn't do an Odd Couple sketch this weekend with these two.. then something is seriously wrong at 30 Rock..
Rodman tells Kim Jong Un he has 'friend for life'
February 28, 2013
Dennis Rodman: Kim Jong Un is a 'friend for life'
Photo: Jason Mojica, VICEDennis Rodman told Kim Jong Un he had a "friend for life" after watching a made-for-television basketball exhibition with the North Korean leader on Thursday.
The eccentric basketball Hall of Famer was in Pyongyang to film an episode of HBO's upcoming show, VICE. He sat court-side with Kim during the game and spoke to him in both English and through a Korean translator, according to the AP.
Each team featured two Americans playing with North Koreans. Three of the Americans were Harlem Globetrotters. Another was a VICE producer.
I hear this is Rodman's new ring tone...
3. Best Jury Duty Ever?
I know, I know.. those aren't words you would ever think go together in the same sentence.. but you'd be wrong.
Maine Zumba teacher got cash for sex
Associated Press / February 28, 2013
ALFRED, Maine (AP) — The jury in the trial of an insurance agent charged with promoting prostitution watched a video Thursday showing a sexual encounter between a Zumba fitness instructor and a man who left cash on her massage table.
Jurors also viewed video chats suggesting defendant Mark Strong Sr. was familiar with the encounters, including clips in which fitness instructor Alexis Wright discussed birth control and scheduling of clients. The chats occurred via Skype with Wright in the seaside community of Kennebunk and Strong in his office 100 miles away in Thomaston.
Prosecutors said they had multiple sexually explicit videos but showed jurors only a single 45-minute recording that showed Wright making chitchat with an older man who arrived and immediately began undressing. After their sexual encounter, she used disposable wipes to clean up, escorted the man to the door and then spoke to another man, presumably Strong, at the other end of the Skype chat.
10$ says during deliberations, someone is going to need to review that evidence... any takers?
4. Dropping Some NYC
Damn. Woulda been a good night to be a Manhattanite.. but, if this Chapelle/Chris Rock tour comes to fruition.. I am all in.
Last night while you were at home in your dumb city, Dave Chappelle, Chris Rock, Kevin Hart, Marlon Wayans, Bill Bellamy, Hannibal Buress, and Questlove gathered for an impromptu performance at New York’s Comedy Cellar, famous as the nightclub featured in Louie and for being a place where you weren’t last night. This was preceded by the now only slightly less massive comedy event of Rock and Chappelle doing a surprise joint set on Tuesday where—after double-checking to make sure you weren’t around—they crank-texted-and-called Jay-Z and Arsenio Hall, and generally had a good time without you. Fortunately, Wednesday’s show was captured in pictures and words on Questlove’s Instagram, which is the only place the likes of you will see it. As Questlove describes:
I was working on the other side of the world when suddenly I got a “get yo arse down here NOW!!!!!” text. Sure enough I made it just in time to see the best night ever at the comedy cellar: Hannibal [Buress] was on 1st, then Chapelle did an amazing off the top bit about what life will be like in a South African jail with prosthetic legs…and the pope quitting his career too. & then the floodgates opened: Hart riffed on Spilling drinks on Hov then everyone got in a cipher doing a mini roast/dozens/lovefest about each other. It was honest to god like watching the comic version of “scenario” or “the symphony” jokes and punchlines were flying fast. Stories of way back when was told. And I had the best seat in the house (Dave told me to play piano….but I took the bench just to get a good view) amazing night watching #themaster5"Anyway, this epic, one-night-only happening that you totally missed has naturally stoked those longstanding rumors of Rock and Chappelle maybe going out on tour together, with Rock now hinting they could hit the road as early as November. Hopefully there are more details to come on that, once Rock and Chappelle figure out where you live and how to avoid it.
5. Sooooooeeyyy!
Fascinating feature on a guy trying to breed the perfect pig... From the looks of him, I'd say he's been at it for a while...
An Iowa Farmer’s Quest for No Ordinary Pig
The Perfect Pig:
Carl Edgar Blake II, an Iowa pig farmer, believes he has bred the best tasting pork ever.
IONIA, Iowa – There once was a young boy who built motorcycles with his
father, raised pigs for Iowa county fairs and eventually fell in love
with computers when his fingers first tapped a Teletype portal in middle
school. He would write programs to help him with eighth-grade algebra
and use ASCII code to create images resembling Playboy centerfolds.
When he grew up, he would parlay his ingenuity into a career of building
Internet portals for cities and computer networks for big companies. He
would spin another business from a whim and a joke – building aquariums
out of old Macintosh computers.
And when he reached his mid 40s, right when one might expect his
entrepreneurial flame to dim, he instead embarked on a new
unconventional endeavor, one he hopes will revolutionize an industry.
Carl Edgar Blake II has tried to breed the perfect pig. Fatty, yet smooth. Meaty, yet flavorful.
He crossed a Chinese swine, the Meishan, with the Russian wild boar —
emulating a 19th-century German formula created when King Wilhelm I
imported the fatty Meishan to breed with leaner native wild pigs in what
is now the state of Baden-Württemberg. They called that one the Swabian
Hall. Dark and juicy, it assumed a place among Europe’s finest porcine.
6. Tweet of the Day
From Comedienne, Lisa Lampanelli
"Anne Hathaway practiced Oscar speech to be more likeable. If you hafta practice being likeable, you’re probably a cunt! #TakesOneToKnowOne"
7. Un-Tweet of the Day
BREAKING: Benedict XVI's papacy ends, making him first pope to retire in 600 years. - @AP
And in other news... this could be the best idea ever.. Screw the NCAA! Let's start a tourney!
8. The Michigan Porn Bandit
I heard he's on the loose... Obviously, Kimmel is on the case...
Part 1
Part 2
9. Where Are They Now?
It's been a while, but the TDS favorite returns in grand fashion with...
It's been a while, but the TDS favorite returns in grand fashion with...
Shockingly.. most of the crew looks the same... except for of course... the man, the myth, the legend..
So glad to see he's still alive and he hasn't blown up like some other old tv stars...
Side note: it's referenced in the Luke Perry slide..but he just had an awesome appearance on Community...(with another Old Friend)
10. She's Got IT
The stock of hollywood's new IT girl just keeps rising in my book... (of course, I've never seen her actually act in anything, but that doesn't matter does it?)
(Although.. you see what happens when you let chicks roll.. sloppy)
11. Headline of the Day
Good work, Huff Post
Pope Ends Papacy With Dramatic Bond-Style Helicopter Exit From Vatican
Benedict Tweets To Thank Supporters For Their Love..
Hundreds Of Thousands Gather To Wave Off Benedict..
'I'm Just A Pilgrim In This World'
12. He Still Got Game?
Looks like Ray Allen already has plans for post-NBA life.. could a He Got Game sequel be in the works?
13. Music Video of the Day
Yes, I guess these still get made.. though I don't know where they actually "live".. other than the internets..
Official Pro-Shot Video: Widespread Panic – Walkin’ (For Your Love) + Time-Lapse Footage From Panic En La Playa Dos
In late January Widespread Panic played four full shows over four nights at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic for Cloud 9 Adventures’ Panic en La Playa Dos. Cloud 9 has shared a handful of performances from the event on their YouTube channel.Today, Cloud 9 posted an amazing video of the band performing Walkin’ (For Your Love) that also includes very cool time-lapse footage from the event. Let’s take a look…
Not a bad place to see a show.. 2014 anyone?
14. Community Breakdown
Nice read for any Community fans out there.. I personally think the season has been pretty good so far. Maybe getting a lil stale, but like the article says, dont a lot of sitcoms get stale the longer they go on? The easy fix for me... MORE CHANG!
15. Mazel Tov!
31 reasons why Bar/Bat Mitzvahs are the best...( for the record, I killed it at mine ;)
Dont know who that is. but could be the best photo of all time
Rodman tells Kim Jong Un he has 'friend for life'
February 28, 2013
South Korea — Ex-NBA star Dennis Rodman hung out Thursday with North
Korea's Kim Jong Un on the third day of his improbable journey with VICE
to Pyongyang, watching the Harlem Globetrotters with the leader and
later dining on sushi and drinking with him at his palace.
"You have a friend for life," Rodman told Kim before a crowd of thousands at a gymnasium where they sat side by side, chatting as they watched players from North Korea and the U.S. play, Alex Detrick, a spokesman for the New York-based VICE media company, told The Associated Press.
"You have a friend for life," Rodman told Kim before a crowd of thousands at a gymnasium where they sat side by side, chatting as they watched players from North Korea and the U.S. play, Alex Detrick, a spokesman for the New York-based VICE media company, told The Associated Press.