Just a nice window into the Stoner's Dream that is Colorado right now. I also saw this amazing story on a guy who runs a delivery service out there, but they havent posted it on their website yet. Out of control.
Colorado pot gets homemaking boom
|Fan Offers Testicle To Bruce Springsteen For Song Request
Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band are currently in the middle of a European Tour that brought them to AWD Arena in Hannover, Germany last night for The Boss’s first-ever show in that city. As he’s done at most shows this tour, Springsteen entered the crowd to collect song requests written on signs held by fans. Thanks to the signs, The Boss and his longtime band have been busting out deep cut originals and covers at an impressive rate on The Wrecking Ball Tour.
At yesterday’s show, Bruce came back to the stage with a sign containing quite an unusual request/offer. Springsteen showed off a sign that said, “I’d give my right testicle to hear Drift Away.” Springsteen responded that he would play the Dobie Gray cover as long as he didn’t have to see the man’s left OR right testicle. He then warned that the band had only played the song a few times (four performances in total since 1984), and didn’t really know Drift Away but that he did want the man to go home with both testicles, so he’d give it a shot.
((Follow link above for video))
At yesterday’s show, Bruce came back to the stage with a sign containing quite an unusual request/offer. Springsteen showed off a sign that said, “I’d give my right testicle to hear Drift Away.” Springsteen responded that he would play the Dobie Gray cover as long as he didn’t have to see the man’s left OR right testicle. He then warned that the band had only played the song a few times (four performances in total since 1984), and didn’t really know Drift Away but that he did want the man to go home with both testicles, so he’d give it a shot.
((Follow link above for video))
5. Innovation of the Day
6. Job Application of the Day
7. Checkers Legend of the Day
8. Emotional Testimony of the Day
If you haven't been following this father/son prostitution ring story.. you are missing out. I can see the lifetime movie wheels spinning now.. who plays this, ho is the question? My money's on Lohan...
Hooker praises father-son sex ring - details vacations, luxe benefits on stand
- Last Updated: 11:55 PM, May 28, 2013
- Posted: 2:16 PM, May 28, 2013
Cars, a furnished home in Allentown, Pa, ski and beach vacations as well as a four-year, all-expenses-paid maternity leave. These were among the bennies of turning $300 tricks in limousine back seats and fancy Manhattan hotel room for Vincent George, Jr. and Sr. — so swears Danielle Geissler, 31.
"He made sure I was safe," Geissler said of her pimp, George Jr., who she called her sweetheart, her employer, her "daddy," and the doting father of her eight-year-old daughter.
Vincent George Jr., 34, and Vincent George Sr., 56, in court today.
Danielle Geissler testifies today in Manhattan court.
"We all took care of each other," Geissler enthused, sitting on the witness stand in a cleavage-hiding beige linen pants suit.
"Meaning me and his other girlfriends," she explained, describing Jr.'s Allentown-based stable of several blondes, who she said also called each other "wife-in-laws" and "bitches."
but wait.. there's more!
"We had our ups and downs, but for the most part I loved him," she told assistant district attorney John Temple, head of the Manhattan DA's sex trafficking unit, which is continuing to call Geissler and the alleged rings' four other sex workers "victims. "
"Please describe one of those 'downs,'" Temple asked.
"Um, me wanting something and not getting my way — like, um, d---," Geissler shared. "Sex."
Let that be a life lesson for you all... don't ever come between a ho and her d---
9. Interview(s) of the Day
Tough to really choose.. because there's just so much delicious insanity going on in this interview with Will & Jaden Smith...
But then.. anytime Nick Offerman is interviewed.. it's like reading the holy scriptures of manhood... for example ...
BUT -- there is ONE thing better than a Nick Offerman interview.. and that's a dual interview with Offerman and his wife, Megan Mullaly.. if any hollywood couple in the history of hollywood has a chance to make it.. it's definitely them. Need proof?
Hi, guys. We recently did a thing about the history of your relationship. So I wanted to talk to you about your most memorable dates.
Nick Offerman: Okay.
Megan Mullally: We've had a lot. Well, definitely first we need to decide if we’re going to answer these seriously or not. In case we are, we had a good one at the Hollywood Bowl.
Offerman: Anal.
Mullally: Where we performed anal sex in the stands.
Offerman: We were invited onstage where we performed anal sex to the "1812 Overture." You can only imagine.
Mullally: With a fireworks display.
Offerman: Traditionally they use cannons —
Mullally: They used Nick as the cannon for this one.
Offerman: Sort of an explosion in the Hollywood Hills that evening.
Mullally: [Laughs]
Offerman: We were celebrating our nation’s independence.
God bless America.
10.Commercials of the Day
Yes... there are still commercials running on TV (or so I've been told) .. of course, I never see them anywhere but on the internets.. so I can't be sure. Either way.. whoever the ad wizards are behind these gems.. they deserve a mad men style shot of "vitamins"..
Don't be a dish head
But Do.. Ship your pants.
And while we're here.. who would want to Ship your pants when you can...
11. Investigative Reporter of the Day
This guy wouldnt know a good story if it walked up behind him and... oh wait..
Missing man walks up to news crew reporting on … missing man
A local television news crew reporting on a missing Maine man found him as they were about to shoot a live update near his home.
Robert McDonough, a 73-year-old
who suffers from dementia, had been missing for more than 14 hours when
he walked past the WMTW News 8 crew camped out on the side of his road
in rural Limington.
See.. who says Journalism is useless! It's a public service. We are here to make the world a better place. And sometimes, just sometimes... we succeed...
And other times.... well..
12. Creepy Shit of the Day
Finally someone took two of the things on this planet I could care less about..(taxidermy, and cats) and combined them.. thus making something somewhat interesting.. Special thanks to our Mile High Club correspondant...(think about it)
OK, Fine, Here’s the Flying Dead Cat Taxidermy Helicopter Sculpture
13. And now for some music
If I were to tell you that I found...
A Young Led Zeppelin playing on TV in 1969
Trey jamming with Del McCoury
An unreleased version of Psycho Killer with a kick-ass Cello track (yes, I just wrote the words "kick-ass Cello" deal with it.)
A Free EP from David Byrne and St Vincent!
An awesome cover of a tune that I forgot was actually not awful (trying hard NOT to admit any sort of affection for Hall & Oats.. you decide if I was succesfful)
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