Friday, November 8, 2013

Back to basics

1. Breakfast of Champions 
(aka Usain in the Membrane)

What does the fastest man on the planet eat? The answer may surprise you.. 

Although, it could also explain why he runs so fast... racing to the deucer..

Usain Bolt: Torrid sex, baton fights and 1,000 Chicken McNuggets
How do I get a Jam bib?

2. And Speaking of Champions

Hey, remember when the Red Sox won the World Series? That was awesome. So is this montage a 'BZ editor put up on vimeo. Epicness.

3. Judgement Day

Today.. Rock, Paper, Scissors.. Tomorrow.. WORLD DOMINATION!

Of course, like its Human teachers.. it figured out the best way to ensure victory is cheating.

4. Police Log

Using the whole fist there, Officer?

The WORST hit & run ever

Mayor Gone Wild (Maybe if Menino smoked some crack he would be able to articulate his sentences)

5. Headline of the Week

I guess you can get away with a little more overseas... but either way, bravo Huff Post.

6. Tweet of the Week / #FF

For some reason, I never followed Will Ferrell on twitter until this week.. dont know what I was thinking bc this dude's feed is pure comedic gold. For example..

I hope that one day I can be as proud about anything as my cat is about his asshole.

7. Kimmel Hates Kids

I guess he does this every year, but I'd never seen it before. Fucking priceless.

8. So Long, Snoop Lion

Hello Snoopzilla

9. Long(ish) Reads of the Week

Few good ones I came across.. and a little something for everybody..

RIP Blockbuster Video (for real this time) (and the amazing story of their meteoric rise to superstoredom)

10. A Closer Look

Desperate times call for desperate measures on the today show..

Al Roker on His Live ‘Today’ Prostate Exam

Co-hosts Matt Lauer and Al Roker had their prostates probed live on the air. Al Roker explains how they got the idea—and why it wasn’t about ratings. 


It wasn't about ratins? No shit.. why would anyone want to tune in to see that.. even the co-anchors couldn't believe it. 

11. Fundraising Campaign of the Week

How come this never happens to me when I'm walking down the street.. although, I guess it depends on who exactly is doing the "cupping"

Women Respond to 'Motorboating for Cancer' by Cupping Balls for Cancer

12. Unearthed Gems of the Week

Belichick Mic'd Up  (Pedroia? That dude's like 150 lbs!)

13. Full(ish) Show Friday

New documentary about the Hendrix experience bringing the fyaah to Miami.. Rolling stone posted this sneak peak the night before it was on PBS.. but you can also watch the entire thing here. Iz nice. I love how everyone in the crowd is sitting down. Easy to forget that people used to NOT dance at concerts. Of course, if you go to see the Allmans nowadays, some people still don't dance. But that's because they're old.

I wonder why all these kids are sitting on their ass at my shows... is it my solos? the acid? Probably both..

15.  Mensch of the Week

Who says New Yorkers are assholes? Ok, I do. But at least there's one dude who is not.. and obv..he's a Jew. Shabbot Shalom Bitches!

Sleeping Stranger Subway Picture On Q Train Defines Empathy And Is A Lesson In Being Good


Redditor Braffination wrote, "Heading home on the Q train yesterday when this young black guy nods off on the shoulder of a Jewish man. The man doesn't move a muscle, just lets him stay there. After a minute, I asked the man if he wanted me to wake the kid up, but he shook his head and responded, 'He must have had a long day, let him sleep. We've all been there, right?'"

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